Waking up. My least favourite thing to do everyday. I think about going back to sleep, but it's already mid-day...HOLY SHIT ITS ALREADY MID-DAY?!
I quickly jump out of bed and put on my normal gear and run out of my bedroom and jump down the whole stairs. There was a loud stomp and a crack as I hit the ground...I saw that everyone was in the lounge room staring at me.
"Y-Y'know...You'd think that having max defence would make you be able to withstand jumping down stairs...B-But it really doesn't...Aqua...Could you please heal my legs...?"
Aqua: "Y-Yeah..."
Aqua walked over to me and started healing my legs.
Kazuma: "This is the second time you've hurt yourself on the stairs, (Y/N). You gotta be more careful..."
(BF/N): "Second time?"
Kazuma: "Yeah, a while ago he tripped down the stairs. Now he has that scar over his eye."
(BF/N): "Ah right, I was gonna ask him about that."
Aqua then finished healing my legs.
Aqua: "There, done."
"Ahhhhh~ Thank you so much..."
Aqua then turned to the others.
Aqua: "He literally broke a bone or two jumping down those stairs since his feet landed wrongly."
(BF/N) laughed at my misfortune.
Darkness: "How is that funny?"
(BF/N): "Ah, well it's not really. It's just that it reminds me of old times."
He then turned to me.
"What kind of things?"
(BF/N): "Remember, I think it was ummmm...2 years ago? It was when we were in the city and you tripped and uncontrollably started rolling down the giant hill we were on at the park?"
I sweat dropped and laughed a bit.
"Yeah...Didn't I crash into a tree and get that scar on my back?"
(BF/N): "Oh yeah! You did!"
YunYun: "What scar?"
I turn around and lift my shirt up revealing a scar that went across my whole back.
"Was not a good time. Lot of blood."
I turn back to them dropping my shirt.
"Anyway. Are there anything planned today?"
Kazuma: "Nope. Aqua is about to leave and go to her job to pay off her debt. Darkness will be going back home for a few days. So we aren't going on any adventures till she's back. I'll also be touring (BF/N) around the town."
"I see. I suppose I'll just laze around here then?"
Kazuma: "Alright. Well, lets go (BF/N)."
(BF/N): "Aight."
(BF/N) and Kazuma walked out of the door as I saw Aqua grab what looked like maid clothes.
"Maid clothes? What kind of job do you have?"
Aqua: "Yeah. I work as a waitress."
"Right. Well have fun!"
Aqua: "I won't!"
I laughed as she closed the door. Darkness started walking upstairs and I followed.
"So how come you're going back home?"

Konosuba X Lightning User Male Reader
FanfictionAn average run-of-the-mill male finds himself in an unfamiliar world. He's been tasked with defeating the Demon King, but first must defeat the Generals that uphold the barrier to his castle. Will this new adventurer prevail or will he fall to the b...