Chapter 5: Halo

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk went to the pack house only to talk to his father. He knew that his father would be disappointed in him for acting like that infront of everyone even though his father knew the reason but still, Jeongguk had to apologize because he feels bad for acting out like that.

His father wasn't mad at him at all and definitely not disappointed and all he said that he needs to talk to Taehyung and tell him he didn't mean what he did. Jeongguk wanted to talk to Taehyung in the morning but he was sleeping and Seokjin told him he can talk to him when he comes back form pack house.

So he was on his way back to his house, it's almost 2 and Seokjin called him, telling him he's going for work so that means Taehyung is alone in the house. Jeongguk doesn't know he should be happy or nervous. Well he is already nervous.

Nearing his house, his hold on the steering wheel tightens, a weird feeling settles in his stomach and he can't seem to ignore it. He takes a deep breath, as he gets out of the car when he reaches his house.

And just as he enters, he feels the emptiness reside him to the extent that he almost shudders. No doubt, Taehyung's scent is there but---Taehyung isn't.

Jeongguk's eyes widen, heart threatens to beat out of his chest as he runs towards Taehyung's room, can't even seem to call for his name---tongue tied.

He opens the dark, the wood making a loud thud as if breaking and Jeongguk feels the horror because the room is empty. He goes to the bathroom too, hoping Taehyung's in there but he isn't. Jeongguk panics.

He's about to call for him and his eyes fall on a small paper on in the middle of the bed and he picks it up. The writing is a little messy yet neat.

Thank you for everything. The note says and Jeongguk, breathes heavily, hands shaking as he hastily takes out his phone and dials Seokjin's number.

"I told you---".

"Taehyung's not in the house. He isn't here." Jeongguk says and the older omega frowns.

"What? Wjat do you mean---Jeongguk what happened!?" Seokjin asks.

"I got home and he---he is nowhere. I can't---I can't feel him." Jeongguk says, runs a hand in his hair and them he's running outside, towards his car but grabs Taehyung's shirt as well.

"Shit, how---how can this happen. Oh God!" Seokjin panics as well, a thought immediately settles, of regret that he shouldn't have left.

Oh Taehyung.

"Can you follow his scent?" Seokjin asks.

"It's, it's not possible hyung, I can't seem to focus---I--". Jeongguk's mind was a mess, the mere thought that Taehyung left makes him want to scream.

"Jeongguk! Calm down. You're going to find him. We're going to find him." Seokjin softly says and Jeongguk sighs, nods even though Seokjin can't see him.

"I'll let Hoseok and Jimin know so they can start looking for him with other tracking wolves." Seokjin says.

"Okay, I---I have his shirt and they need to pick his scent to find him." Jeongguk says.

"Don't worry about that. Just go and find him. I know you will." Seokjin says.

Seokjin's jacket still holds Taehyung's scent.

Jeongguk starts the car, hopes that the sky helps him in finding Taehyung and Hansol.


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