Chapter 26: Kryptonite

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Reaching the pack house, Taehyung told all of the others how it went with Jehwan and they were all really happy to know how it all went. Taehyung was sure that Jehwan would come to back house and live here. He could see it in his eyes that he wants to come here, to be loved and to have a family.

It was close to sunset when Jeongguk and Taehyung decided they should go back to their home. It's been alot of days and Taehyung misses his home dearly. He misses the feeling of having Jeongguk come home to him and kiss him even before he lets go if his car keys and bag.

He misses the sight of Jeongguk and Hansol playing in the TV lounge, not on the couch but on the soft rug as they both laugh and make Taehyung feel immense happiness and joy at the beautiful and adorable sight.

He missed it and now he's going back to all of it. He's going home.

Jeongguk reminds himself to get the baby seat fixed in his car because it's utterly needed. Taehyung sits at the back, Hansol buckled tightly on the seat next to him. Jeongguk was against Taehyung sitting at front even though he's a very careful driver.

Yet it doesn't stop him from stealing glances at him and this time, Taehyung does too, making him smile in amusement as Jeongguk was being to obvious.

"Focus on driving." Taehyung says, biting his lips to himself from smiling too widely and giving in to the little games Jeongguk is playing.

"But it's too difficult to focus on anything else when you are here." Jeongguk says and Taehyung scoffs playfully.

"Shut up." Taehyung looks away, at Hansol who was looking at the 'caging' seatbelt as if it has offended him in all the possible ways, his little hands running over it, thinking of how to get rid of it.

"I'm not lying, my attention is diverted because of your beauty." Jeongguk says, smirks in amusement and Taehyung rolls his eyes playfully, leaning forward to hit Jeongguk's shoulder softly.

"You're too much, Jeon Jeongguk." Taehyung chuckles as he shakes his head.

"Still, it's the truth." Jeongguk says, winks at the omega and despite the fluttering and giddy feeling in his stomach, Taehyung pretends he's not getting affected at all.

"Just get us home." Taehyung utters and Jeongguk doesn't know how this simple sentence makes him so happy. Home---they are going home.

Taehyung chuckles when he sees that Hansol has fallen asleep and everytime his head lowers, he wakes up---so he takes off the seatbelt and takes him in his arm, kisses his forehead as the pup falls asleep while sucking his thumb.

Entering their home, Taehyung goes to his room first to put Hansol in bed while Jeongguk sets the take out.

Hansol whines once he's under the comforter, not wanting Taehyung to leave so the omega stays for s few more minutes until the pup is deep in the slumber. He also pulls out his thumb from his mouth, not wanting Hansol to get such habits.

Jeongguk has set the table once Taehyung walks out of the room. He smiles at him, the alpha does too, gestures him to come closer and the omega complies.

When they both entered their home, it felt so beautifully overwhelming---being in their own little heaven. They both had missed this feeling so badly---they craved for it in these past days that they were not together but now---now that feeling is gone because they are in in their home, with Hansol, together---as a family---

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