Chapter 13: Ravishing

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Pic cred. Loveis9597

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jimin and Taehyung were with Hansol, upstairs at Jeongguk's house and it's the first time Taehyung has seen upper portion of Jeongguk's house. There's an indoor pool, not so big, an open sitting area and a gym setting room.

Jeongguk and Seokjin are downstairs, preparing lunch. Hoseok, Namjoon and Yoongi are also coming---the same scene with dinner that day, only Yunho won't be there because he's busy in work.

Jeongguk was upset the whole night when he got the call from his father and told him about Jehwan's visit---his indirect threat and told him to be careful.

Jeongguk had already picked Jehwan's intentions though now they are clear and he'll do anything to protect Taehyung and Hansol from Jehwan because he's well aware of what his step brother is capable of.

Also, he's been planning something in his mind and he doesn't know why he's so nervous to voice out his thoughts and get help.

"Stop chewing on your nails and set the table." Seokjin snaps him out of his thoughts. The alpha has told Seokjin about Jehwan's visit to his father and he'll tell Jimin and Hoseok as well so they and the other tracking wolves will stand guard against the rogues.

"Okay, spit it out. I know there's something else on your mind too." Seokjin says as he takes the seat next to Jeongguk. The ravenette sighs heavily.

"I was---I was thinking of taking Taehyung out for---uh, dinner or something---". Jeongguk stutters out Seokjin's eyes soften even though he's smiling teasingly.

"And why haven't you done it yet?" Seokjin asks and Jeongguk looks at him an 'are you kidding me?' look.

"I can't fucking speak properly when he's with me and you're saying why haven't I asked him out already." Jeongguk exclaims and Seokjin chuckles.

"Alright, alright---relax." Seokjin utters and Jeongguk takes a deep breath.

"I can't believe this is the future leader of our pack." Seokjin says, gesturing at Jeongguk and the alpha looks at him blankly.

"You're not being helpful even a little bit." Jeongguk says and the omega seals his lips, promises he won't tease him now.

"So, what's the problem?" Seokjin asks, chin resting on his palm as he stares at Jeongguk with interest.

"I want to take him out---like on---on a date. It's been so many days he's here and I haven't taken him out of this house---". Jeongguk says and Seokjin hums.

"And what's the problem? I mean, why are you not able to ask him out?" Seokjin asks and Jeongguk sighs defeated.

"I'm scared to make a fool out of myself infornt of him. He---he makes me nervous." Jeongguk admits.

"You literally scented him, got close to him and he still makes you nervous?!" Seokjin exclaims and Jeongguk groans.

"You don't understand---some moments are without any nervousness and sometimes, even when he just looks at me---I start to lose control on my senses." Jeongguk says, hears Seokjin's chuckles as he hides his face in his palms.

"It's okay Jeongguk but if you keep whining like a child and do nothing, he might get bored of you---I heard Jimin talking to him about showing him an amazing japchae place---". Jeongguk turns at Seokjin when the older omega says that.

"Is he planning to take Taehyung out?" Jeongguk asks and Seokjin shrugs.

"They're really good friends now, so what if Jimin takes him out. I did too." Seokjin says and Jeongguk wants to tell him that his case was different, Jimin's case is totally different.

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