Chapter 18: Lifeline

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

"And I want you as my mate because I love you, Taehyung. I love you."

Taehyung---was a firm believer that dreams do come true till age 10, till he was living with his parents in a small yet beautiful, warm house---all happiness and love.

Dreaming of meeting the bunny that lives on the moon. To grow strawberries on every tree with a flick of his magical wand. Dreaming of becoming a strong person like his alpha father. But his dreams, well they were just dreams.

And he stopped dreaming when he was captured by Lotus.

More like, he wasn't allowed to dream---not allowed to live in any type of fantasy because he---in just a few months of his captivity, realised that dreams can't come true. The world won't let them come true. He stopped believing.

And right now, he still doesn't believe in dreams and that's how he knows that he's not dreaming right now. That Jeongguk's definitely holding him, securely and he's definitely looking at him with his beautiful, soft and loving eyes and the euphoric feeling he felt at those words said by Jeongguk can definitely not be a dream---it's real.

He believes it because his own love for Jeongguk has made him a firm believer of not dreams but the reality---the reality of love's existence and having to experience it.

It's of course, the first time Taehyung's experiencing it and it's simply---beautiful---simply breathtaking, in all the good and perfect ways.

Jeongguk doesn't know what he should feel about Taehyung's reaction. The omega is definitely surprised but it looks like Taehyung was just desperately waiting for Jeongguk to say it (which he was) but he looks calm, smiles as if he found the purpose of his life.

Taehyung's excited, happy---joyful and he doesn't know how he's stopping himself from jumping.

Jeongguk smiles in amusement when Taehyung chuckles, bites his thumb nail and giggles shyly again.

"What?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung bites his lips.

"You love me?" Taehyung asks as if trying to tease Jeongguk. The alpha, though gets what he's trying to do and he loves this playful side of his mate.

"Yeah, I love you." Jeongguk says and these words again get Taehyung high. And now it finally dawns upon him---but you can say that heaven broke upon him and he doesn't know how to react or how to explain this feeling.

Taehyung's eyes tear up and he looks down. He doesn't want to cry at this perfect moment, the moment that he's been waiting for his whole life---to be loved and to be cherished and he's not crying really, these are the tears of happiness.

"Hey, it's---it's okay if you don't---". Taehyung shakes his head, a puffy sob escapes his lips and his hold tightens on Jeongguk's shirt.

Jeongguk doesn't know what to do. He has said what he was dying to say, now it's upto Taehyung---to accept him or to reject him.

"Please don't cry." Jeongguk desperately says and Taehyung shakes his head again and for a little moment, he looks up---into Jeongguk's eyes and the ravenette---as usual, feels the rush of tingles whenever he looks in to Taehyung's eyes.

The next moment, Taehyung has his arms around Jeongguk's neck tightly, his face hidden in the crook of his neck---he's hugging him, leaving no space between their bodies.

The action takes Jeongguk by a little surprise. A second later, Taehyung's crying softly and Jeongguk let's him because Jeongguk can feel Taehyung's emotion---the omega is happy.

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