Chapter 27: Lavish

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

"Come on pup, one step---just one step. You can do it." Jeongguk was holding Hansol's hands in his own and trying to make him walk atleast one step.

They were in the garden yard of pack house. Taehyung was watching in amusement as Jeongguk tries to make Hansol walk even a single step without using his support even though he told him Hansol is getting a year old next month and will probably learn to walk after that. Jeongguk doesn't listen.

"You're going to get him tired." Taehyung says.

He sitting on the wooden sitting, eating fruits that Seokjin cut for him, saying they are always healthy for body. He even feeds Jeongguk, even though the older says he doesn't need them---with a body like this.

"We have to go on a run, pup. You and me and for that, you gotta learn to walk and then you'll be like me---". Jeongguk says but stops when he hears Taehyung laughing.

"What's so funny?" Jeongguk says, narrows his eyes playfully at his mate. Taehyung shrugs and continues eating.

"He won't even be able to shift until almost---four and you're wanna take him on a run?" Taehyung asks.

"Hansol doesn't have to be four to go on a run with me. I'll pick him in my arms and we'll have a fun outing." Jeongguk says as he holds Hansol in his arms, the pup now hungry.

"You both will go without me?" Taehyung asks, raises his eyebrow and Jeongguk grins teasingly.

"Well, I was talking about mine and Hansol's outing and run---you were just laughing as if it's the most funniest thing. Now you wanna go too?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung shrugs.

"I'll see how you go without me." Taehyung says rather confidently because he knows it's the truth.

"Now go bring Hansol's feed from Seokjin hyung. He must've done preparing it." Taehyung says before Jeongguk can answer him.

"I'm busy with my son, you go." Jeongguk says, gets up from where be was kneeling and sits on the same sitting as Taehyung.

"Give Hansol to me and bring his feed." Taehyung says again, a little firmly this time and Jeongguk groans.

"Fine." The alpha utters and gets up.

"You're scary." Jeongguk says as he's leaving and Taehyung laughs at that.

"I'm glad you think so." Taehyung winks at him and boy---Jeongguk loves this side of Taehyung that's too rare. And he's glad that he's getting to see it more.

Jeongguk goes inside the pack house, leaving Hansol and Taehyung alone in the warm sunshine, surrounded by flowers.

Not even a moment later, he hears a familiar voice and his attention is quickly diverted to that.

Taehyung smiles at the person who the voice belongs to. It's Jehwan.

 It's Jehwan

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