Chapter 8: Starry

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk shifts a little, doesn't want to disturb the boy leaning onto him. Behind him, on the couch---Hansol has also fallen asleep. Jeongguk puts away his phone and smiles, thumb caressing Taehyung's side.

He loves hearing Taehyung's soft breaths, the steady rise and fall of his chest against him, the soft rhythm of his heart beating while Jeongguk's heart is wild in his chest.

Having Taehyung in his house, with Hansol---the concept of home begins to develop in his mind that yes, it's not how big a place should be---it's a person that makes a home---even in your heart and Jeongguk can't deny now that Taehyung has succeeded in doing that.

It feels like the omega has always been here---living somewhere in a part of his home, or maybe in his heart too---all Jeongguk had to do is run after it and find it---hidden somewhere and now finally coming light---

---and bringing light in Jeongguk's life as well. 

It's been just a week and Jeongguk is so used to have Taehyung and Hansol in his life that he doesn't even want to imagine a life without them.

Taehyung has casted a spell on him and he doesn't want to get out of it's effect---ever.

He knows nothing has happened between them that could give Taehyung any hope---atleast that's what Jeongguk thinks. He can't ignore what Taehyung's thinking. His feelings matter the most.

What if he doesn't feel---Jeongguk shakes his head. He doesn't want to think of that possibility. He hopes that Taehyung may also feel the same---

But when he thinks about it, he doesn't find any moment in which Taehyung has shown---any feelings of attraction towards him. Of course he has smiled at him, let him touch him and talked to him sweetly but that can only be because he is thankful and just being nice to him.

There is so much Jeongguk wants to tell Taehyung---about how he feels. Even though he might still be a bit confused himself that how it happened so fast but he's also sure.

That if Jeongguk wants a mate---it will be Taehyung and Taehyung only. If not then he doesn't want a mate.

Jeongguk nuzzles Taehyung's hair as he tilts his head to side, closes his eyes and his fingertips dig a little into Taehyung's covered skin.

Jeongguk has to take Taehyung to bed because even though he wants to stay like this for longer, he doesn't want Taehyung to get uncomfortable.

Behind him is Hansol, body completely leaning against him and of Jeongguk gets up, the pup will fall off the couch. Jeongguk chuckles at his situation.

He tries though, extends his hand back and shifts a little so he can hold Hansol but Taehyung squirms and the alpha halts, as he slowly lowers  his arm and freezes as he keeps looking at Taehyung who was now stirring awake.

Taehyung rubs his eyes, feeling way too comfortable and homey. He slept for just a few moments yet it felt like hours because of the secure embrace. Taehyung sighs, eyes fluttering open and then he remembers where he left. But he doesn't panic rather, slowly---he looks at Jeongguk.

His breath hitches, hand curls on Jeongguk's shirt when he's met with he alpha's black and deep orbs, they are close---too close---can feel eachother's breath on their lips.

In this moment---Jeongguk feels like Taehyung is already his---that he has him forever as a person he wants to spend the rest of his life with. He feels like no one---nothing can separate the two of them.

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