Chapter 14: Twilight

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Cred jk_v_drawing

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

'Sunsets are the proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully.'
-Kristen Butler.

Third Person POV

Seokjin was packing Hansol's things for the night. It was before lunch time that Seokjin stayed because he was to take Hansol to his house and get Taehyung ready for the date. Hansol would be staying the whole day and night with Seokjin and the older omega was so happy and excited to take the pup to his house.

Jeongguk had a little work at the pack house and he'd be picking Taehyung in just few minutes.

Taehyung was standing infornt of the mirror, nervous and panicking even when Seokjin kept telling him that he looks really really good.

Taehyung didn't know he was to dress up for the outing because he has no idea about his date thing and what is to be done for it. He has let Seokjin get him ready, pick his outfit and do whatever he had to do.

Taehyung had no idea how he was looking because he doesn't remember the last time he looked at himself this long in the mirror or more like, haven't seen himself look---good before.

He touches his face, traces his fingertips on his cheeks, over his lips, tastes the little of the cherry flavor of the lip balm when he bites his lips. For a moment at first, he didn't even recognize himself even though Seokjin didn't do much of a makeover on him.

"Tae, the more you'll look at yourself, the more insecure you'll become. Stop it now." Seokjin says in amusement as he zips Hansol's bag.

"I just---my hands won't stop shaking." Taehyung admits and Seokjin softens, walks towards him and holds his hands, makes him look away from the mirror.

"It's normal to feel like that, the nervousness and the weird feeling in your stomach are nothing but just for the moment, when you'll see Jeongguk, you'll be alright." Seokjin says and softly pats Taehyung's cheek.

"He'll be on his way, I'll leave after you two will and don't worry about Hansol at all. I'll take care of him." Seokjin says and Taehyung nods, smiles.

"I know." Taehyung whispers, his eyes fall on Hansol who's laying on his stomach, munching on a biscuit.

Taehyung waits impatiently for Jeongguk.

The alpha though, was having a hard time keeping himself from not jumping in happiness or yell in excitement as he was heading towards his home. He kept himself calm though, biting his lips in anticipation of how Taehyung would be looking.

He'll be looking beautiful, no matter what. Jeongguk knew the fact.

Never in his life, he had felt like this. The foriegn feeling like everything in this world is so beautiful and perfect. That no pain or worry exists in this world just because Taehyung is in his home---and he's the reason Jeongguk goes back to home happily---so easily, the red head omega has changed his life.

Jeongguk smiles as he picks up the single rose bouquet and walks towards the door, doesn't type the code, just rings. It maybe his home but right now, it's Taehyung's---will always be.

"I'm staying in the room because you two definitely will have your---moment and there's no way little Hansol should be in close vicinity." Seokjin says as he ushers Taehyung out of the room. The omega was kissing Hansol goodbye.

"I'll se you tomorrow baby, behave okay". Taehyung smiles and pecks his cheek, puts Hansol down and then they hear the bell.

"He's here." Seokjin smiles and Taehyung gulps, his hand curl to fists and Seokjin softly pushes him out of the room.

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