Chapter 7: Prestige

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk knocks on Taehyung's door the next morning. He knew the red head woke up---he just knew. Jeongguk ruffles his showered hair and pulls them back, not bothering to dry them and now he's outside Taehyung's door.

"You don't have to knock." He hears Taehyung's voice and his heartbeat accelerates, he gulps and yet, a smile adorns his lips. He grips Taehyung's shirt that he's holding tightly and opens the door.

Everytime he looks at Taehyung, something happens to him---something extremely good and he feels warmth envelop him and Taehyung's scent makes him feel like being around him---is the only thing that can bring him peace. Everytime.

Jeongguk smiles at Taehyung when he enters and closes the door behind him. Taehyung is sitting on edge of the bed, in baggy pants and white shirt, his hair wet because he just showered and Hansol is squirming awake next to him.

Taehyung returns the smile as he looks at Jeongguk, the alpha keeps standing a little far from the door. Taehyung chuckles softly.

"Don't stand there." Taehyung says and he pats the mattress infront of him. Jeongguk's heart skips a beat.

Jeongguk comes forward and extend his hand towards Taehyung, his shirt in his hand and Taehyung frowns.

"I took this shirt for---uh your scent." Jeongguk says hesitantly and Taehyung takes it, feeling guilty all of the sudden for running away.

Jeongguk sits down when Taehyung looks at Hansol whose deciding whether he should get up or lay under the comforter for a while.

Jeongguk wants to start the conversation so he starts with food.

"So, uh---I was wondering you could tell me if you like anything special you want to eat. I can make it for you or we can go out---if---if you're comfortable." Jeongguk says, wants to smack himself for speaking way alot than he should.

Jeongguk knows Taehyung is only comfortable with Seokjin going out but he can try.

"I'm---good with anything you make for me really. I can't ask for more." Taehyung says as he purses his lips.

"No, I really want to uh---know what you like." Jeongguk says. His hope of taking Taehyung out breaks but he can atleast get to know his likes.

"I don't have any preferences, Jeongguk-ssi. What you all are doing for me, is more than enough and I owe you my life." Taehyung says and Jeongguk looks at him softly.

"Please don't say that Taehyung. I really like doing this for you. I want see you smile because you look really beautiful---". Jeongguk stops, eyes widen and he bites his tongue when he realizes he is crossing his limits.

Taehyung looks at him with mild surprise, shyness coats his eyes and pink dusts his cheeks and Jeongguk looks away, unable to look at Taehyung.

The omega finds it adorable. He hides his smile and looks down then to Hansol. They both look up at the same time, eyes meet and look away again, hearts threatening to beat out of their chests.

Taehyung breaks the shy silence.

"I really liked the dish you made when I hurt my eye." Taehyung says and Jeongguk's eyes lit up and he looks at him, doesn't look away this time.

"Oh, so you like japchae. Okay---uh, okay." Jeongguk stutters, clears his throat---can't believe he's being shy and nervous. It has never happened before.

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