Chapter 17: Ponder

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jimin stayed with Taehyung after they got  back from shopping. None of them brought Jehwan up again and Taehyung was glad. They were conversing normally, Jimin asking him to try the new outfits and the omega doesn't feel like even moving a finger. He feels really tired.

Jimin leaves twenty minutes before Jeongguk comes  back home. Taehyung hears the door opening when he's patting Hansol as the pup sleeps. He smiles and with a soft kiss on Hansol's forehead, he gets up and walks out of the room. He walks hurriedly and stops when Jeongguk comes in view, the alpha looks at him as he gets his scent.

Jeongguk smiles at him, eyes lit up and all the tiredness leaves his body because Taehyung is walking towards him, smiling ever so beautifully. That's what Jeongguk had craved for, walking home to have someone wait for him and miss him as much as he would and now, Jeongguk does---he missed Taehyung so much.

"Hi." Taehyung whispers as he stops closer to Jeongguk. The alpha puts the car keys in his pocket and steps forwarda and as usual, tucks Taehyung's hair behind his ear and the omega just loves it when Jeongguk does that.

"Hi." Jeongguk whispers back and Taehyung, this time---with no hesitation, rests his hands on Jeongguk's chest, sliding one hand to rest softly on alpha's nape.

"How was your day?" Taehyung asks, tracing Jeongguk's collar and Jeongguk finally holds Taehyung by his waist, both his hand holding him as he just belongs there, right in his arms.

"A little tiring but it was okay." Jeongguk replies.

"Did you eat?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk definitely wants to get used to this---everyday, for the rest of his life.

"I had dinner with dad and his client. Did you eat?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung nods.

"Jimin ordered pizza. It was really tasty." Taehyung utters, giggles softly because he really liked it.

"So, how was shopping?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung almost gives away the reaction as he tenses a bit but stays put.

"It was a bit tiring but I really enjoyed." Taehyung says and Jeongguk hums, keeps looking at him with a soft smile and eyes full of love. He'll make sure to be the one who takes Taehyung out now.

"Is Hansol asleep?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung nods. The omega bites his lips, waiting for the initiative because he just wants Jeongguk to take away the feeling being without him the whole day.

And the alpha wants nothing more than to have Taehyung impossibly closer to him, to kiss him and get rid of all the tiredness and stress of the day.

They stay like that for a while, lost in eachother's eyes because it's all that matters. Their love, even if not spoken loud---is all that matters.

Taehyung's eyes close when Jeongguk leans in, the rush of sparks fill his body even before Jeongguk's lips touch his lips and when they do, Taehyung feels like the most happiest person in the world. Jeongguk makes him happy, loved and secured.

The alpha had already forgotten his stressed day as soon as he saw Taehyung but kissing him, having his soft lips on his own, makes him feel like he just got a boost of freshness, a breeze that took away all the day's tiredness and all that matters is their kiss, their touch---them.

Jeongguk pulls Taehyung closer, their chests meet---bodies collide and fit perfectly into eachother. Jeongguk titls his head, kisses Taehyung deeply, more firmly yet never letting got of the softness and Taehyung---well he is drunk in the feeling of the kiss as Jeongguk is high on it.

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