A lot has happened in the last two months, so we decided to go on a short vacation in a couple days. While the party decided on where to go, I decided to take a trip back to Graviton. Upon arriving, I was already met with guards greeting me with smiling faces.I walked into town and through the bustling streets up to the manor. I knock on the door a couple times and wait a few seconds. The butler from last time appeared when the door opened.
Butler: "Ah, Mr. (Y/N). What business do you have here?"
"Nothing in particular, just visiting. Say, is Bell here?"
He nodded.
Butler: "She is in the garden. Ah, would you like to come in?"
He moved out of the way and let me in. He led me to the garden door and went back to his business. I opened the door and was honestly not expecting the sight before me. This garden was more like a small utopia.
Not far away, I saw Bell sitting at a table sipping a cup of coffee. She looked so at peace that I was almost tempted to not disturb her. I quietly and slowly paced myself to her.
"Good afternoon Bell."
She turned to me.
Bell: "(Y/N)! Hello! What brings you here today?"
I moved myself over to the chair adjacent from hers.
"I did say I would visit when I had free time. I thought I'd stop by before I go away for a couple days."
Bell: "Oh? Where are you going?"
"Not sure, I left the decision up to my party while I came here."
Bell: "I see."
"Wanna come?"
Bell: "Huh?"
"Wanna join us? Depending on where they choose, it could be relaxing."
Bell: "Or it could be like the last time you tried to go on vacation."
"How do you even know about the Arcanreita incident? I didn't even know you until after."
Bell: "Word travels around fast."
"Yeah, sounds about right."
Bell: "Well, I might take you up on that offer. I'd like to get out of the village for a bit."
"Sweet! I'll ask them when I go back later and I'll stop by again tomorrow telling you their answer."
Bell smiled and sipped her coffee.
Bell: "Oh, how rude of me! Would you like some coffee, (Y/N)?"
"Yeah? Don't mind if I do then."
Bell poured me a cup and I took a sip of it.
Bell: "How is it?"
"Mm! This is delicious!"
Bell: "Why thank you! I made it myself!"
"You made this?!"
Bell: "I'm thinking about possibly opening a cafe in the future. Although, me growing coffee beans is merely just a hobby so I'm not sure if I'd be dedicated to it."
"Well I'll support you if you do, cause this is great!"
I took a large sip and finished the cup.
Bell: "So what have you been up to recently?"
"Other than fighting another Demon King general at the Crimson Demon village and researching, not much."
Bell: "You fought another?"

Konosuba X Lightning User Male Reader
FanficAn average run-of-the-mill male finds himself in an unfamiliar world. He's been tasked with defeating the Demon King, but first must defeat the Generals that uphold the barrier to his castle. Will this new adventurer prevail or will he fall to the b...