Chapter 19 - A Blessing for this Magical Choker!

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My party and I were walking through town towards Wiz's shop.

"Tell me again. Why are we going to Wiz's shop?"

Kazuma: "I've got some questions to ask. You guys just decided to tag along."

"I see."

We arrived at the store front and we walked in.

~<Minor Minor Timeskip>~

I was looking around the store. As normal, Kazuma and Aqua were arguing and I saw Megumin slapping YunYun's breasts. At least (BF/N) and Darkness are content.

God. Sometimes, I really wish they'd be more calm...

I look at the ground and see some weird choker. It was the one YunYun was holding before she dropped it after Megumin started slapping her breasts. The design of it was just black and red squares. I pick it up and put it around my neck. I turn to (BF/N).

"Hey, (BF/N). How does this look?"

(BF/N) turns to me and looks at the choker.

(BF/N): "That looks pretty good!"

"I agree. I think I'll buy it."

I go to unclip it but it won't move.


(BF/N): "Whats wrong?"

"I-It won't unclip..."

(BF/N): "Let me try."

I turn around and he attempts to unclip it.

(BF/N): "Yeah. That shit's stuck."

Wiz looks over to me and her eyes widen.

Wiz: "Oh no, (Y/N)!"

Everyone turns to me.

"Why won't this come off?"

Wiz: "Th-That magic choker stays on until your wish comes true a-and each day it doesn't, it slowly chokes you!"

Darkness began to fidget as a blush crept across her face.

"What the hell?! This things cursed?!"

Wiz: "It's not cursed! It's really popular with women actually! If they want to lose some weight, they put it on to help motivate them."

It makes you grant your own wishes? Are you kidding!

Aqua: "So? What did you wish for before you put that thing on?"

"I dunno. I don't think I wished for anything really."

Wiz: "That's bad! At this rate, the choker will continue to tighten, and in four days..."

"I'm gonna be killed by some stupid weight-loss device?!"

YunYun: "This is all my fault...If I wasn't so clumsy and dropped the choker he wouldn't have picked it up!"

Megumin: "No it's my fault for rough-housing and making you drop it."

Darkness: "And if Aqua and I hadn't distracted Wiz, she would've been able to stop him. I'm sorry, (Y/N)."

Wiz: "No! If anyone's here at fault, it's me. I shouldn't have put anything that dangerous on the shelf for someone to pick up..."

Wiz walked over to me and held my hands.

Wiz: "(Y/N)...I'll help you remember your wish and get that choker off you. Don't you worry."

YunYun: "You can count on me too!"

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