Chapter 25: Brother

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)
A chap about Jehwan.

Third Person POV

Taehyung was sitting between Jeongguk and Seokjin when they were on dinner table. The older omega was hugging Taehyung from his side, holding his head to his chest and kissing his hair softly, apologizing.

"Hyung, really, it's okay. I'm not mad at you at all." Taehyung says in a muffled voice because of being held so tightly by Seokjin.

"But I know you were hurt because of me. Or at least upset. I'm so sorry darling." Seokjin says and everyone look at them in amusement while the breakfast table is being set.

"Apology accp--ted hyung, I-I can't breathe." Taehyung mumbles and Seokjin let's him go, smiles sheepishly.

"You forgive me, right?" Seokjin asks in a low voice and Taehyung smiles at him softly, nods.

"Yes hyung, I forgive you." Taehyung says and Seokjin sighs in content.

"Thank you." The older omega says and Taehyung squeezes his hand on assurance.

Hansol sits on Hoseok's lap, his hands covered with with maple syrup and he's licking them despite Taehyung telling Hoseok to not let him make the mess but Hoseok tells the omega that it's fine and Hansol was looking too adorable to be stopped.

They all start eating breakfast once Yunho joins them. They discuss nothing about the previous day because they all were really happy at the moment.

"Where's Jehwan?" Yunho asks once he realizes that he isn't there. Everyone share a glance, looking confused at the sudden question.

"The guard just told me that he left really early. At sunrise apparently." Hoseok says. He went out to see the change if duty and one of the guards told him.

"I thought he'd stay." Namjoon says.

"Yeah, me too. I kind of wanted to have a talk with him." Seokjin says and Jeongguk rolls his eyes.

"Why are we talking about him? He is never here on the breakfast table so why does it matter now that he left?" Jeongguk says and Yunho looks at him with an 'what was that?' look.

Ughh damn these 'future alpha of the pack' etiquettes.

"Am I wrong or something? He's never with us and if he wanted to leave, we couldn't have stopped him anyway." Jeongguk says and Taehyung sighs.

The omega knows what Jehwan said to Jeongguk about his meeting in Lotus was a total lie but he has seen him fight last night and he didn't appear to be a rogue but a---family. Jehwan was the person who understood the pain last night and fought to soothe it.

It was enough to make Taehyung want to thank him atleast.

"Jeongguk, don't forget he was the one to gave us whereabouts of Lotus in less then twenty four hours. He is the reason we found Lotus easily." Namjoon says and Jeongguk rolls his eyes again.

"I know and I'm thankful of him for that but it's all over now and it's better if he goes back to how he used to live and so does we, without him." Jeongguk says and having had enough of his childish behavior, Taehyung smacks his arm.

"Listen to them." Taehyung says, eyebrows furrowed a bit and Jeongguk looks at him with a mild surprise, pouts then. Everyone else watch in amusement.

"You too?" Jeongguk utters in a low voice.

"Your personal conflicts with him are a different thing but what he did for us, for our son---should be enough for you to atleast realizes he is not a bad person by heart and deserves a proper thanks from you." Taehyung says and Jeongguk looks at his lap, thinking.

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