Chapter 30: Epilogue

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Cred. Kikistiel

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

18 Years Later◇

"Yuna, make sure Hansol's room is clean thoroughly, he's going to be very moody if it's not set." Taehyung says to his daughter while he was setting the table with Hansol's favorite dishes.

Hansol is coming back to Seoul after graduating from college in Japan. Taehyung was not in favor of it first because Hansol is an omega and he shouldn't go abroad all alone. Who knows what he would encounter.

Jeongguk and Hansol both assured him that he can take care of himself now and he'll be fine. Taehyung agreed on a promise that Hansol will call him each and everyday.

"It's all good, Appa." Yuna says. The eighteen years old girl now entering her college years.

"And I swear Hyunjin, if you're still playing tour stupid video games, I'm going to beat the shit out of you." Taehyung yells. The sixteen years old alpha hears his father yell way inside his room and he groans.

"I'll be down once they arrive

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"I'll be down once they arrive." Hyunjin says back and doesn't get a response. Then he's hearing footsteps and he panics. Before he can hurry in putting the controller down, the door opens and reveals a very pissed looking Taehyung.

Years may have passed but Jeongguk and Taehyung didn't look like they aged even a day. It was the same with all of them actually. Surely, the features changed with age but they changed in their favor. Seokjin was more built than Taehyung yet they both never lost their prettiness, the softness that quotes their features is still evident and they look like in late twenties.

The alphas as Taehyung would often say, got more handsome, built and good looking---as if they weren't good looking before. Keyword; more.

Taehyung feels prideful when he looks at Jeongguk as a pack leader, as a mate and as a husband. He does everything with heart---keeps everything organized and keeps everyone equal.

Taehyung's not praising himself but Jeongguk loves him more than others.

"Get out of here this instant and help your sister and me downstairs." Taehyung says, points away and Hyunjin gets up.

Hyunjin is younger than Hansol but he's an alpha and he's taller than Hansol, has an appearance of an alpha like Jeongguk whereas Hansol has soft features like Taehyung's.

It's always fun to see Hansol whining when Hyunjin picks him up while hugging eachother, whenever he visits. Hyunjin is a little built than Hansol, doesn't mean he acts like an alpha yet.

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