Chapter 2: A Fighter

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Life kicks you around sometimes.
It scares you and it beats you up.
But there's one day when you realize
you're not just a survivor.  
You're a fighter
You're tougher than anything
life throws your way. And you are.
~ One Tree Hill  

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When I woke up, I felt my right ankle wrapped up. I found my mom sitting beside the bed on a hospital chair. She had fallen asleep with her head buried in her arms on the bed. I noticed a bandage on her forehead above her left eye. I observed the white hospital room and its details.

I slowly tried to sit up waking my mom in the process. She helped me sit up and I stretched my stiff back owing to my unusual position of sleeping. Mom then hugged me and placed kisses on my face. She filled up a glass of water and gave it to me. I drank from it quenching my thirst.

When I asked her if she rang up the police, "Sandra, did you pour the water on me?" she asked.

I just nodded.

"Well, It took a few minutes but I managed to wake up and ring them up from your phone. I was so scared. I thought I acted late. If anything had happened to you..." She began shedding tears.

I hugged her and comforted her telling her that everything was going to be okay. But, I was truly impressed at my mom's nerve to stand up against Brian after years of fear and abuse.

I met the doctor who spoke about my injuries. There was nothing major with my stomach. But, my ankle would take a couple of weeks to heal which wasn't bad either. I'd be absolutely fine when school reopens again which was good. After all, I have three long months to go before the school reopened.

We were then asked if we needed a psychologist to support us. Mom just refused it assuring them that we will do just fine without one.

We were told to stay in the hospital for the day. A few hours later, the police visited and interrogated me. 

"Miss Arden, I am Officer John White. We require a few answers from you."

I nodded gesturing them to proceed.

"How long had you endured with Mr. Brian Rodriguez? Has he always been like this?"

"Around six years, Officer. He was always abusive."

"Why did you want to go through all that trouble while you could've just approached us?" 

"I wanted to provide clear evidence. I don't think it would be easy for us to hire a lawyer. Paying him would cost a fortune."

He nodded and chuckled. "I shouldn't feel pity for a prisoner. But, Miss, You ought to know. Brian has lost the...Uhhh. The ability to produce kids. The doctors ran some tests on him. He even has a damaged vision now... You truly are a fighter, Miss Cassandra Arden. Good luck on your future! You have a bright one ahead."

I beamed with pride although I knew Brian had let his guard down not realizing what I was capable of.  I guess Linda was right about the fact that I was pretty good. I can cause some real damage. The officers noted down some details and left.

Thinking about Linda, she busted in through the doors in just minutes after the Officers left.

She just stood very still and calm in front of me for a few seconds that ticked by. Behind that calm gesture, I knew immediately that she was so furious that she could turn a table over.

"I'm so sorry Linda," I almost squeaked.

She just sat down on the corner of my bed," Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again... Ever. "

"I promise."

She looked relieved visibly and hugged me. I was glad she didn't interrogate or lecture me for not telling her things. Gratitude filled me. What would I have done if Linda wasn't there to train me?

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By around seven in the evening, I was taken home. I was glad to step inside without the fear of Brian being around. I smiled visibly as the thought of Brian not being around settled into me. The stars were finally shining upon us.

I ate some light dinner that mom cooked for us. I insisted on sleeping in my room and climbed up the stairs against my mom's protests.

It took almost ten minutes to get up there considering my ankle's condition. My mom literally trailed right behind me putting her hands out as if to catch me if I tripped. But, I was determined to get a good night's sleep. I felt it would be one after so many years...

Mom helped me change into my PJ's, pecked me on the cheek, and left the room. I brought out the diary that my mom gifted for my last birthday. I only wrote in it when I was most upset and needed motivation and strength. I always poured my fears and insecurities into it. But, today, I'm going to pour my victory into it because every victory counts and gets you going.

 All those years of struggle and fear should've broken me and made me paranoid. But, I kept stretching my limits and kept challenging fate asking her how much and for how long she was going to keep trying to throw me into a ditch. I cried. I was hurt. There were times my mom couldn't do anything out of fear apart from locking me in my bedroom while he tortured her. I was scared as hell. I felt tormented and had nightmares. I still can't believe I'm here. He was the devil. I fought him.  I am not only a survivor but also a fighter.

I always felt that the diary would help me someday, not just to pour my feelings into it but also to gain strength from it. I would only strive to be a better me. Therefore, I wouldn't need to look anywhere else, apart from within me and my past. I let on a few tears of relief and snuggled into my bed feeling safe and peaceful and drifted into the abyss of sleep.

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Namaste(Hello) Reader!

Short Chapter... But totally worth it to me. ;) Just a note...Please don't forget to live life to its fullest. Some people forget to enjoy or experience life while giving in to their usual routine....;) Trust me. It's totally worth it when you believe every little thing that happens is beautiful and has a reason. You'd start seeing how beautiful your life really is.

-- Jahnavi B.

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