~| Chapter 1 |~

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Smiling to yourself, you were practically skipping up the hill to a beautiful two story house, with a paper plate in hand. It was just an old dirt road, and it lead to what you believed was an amazing house. It had a rustic interior from the previous owners, and a slight modern side to it as well. Yet on the outside, it looked like a modern home, being painted white and having a nice porch out back.

You were headed to this house simply because you had a friend who lived there. She was your only friend; the only person who understands you.

The two of you had an interest in the afterlife and death. It sounded weird but it was rather interesting. So, the two of you began talking on social media, then you found out that she'd be moving right down the street from you.

Both of you were very excited, but also slightly angry.

Lydia would be living with her step mom, Delia, and she did not like her at all. All she did was try to get some from her dad. During this, Charles wouldn't pay any attention to Lydia, and he would do anything for Delia. Always "Delia this" and "Delia that" but no room for his daughter.

Once you arrived at the doorstep, you hopped up the stairs, pushing the door open with a big smile.

"Lyds!" You called as you walked into the house holding the warm paper plate in your hands.

You saw her pop her head out of the room upstairs. She then gasped as she ran down to you with a wide smile.

"Are those what I think they are?" She asked excitedly, almost bouncing up and down.

"My famous cookies! I thought we could watch some movies and munch on them!"  You giggled, smiling as you set them down on the nearby coffee table.

"You're the best, sis!" She smiled as she hugged you from the side.

You and Lydia addresses each other as sisters because, at this point, the two of you have seen it all. You were bullied in school, and she was there. She saw Charles and Delia going around it, you were there.

You couldn't help but return the hug before seeing something on the staircase. It looked like two blurry figures just standing on the stairs. You squinted your eyes and tilted your head, trying to get a better look.

"What are you looking at?" Lydia looked at you with a confused look.

"I just... I thought I saw something." You sighed as you released the embrace on her. You have her hair a gentle rustle before taking off your bag.

"I'm gonna put my pajamas on then we can start watching some movies." You smiled as she nodded.

You took your items and went upstairs to set them in Lydia's room, since you were staying the night. You pulled out your pajamas, which were sweatpants and a tank top, and began to undress yourself.

You felt a gust of cold air hit your bare back, which caused you to inhale sharply. You quickly threw on the rest of your clothes and to your surprise, there wasn't a single window open.

Where did that wind come from?

Maybe it was just a chill.

You shrugged it off as you began heading back downstairs, then setting eyes on the stairs that led to the attic.

Let's just say you took a quick detour.

You headed up the stairs to the attic, quietly setting a hand on the handle. You turned it until you heard a small click. You pushed it open and it revealed a model of the small town, fairy lights, and just a bunch of old stuff.

Looking around the room, you noticed a book on a pile of boxes. It was an old brown book with a brown cover, and there was a painting of two people staring at a house on it.

Handbook for the Recently Deceased.


As you were about to take the book, a brick wall opened up and there was an eerie green glow coming from inside. You heard two voices as well, one of a female and another of a male.

You quickly hid behind a pile of boxes, watching as the two emerged from the wall. Then the door closed behind them, and you couldn't even tell it was there in the first place.

"Barbara, what do we do? I don't think we can scare them out of the house!" The male said worriedly as he sat down on a piece of covered furniture.

"What about that bio-exorcist?" The girl suggested, looking with him with a finger lingering on her chin. "He may be able to help us!"

"But Juno specifically told us not to call on him!" He declined quickly, looking at her like she was insane.

"Who?" You squeaked, slowly emerging from behind the boxes. You fidgeted with your hands for a bit before looking between the two.

They just stared at you, clearly in shock. The males jaw was hanging open and the female was just staring.

"You can see us?" The male asked, almost taking a step towards you.

You nodded.

"Do you live here?"

"No, I don't. I'm here for a sleepover, though I do come by a lot." You shook your head as you shrugged. "I heard you talking about scaring people. What's up with that?"

"Oh, the new family moved in and they want to change our whole house. We don't approve and we're trying to scare them out." The female had said with a simple shrug. "But everything we've tried has failed."

"It's gonna take more than a scare for Delia to leave." You rolled your eyes, sighing. "Just do me a favor, and I'll help you out."

They both looked at you, interested.

"Don't hurt Lydia. She's the daughter of Charles and she's my best friend." You said to them. "Also, there's a fancy dinner tomorrow night with some workers, so you may be able to scare them out then."

They both nodded.

"Oh, I'm Adam, by the way. And that's my wife, Barbara." He said with a small smile as Barbara waved.

"Nice to meet you. I'm y/n." You smiled as you did a lazy curtsy. "I should get going now, I told Lyds I'd watch a movie with her."

The two ghosts waved as you headed back down the stairs, to the second floor. You decided to move your stuff to the guest room door tonight, bring that you didn't want to talk about ghosts with Lydia.

After that was said and done, you went back downstairs only to find a sleep in Lydia on the couch with cookie crumbs all over her face.

You couldn't help but giggle as you wiped the crumbs from around her mouth. You then gently picked her up in your arms, carrying her back to her bedroom. You tucked her in and smiled, then quietly closed the door and headed to the guests room.

You jumped into the bed, sighing as the covers engulfed you. You shimmied around a bit before ending up on your back, starting to at the ceiling.

You closed your eyes for a moment before opening them again, seeing a figure floating above you.

"What the fuck."

The figure rolled over so he was on his stomach, and his legs were in the air. He had on a black and white striped suit, he had green hair that was brown at the roots, and a bit of stubble. His clothes looked old and really dirty, to the point where there was mold on some spots. He also looked extremely pale, and he was rather chubby.

"Who the hell are you?"

He blinked, rolling over onto his stomach and looking down on you. "You can see me?"

"Well, yeah."

He then gasped as he popped up in the spot next to you, wrapping an arm around you. He took a breath before screaming.


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