Chapter 6: Shimmer

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk woke up early today but he was in no mood of going outside. And the main reason of him staying here was because he wanted to talk to Taehyung. He has no idea about that he has to talk to him about but he just wanted to---hear him talk.

He woke up to the memories of last night playing in his mind. He smiles because Taehyung didn't even flinch once when he touched him and he was maybe wrong when he thought Taehyung wouldn't want him near.

Seokjin was right, Taehyung doesn't bite. Jeongguk smiles wider and recalls Taehyung's face, that soft whining face when he wouldn't open his eyes. He was so close to him and all Jeongguk wanted was to never let go of him, even if he was touching him briefly.

Jeongguk freshens up and walks out to the kitchen, starts making breakfast. He's also preparing himself mentally for whatever conversation he is going to have with him.

First, he has to apologize for what happened at the dinner table. Jeongguk can't get that image out of his mind, the startled face of the pup and his wobbling lips and the way he hid himself in Taehyung's chest as if everyone else present there would hurt him.

Jeongguk can't believe he scared a little baby. Jeongguk didn't mean it though but still, he'll apologize.

He wonders what Taehyung would think about him.

And then he'll apologize for the conversation Taehyung heard of his and Seokjin's. He meant it in a totally different way but maybe Taehyung won't understand that yet. Maybe he has no concept of---


Jeon Jeongguk, please stop thinking so much. Jeongguk scolds himself.

I shouldn't be getting my hopes too high. The alpha sighs.

He's also embarrassed because last night, he was sitting on the stool and Taehyung was on the floor.

He's setting the plates when Taehyung comes out of the room but this time, Hansol isn't in his arms rather crawling behind him. Jeongguk wants to pick him up because his arms will hurt.

But maybe Taehyung is still hesitant about him touching Hansol. The omega visibly looks protective of his son and Jeongguk's sure he won't even hesitate to take someone's life who hurts Hansol.

"Good morning." Jeongguk says and Taehyung halts, smiles at him softly, a little reluctant and he bows---greets him properly.

"Come on, breakfast is ready." Jeongguk says and Jeongguk wonders if Taehyung has a natural morning blush or if he's actually blushing. 

Focus on the breakfast Jeongguk. Stop looking at him. But the problem is, it's too hard to look away from Taehyung.

Taehyung's too captivating.

Hansol is trying to stand up with the help of the stool but it's too high so he gives up and sits next to Taehyung who is grabbing the plate. He tugs the fabric of his baggy pants, perhaps wanting Taehyung to sit down.

Taehyung is about to sit on the floor when Jeongguk speaks;

"Please---don't sit on the floor." Jeongguk says and Taehyung looks at him a little shocked as if he said something he shouldn't have.

Though in reality, no one---especially an alpha has ever offered him to not sit in the floor. They would mostly throw him on the floor after using him.

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