Chapter 24: Periwinkle

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Pic cred to Eros_kv

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk wakes up to the sight that he has gotten addicted to. Waking up next to Taehyung is always so beautiful and he knows that the first thing he needs---craves in the morning is waking up to this sight.

There's a soft glow emitting from Taehyung. His cheeks are pink because he has a natural blush and the way he sleeps is adorable, beautiful---ethereal, all in one. Jeongguk is so in love with Taehyung that he knows he will lose his mind without him.

After almost losing his mate due to his stupidity, Jeongguk promises himself that he will never, never hurt Taehyung like he did. He trusts him wholeheartedly and he'll keep proving him that. He can't have Taehyung away from himself because the five days without him were pure torture.

He'll love Taehyung like he deserves to be loved, with all the purity and gentleness, just---love.

Also, Jeongguk has to apologize too.

Maybe Taehyung felt that Jeongguk's awake or maybe he felt his emotions because his eyes flutter open slowly and he blinks a little, his eyes set on the pair of deep black orbs looking at him softly.

A faint smiles spreads on Taehyung's lips.

"Good morning." Jeongguk whispers. His hand is still intertwined with Taehyung's, they both didn't let go for the whole night. They won't ever be letting go of eachother too.

"Hmm, good morning." Taehyung whispers and yawns, closing his eyes for a second and then looks at Jeongguk again.

"Slept well?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung nods. With Jeongguk by his side, how could he not sleep comfortably when his happiness was right next to him, both Jeongguk and Hansol.

"Hurting anywhere? You're okay, right?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung smiles in amusement and adoration, shakes his head. The alpha sighs in relief.

"You? Did you got hurt?" Taehyung asks in a sleepy voice. Jeongguk definitely has some bruises, Taehyung can see one on his cheek right now.

"It doesn't hurt." Jeongguk says and Taehyung raises his eyebrow.

"You need to get them checked---". But Taehyung's breath hitches, heartbeat accelerates when Jeongguk extends his other hand to Taehyung's hair, pushing away his hair from his forehead.

Jeongguk has done it so many times before yet this time, Taehyung feels like it's the first time, the rush, the beating of his heart as if he's being touched with feels for the first time.

Taehyung's grip tightens on Jeongguk's hand, he gulps when Jeongguk caresses his cheekbone and the feeling is so soft that Taehyung wants to fall asleep again. It's so warm and homey.

"Tae---". Jeongguk whispers but he can't say further when there's a movement under their intertwined hands. A moment later, Hansol---as usual, folds his legs, bum in air and stays like that but he's completely hidden under the comforter.

Jeongguk and Taehyung chuckles softly. The alpha misses the warmth of Taehyung's hand when the omega pulls away to take off the comforter from over Hansol.

"Good morning beautiful." Taehyung whispers and Hansol smiles at him, getting shy all of the sudden and looks away. Jeongguk smiles when Hansol keeps looking at him with and excited expression.

"Rise and shine pup." Jeongguk says and runs his hand over Hansol's bare back. Hansol giggles, gets up now and sits on his knees, rubbing his eyes. He's naked because he was only wrapped in a blanket and now it's off.

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