???: "Defendant (Y/N) (L/N), in light of your numerous immoral deeds, to say nothing...of your total, indeed sociopathic, disregard for public safety..."Dear Mom and Dad...How are you doing? I'll bet it's pretty cold back on your world. I've been doing great things in this world.
???: "...I consider the prosecution's recommendation to be appropriate. I find you guilty and sentence you..."
I've also become a criminal who shames his parents—
???: "...To death."
-Please forgive me...
Let's rewind this, shall we?
Despite it's ridiculous name, it was a bounty feared all over the world— Mobile Fortress Destroyer. And we defeated it thanks to my exceptional command. We'd come to have breakfast at the guild but...
???: "Adventurer (Y/N) (L/N)! You are hereby charged with sedition! I'll need you to come with me!"
A female with long black hair and glasses was trying to take me away. She wore a blue button up shirt with white stripes here and there and a short black dress.
".....Um...Who are you? And what's sedition?"
Sena: "I am Sena, Goverment prosecutor. Sedition is the crime of attempting to undermine or overthrow the state. And you are under suspicion of being a terrorist—or an agent of the Demon King's army."
Aqua: "What?! Just a second, (Y/N). What have you done?!"
She started shaking me back and forth.
Aqua: "What awful things have you been up to when our backs are turned?! Apologise right now! I'll help you do it! Just do it!"
"Hey! I haven't done anything!"
Megumin stood forward.
Megumin: "Wait just a minute! Is there not some kind of mistake?! He may be perverted but he lacks the nerve to attempt a coup!"
Darkness: "Mm. I agree, he isn't capable of such a grand malfeasance. He stares at me with animal lust every time I wear thin clothing, but can't even bring himself to sneak into my room at night."
"I DO NOT!! Y-Y-You're way too self-conscious! Don't get carried away just 'cos you're a little hot, okay?!"
Darkness retorted bringing up a not so forgotten memory.
Darkness: "Y-Y-You made me do all that stuff in the bath, and now you...?!"
"We agreed I was under the control of a succubus then! Maybe you hoped something would happen!"
Darkness: "I'll kill you!"
Darkness was about to grab my throat, when I bumped into Megumin and Aqua behind me who glared at me and had a shadow casted over their eyes.
Megumin: "(Y/N)...What did you do with Darkness in the bath?"
I yelled in shock and ran behind YunYun.
"Save me YunYun!"
Sena then yelled gaining out attention again.
Sena: "Regardless! The coronatite powering the Mobile Fortress Destroyer, which was teleported on this man's orders...was transported to the manor of the local lord!"
"I can't believe this...A lord died in an explosion I caused....?!"
Sena: "He's not dead! Do not kill him off! Thankfully no one was home so there were no injuries. But the house itself was destroyed."

Konosuba X Lightning User Male Reader
FanfictionAn average run-of-the-mill male finds himself in an unfamiliar world. He's been tasked with defeating the Demon King, but first must defeat the Generals that uphold the barrier to his castle. Will this new adventurer prevail or will he fall to the b...