I don't know what day it is. It's starting to get hard living. Eating bugs and grubs isn't really the most efficient way to keep myself from being hungry. It's unfortunate that there aren't many animals around here. I arrive back in my small cave. It's been raining for a couple days now so my time being out in search of food has reduced greatly, I don't want to get myself sick. I gathered some leaves and put them in my small makeshift campfire. I chuck them on and it fuels the fire.I sit in front of it, heating myself up but only a bit. I hear voices of adventurers so I quickly put the fire out. I run to the entrance of my cave and kick a stick that's been standing up straight holding something up. The entrance to the cave is then covered by moss. I slowly move away, trying not to make any noise.
???: "He's gotta be somewhere close!"
???: "Who knows. He could've teleported like halfway across the world for all we know!"
???: "We can't complain about it. He's defeated two Demon King Generals and saved the town twice. The least we can do is help his party get back their friend."
???: "Mm. But hey, have you guys noticed the little crazy explosion girl has seemed really gloomy ever since he disappeared?"
???: "Yeah. She ain't so crazy at the moment. I sort of feel bad."
???: "Hey guys, check this out!"
???: "Animal blood? And it's fresh! Could he be nearby?"
???: "Maybe! Go and get other adventurers! We'll stay here!"
???: "Right!"
I hear two people running away.
???: "I wonder where he could be."
???: "Must be somewhere hidden. Like something in plain sight."
I hear their voices become louder.
???: "What about this moss?"
???: "Ew! No! I'm not touching that!"
???: "...Yeah fair enough."
I can hear the two of them sit down.
???: "Well, we may as well rest here till others come back."
???: "Mm."
Shit. I can't get out of here! And I can't use my abilities since my mana is basically at zero.
I move to the deepest part of the cave which isn't far from the entrance. Really the only hiding place is a corner that can't be seen from the entrance.
???: "We're back!"
???: "Great."
I hear a familiar voice.
Chris: "So he's around here, you say?"
??? "Yeah, we think so. We've found animal blood, foot marks and other things. He has to be close."
I hear countless footsteps.
How many adventurers did they bring?!
Chris: "Kazuma. These adventurers told me he could be around this area."
Kazuma: "Perfect!"
I could hear a shift of feet.
Kazuma: "Alright guys. Let's split up and look around. Be careful not to catch a cold in this rain."

Konosuba X Lightning User Male Reader
FanfictionAn average run-of-the-mill male finds himself in an unfamiliar world. He's been tasked with defeating the Demon King, but first must defeat the Generals that uphold the barrier to his castle. Will this new adventurer prevail or will he fall to the b...