Chapter 23: Anomaly

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Warning: some disturbing scenes, maybe just one.
You've been warned and also this is just a fanfic, don't hate me and don't get too---idk---hyped maybe. Please, it's a humble request.

Since I'm not good at writing action scenes so it will be really less action chapter.

Third Person POV

"41...42...43...44...45...". Jehwan was counting in murmurs while looking outside the window. Jimin and Hoseok were looking at him weirdly. Jeongguk was driving and Yunho was in the passenger seat.

Namjoon was at the very back, wanting nothing more but to hold his mate in his arms. He touches the ring on his finger, hates that he can't link Seokjin, can't feel him even a little bit.

"Boss, what is he doing?" Hoseok leans forward and asks Yunho. The pack leader smiles.

"He has a habit of counting trees whenever traveling---it's a childhood habit." Yunho says.

Jeongguk looks at Jehwan through the mirror, gritts his teeth because he's not liking that suddenly, Jehwan is so nice. He still doesn't trust him because if he betrays them, Jeongguk will make sure to kill him with his bare hands.

"Oh." Hoseok utters. "Do you really think Jehwan is taking us to the right place?" Hoseok asks then.

"I think---".

"I heard my name, what are you all talking about me?" Jehwan catches their attention.

"Oh, nothing. Please continue what you're doing." Jimin says and Jehwan narrows his eyes.

"You made me forget the counting." Jehwan says.

"I think you crossed 200 or something." Hoseok says and Jehwan raises his eyebrow.

"I'm not that of an idiot to believe you on this, I'm pretty sure I was below 60." Jehwan says, narrowing his eyes.

"Start again or stay quiet, either way---stop talking." Jeongguk says and Jehwan pouts at him.

"You don't have to be so rude to me." Jehwan huffs and crosses his arms on his chest, looks back outside.

Jeongguk never thought he'd be seeing this side of his brother. Step-brother.

The childish and not bad---not evil side. Or more like, his real side.

"1...2...3...4...HOLY SHIT!!" Jehwan yells when he sees the flash of red eyes among the thick trees, scaring him because it was so sudden.

They don't get any time to register what's happening as they get surrounded by wolves.

"Okay, are we all ready?" Yunho asks and Jehwan smirks.

"Hell yeah, let's go hunting." His eyes turn red, canines appear and so does the claws.

Jeongguk takes a deep breath. All he wants is to get rid of these wolves immediately and go to the place where his son is, where Seokjin is and get them back. He hopes it wouldn't take him long.

He hopes he'll succeed.

"Jeongguk, send the call to the rest of the pack, tell them to get moving." Yunho says and Jeongguk nods.

He's ready to face any problem, any pain for his son.


Taehyung's looking or more like staring intently at what he's holding in his hand.

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