Chapter 16: Lucifer

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk already said that even if he lives in a house that he brought for himself---his own choice, a life of a son of pack leader, soon to be one himself and even if he never wanted to live in the pack house, thinking he'd be more at peace living alone---he had always had that loneliness with him.

That little sting has always been there. His house always felt cold and the warmth missing. Jeongguk might've gotten used to it but it doesn't mean he didn't want it to go away. He did, he desperately wanted it to away.

It's not childish that Jeongguk believes in miracles, it really isn't and his belief in them strengthened when Taehyung entered his life.

The moment he stepped into his house, the lingering loneliness was changed into the warmth that Jeongguk has always been craving for. His life changed, his attention was completely snatched by Taehyung and he never really understood---when and how---Taehyung became the centre of his life.

But miracles don't give you a chance to ponder of the fact that how instantly they occured---they just do, when we least expect---even a little of moment---can become a miracle for one.

And Taehyung entered Jeongguk's life as the most beautiful miracle that he still came believe he's right infront of me, in his arms, tangled with him in the silk sheets, sleeping soundly.

Jeongguk's been up for almost half an hour, his alarm is yet to ring but he woke up because of Taehyung squirming a little. The omega slept again but Jeongguk couldn't because how could he---having to wake up to such a beautiful sight, his eyes can't close, he can't look away. It's impossible.

Jeongguk wonders how could someone even think of laying even a finger in Taehyung, how can they hurt such a sweet and kind amd humble person just because he's an omega. Why is the world so cruel?

No one, no one is safe out there. People are forgetting humanity, rights, morals and senses. Their going out of their minds---doing anything just to get them satisfied, either it's dirty or not---everyone thinks of themselves.

Taehyung didn't deserve that. Taehyung and Hansol deserved none of that. Jeongguk can't even imagine the pain Taehyung would've gone through in all those eight years. Having to raise a child without a father, in an orphanage and no family. Surely Jeongguk can't know because he wasn't the one suffering.

No one can know the pain amd sufferings of the other person unless they've lived it themselves.

But now, Jeongguk promises that he would never let anything happen to Taehyung and Hansol. He will protect them with his life.

He has already made up his mind and heart that he'll mark Taehyung as his mate and he'll be so honored to have the beautiful omega as his mate. He loves Hansol dearly and has no problem being his father. Jeongguk would love if Taehyung allows.

All he has to do is to talk to Taehyung.

The alpha pushes away the hair from Taehyung's forehead and softly cups his face, caressing his cheekbone. He found out last night that Taehyung is a very cuddly person. He hugged Jeongguk tightly, hiding himself into his chest as they snuggled close to sleep. Even now, Taehyung's arm is losely around Jeongguk's torso, other hand curled on his own chest.

Jeongguk moves a little back to look at him, enchanted by Taehyung's beauty because he's---just---simply beautiful, gorgeous---ethereal and Jeongguk can write books and books and books describing Taehyung's beauty.

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