Chapter 12: Pup

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Ignore the mistakes plz :) short and boring. Just a little interaction between Hansol and Jeongguk and Taehyung's realization.

Third Person POV

Jeongguk chuckles as he holds Taehyung's sleeping frame tightly, pressing his lips to his neck once again and places a soft kiss. He may have not marked Taehyung completely but he can feel his bond strengthening with Taehyung---with every breath he takes.

It's not like he doesn't want Taehyung to out. He does, he wants him to enjoy the life out of this house because he deserves to but Jeongguk wants to be with him all the time. And it's also not that he thinks Taehyung is completely dependent on someone for his safety---he just can't take risks at all.

Especially because of Jehwan, who Jeongguk knows would try atleast something with Taehyung and get close to him just so he could piss him off.

Jeongguk won't ever be satisfied while Taehyung is out there working, Hansol with him and no one would be around them. He just can't risk it.

He hopes Taehyung will understand.

The alpha hooks his arm under Taehyung's knees, other on his back as he picks him and the omega hides his face in Jeongguk's chest, gets comfortable after squirming a bit. Jeongguk loves how perfectly he fits his arms.

Jeongguk walks towards Taehyung's room and manages to open the door. He sees Hansol sleeping in the middle of the bed. Jeongguk carefully puts the omega in the bed and slowly covers him with the comforter. 

He smiles as Taehyung gets comfortable and Hansol squirms a bit, gets closer to Taehyung. The alpha stays there for a while, a soft smile on his lips as he watches two of the omegas curled against eachother.

Jeongguk is so used to their presence---is used to them that he can't even imagine himself and his home without Taehyung and Hansol.

Jeongguk kisses Taehyung's hair softly and he's about to turn around that he hears the softest of sneeze, followed by a soft cough. He looks back, watches Hansol squirming and the pup opens his eyes.

Jeongguk doesn't know if he should stay or leave but he can't seem to look away as Hansol rubs his eyes and now he's sitting on his knees, tapping Taehyung's arm to wake him up.

"Hey, hey pup---let him sleep yeah?" Jeongguk softly says and Hansol finally looks at him. Jeongguk takes Hansol's hands and puts them off of Taehyung. The red head omega sleeping with no care in the world.

Hansol smiles at Jeongguk, jumps excitedly and Jeongguk wonders how can he be so energetic when he just woke up. The alpha let's go of his hands Hansol claps excitedly. Looks at Jeongguk with hopeful eyes.

"Go to sleep little one." Jeongguk whispers and boops Hansol's nose with his index finger. The pup is in no mood of going back to sleep though so he keeps looking at Jeongguk, munching on his bottom lip.

Hansol then extends his arms towards Jeongguk, his hands clenched into fists and barely visible through the sleeves of his onesie.

Jeongguk sighs and the soft smile never leaves his lips as he bends down and picks Hansol up before he wakes up Taehyung in his excitement.

Hansol giggles and squeals softly as Jeongguk holds him, jumping in his arms, tapping his hand on Jeongguk's face and the alpha chuckles as he grabs Hansol's hand softly.

He looks at Taehyung's sleeping frame and then at Hansol who won't be sleeping for a while so he slowly walks out of the room, Hansol in his arms. He hopes Taehyung wouldn't mind.

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