Chapter 14: The Heat

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☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆

☆ My past is an armor I
cannot take off, no
matter how many
times you tell me the
war is over. 

☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆


I stepped on the brake stopping in front of the packhouse. I could hear Aura sobbing and tearing at her clothes. I stepped out of the car. I knew that it would be difficult to carry her through the Packhouse.

I never thought I'd do this. I gulped down my fear and took a deep breath only to let it out shakily.

Then, I yelled at the top of my voice. "ANTON!! Get your ass out here. NOW!!"

I yelled his name the third time when Bernard and Walter came running from the grounds and reached me. 

"What is it-" The wind blew towards them probably carrying Aura's scent. 

"Shit-" Was their first reaction and I took a step back towards the car. I was scared. I had never been in this situation before.

"ANTON, YOU ASSHOLE!! GET YOUR CARCASS DOWN HERE, NOW!! ITS AURORA!" I yelled again a little weakly.

I saw Anton sprint outside. Fear gripped me stronger than before. My eyes burned with unshed tears as my fingers shook slightly. I took another deep breath.

"Aura is in heat. Can you take her up to her room while I bring some ice?" I barely whispered tears threatening to fall from my eyes. 

He looked shocked and momentarily I found a special interest on the beetle waddling across the soil trying to take off. I was scared shitless and my breath came out in small pants. He just nodded slowly as he took a look at Aura. 

As he pulled her out, I realized her scent didn't bother him. He was just taking care of his baby sister. He growled like an animal at  Bernard and Walter to back away and rushed with Aura into the packhouse.

I sobbed and let out a few tears before sniffling and recovering quickly. Sometimes, a person becomes like a pressure cooker. You need to let out some steam to reduce the pressure on your mind and think clearly.

Bernard and Walter looked at me with concern. " Hey, Grey? We're so sorry. " They tried to approach me as I just backed away putting more distance between us. I put my hands out stopping them as I took another deep breath and released.

"I'm okay. " I cringed as my voice shook pathetically. I gulped and cleared my throat. "I'm gonna go," I told them and nodded. I took off into the Packhouse.

I rushed into the kitchens and demanded ice.  I realized slowly that the people cooking in the kitchen were werewolves. There were only two people aka humans who were cleaning up after them. The wolves scowled.

" We can't let you take the ice. It is required at night. You are in no place to make demands." A stern blonde-haired female answered raising an eyebrow.

" Listen, this is no time for hostility. Aura's in heat. She requires it. You can freeze water in just thirty minutes. " I said as calmly as I could. 

" We didn't receive orders from the Alpha. Why should we listen to you? Anywho, cool water is more than enough. That is how most of us survive." She told me looking bored.

I could feel waves of anger hit me. I took a deep breath, stopping myself from breaking her pretty face. Something came over me and I looked at her like I owned her. I spoke in a dangerously low voice that I didn't know existed. "You will give me the ice right now. I will give you forty-five minutes to freeze the next set of ice and have it delivered to Aura's room. You have two minutes to get that ice out of that fridge, to put it in a container, and to place it in my hand." 

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