I arrive back on my plane of existence after becoming trapped in the dream plane for 9 hours. It's 10:30am. At least it's not mid-day.I get out of bed and get changed into normal gear. I walk out of my room being met with (BF/N) who was walking down the hall.
"Ah. Goodmornin"
(BF/N): "Mornin'"
The two of us walked downstairs and we're greeted by everyone.
I just kinda stop moving standing in one spot.
(BF/N): "Uh (Y/N)? You good there buddy?"
I start to sway back and forth before falling forward. I then come back to my senses as I'm falling.
I face plant straight into the ground. I lift myself and sit up-right.
I rub my forehead which had a huge mark.
Kazuma: "What happened?"
I shrug.
"Dunno. I'm just very tired I suppose."
I rub some gunk out of my eye before standing up.
"Can we do something today? Like a quest since Darkness is back?"
Kazuma: "Don't see why not. We can also see (BF/N) in action."
Everyone is staring at me.
I fall forward again landing face first again.
"Ah hah hah!"
(BF/N): "I couldn't tell if that was a laugh or a cry."
"It was a cry!"
Aqua: "How much sleep did you get?"
"I should've gotten enough!"
I stand back up and lose my balance a bit but I catch myself.
Megumin: "Are you feeling okay, (Y/N)?"
"Hm? Yeah. I feel fine! Now c'mon. Let's go to the guild."
We were in town walking towards the hall. I was lagging behind.
What is wrong with me today? Legs, can you work properly please?! FOR GOD SAKE JUST KEEP FUCKING BALANCE!
I almost fell over again.
We arrive at the guild and sit at our table and order some breakfast. The others look at me concerned.
Darkness: "(Y/N), you look a bit pale."
I look at my arm which does look pale. YunYun puts her hand up to my forehead.
YunYun: "He's heating up."
Kazuma: "I think you should head back..."
I shake my head.
"No...No I'm fine. M-Maybe I'm just hungry?"
Our breakfast arrives and I consume it fairly quickly.
"I swear if it's cabbage again..."
We all get up and run to the front gate. We walk through the crowd and in front of us in the distance is someone in dark armour riding a horse which also has armour. The horse stops and the person takes off their...head?! The thing just took its own head off and held it at it's side.

Konosuba X Lightning User Male Reader
FanfictionAn average run-of-the-mill male finds himself in an unfamiliar world. He's been tasked with defeating the Demon King, but first must defeat the Generals that uphold the barrier to his castle. Will this new adventurer prevail or will he fall to the b...