Chapter 1: Knight

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

I forgot to say one thing, there is no concept of destined mates. A werewolf can mate any other that they like---they choose their mates themselves but once marked, can't be reversed.

Third Person POV

One year and seven months, Taehyung thought he had succeeded in leaving behind his past. Those 8 years of pure torture that he was thrown into---he finally ran away even though he had a new life inside of him at that time, scared that how will he bring up the baby in the world if he's all alone.

He even thought of abortion but he couldn't have a heart to do it. Whatever happened to him, the baby had nothing to do with it. It was not the baby's fault so why should Taehyung be cruel and kill the innocent life that was yet to open his eyes in the world. He just didn't want his child to suffer like he did.

He was scared to death when he ran away even though he doesn't remember how it all happened, all in his kind was the rush to escape because he had enough. If someone found out he broke the rules and if they got scent of the new life inside him, they wouldn't hesitate to whip him to death.

He was only 18, running away form the cruelties with a precious life with him---he has been hopeless, scared, cold and extremely weak. He didn't speak a word, too scared that he'd say something that will take him back to that hell because he knows anything bad can happen in his life.

He couldn't believe his luck that after running and hiding, even stealing for himself---he was taken in by an omegan and orphan trust.

He couldn't be called an orphan since he was no longer a minor but he was so grateful that he found this place, a shelter that took care of him. He was so happy that it all felt like a dream. He was given to eat, was taken care of during his pregnancy and his son came in his life healthy and good.

That day, Taehyung felt the immense happiness that he never felt in his life. It felt like everything is perfect and that Taehyung can finally be happy, having little Kim Hansol in his arms, touching his delicate hands and watching him flutter open his eyes---it was beautiful. He was finally living.

Taehyung never wanted to think about Hansol's alpha father because he didn't care and never even once he thought about him. Only Taehyung was Hansol's father and his guardian.

Hansol was 10 months old now and Taehyung's one mistake raised hell in his life again.

He was being dragged---being held tightly by strong grips and he kept squirming, crying but no one would hear him, these people are too cruel---Lotus pack has lost it's morals---or maybe they never had them.

His teary and desperate eyes were only searching for the person who snatched Hansol from him. He only wanted his son to be alright, nothing else. He could hear his baby cry but he couldn't see him and that was worse than anything.

It wasn't even two years that he got his freedom and now it's being taken away from him again.

"Take him to the ground and tie him up." Taehyung knows this voice very well. It's the pack leader. The first person to make Taehyung dirty with his touch.

Taehyung thought he was screaming, begging but in reality, no words could come out of his mouth. He couldn't think of anything but his son. He knew where they were taking him and what would happen in the end but he didn't want to lose faith that he won't be able to see Hansol again.

The only fear he had after giving birth to Hansol was to give him a good and better life. To watch him become successful and be loved. Taehyung was ten when everything was taken from him, he didn't go to school after that---he didn't want anything like that happen to Hansol.

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