The demons chased us as we fled. Kazuma had picked up Megumin on the way. I could fight but uh...plot development?Kazuma: "Crap! Which way do we go?!"
Aqua: "We don't have to run! I can take them!"
Kazuma: "No, we do have to run!"
Darkness stopped running and turned to the demons, sword in hand.
Darkness: "It's hopeless. They've got us surrounded. We have to fight!"
Kazuma: "And just how are we supposed to fight all of them?!"
Kazuma tripped, making him and Megumin fall to the ground.
Kazuma: "Bwah?!"
Elektra: "Kazuma!"
Demon: "Now! Time to die, Crimson Magic scum!"
The demon brought his weapon above his head. I pulled out my sword jumped towards them to block his attack but a beam of light shot out and cut some demons.
We looked in the direction of where the beam came from and saw four Crimson Demons, assuringly so due to their crimson eyes.
C.D 1: "May your flesh vanish without a the dark inferno of my mind's abyss!"
C.D 2: "No! I can't control it! You shall be the sacrifices that calm the tumult of destruction within me...!"
C.D 3: "Now rest for eternity...Feel the embrace of my ice!"
C.D 4: "Go into the next life. I shall not forget you. I shall carve you into my soul's memory forevermore!"
The four of them spammed Light of Saber on the demons, finishing them off relatively quickly.
C.D 1: "We heard the distant echo of an explosion, so we came...and found Megumin and YunYun! It's been a while. That was a close call."
Megumin: "Bukko-rorii! Is that you? It has been a while, and thanks for the help."
Kazuma: "You know this guy?"
Bukko-rorri: "I'm just glad you're not hurt. But why are you even here?"
YunYun: "Er...we heard the village was in trouble and hurried home..."
Bukko: "Trouble?"
The four of them looked between each other.
Bukko: "Uh...nevermind. Anyway, who are these guys?"
Megumin: "Oh, they're my adventuring companions, and—"
Bukko: "Then listen well! My name is Bukkororii! First among the cobblers' sons of Crimson Magic Clan...Arch-Wizard, wielder of advanced magic, and leader of the Demon King Destroyers!"
"DKD, huh? Heh. Donky Kong's Dong."
Kazuma smirked at me before turning back and holding his hand up to his chest.
Kazuma: "Well met! My name is Kazuma Satou...learner of many skills in the town of Axel and he who has crossed blades with Demon King Generals. A pleasure."
"My name is (Y/N) (L/N)! Apprentice of Lightning skills and and Guardian of Axel! And as too as Kazuma, he who has crossed blades with multiple Demon King Generals."
C.D's: "Ooooh~!"
Bukko: "Well said. Very well said! Most people react rather strangely to our introductions, but you—!"

Konosuba X Lightning User Male Reader
FanfictionAn average run-of-the-mill male finds himself in an unfamiliar world. He's been tasked with defeating the Demon King, but first must defeat the Generals that uphold the barrier to his castle. Will this new adventurer prevail or will he fall to the b...