Chapter 29: Joy

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Pic cred kookv_an_oxygen (indeed)

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Hansol was in his seat of the car, asleep and the backseat, trunk and even Taehyung's side was full of gifts. They left the rest of them in Jehwan's car who'll bring them tomorrow. They were now going back to their home.

Never once a smile left their lips. Taehyung and Jeongguk have now started a new life, a whole new start of a married life. They were mates before and they are husbands too now but they were---and are, lovers forever.

"I'll take him to his room." Jeongguk says he parks the car in garage. Taehyung nods.

The omega goes to their room and Jeongguk Jeongguk goes to Hansol's. The alpha puts his in his crib, caresses his hair softly. He takes off his small jacket though so he can be comfortable. Takes off his shoes and pants, leaves him in his under clothes but Jeongguk doesn't put him in his onesie because he knows he'll wake the pup.

Only Taehyung knows how to change Hansol's clothes while he's sleeping. The pup hardly squirms when Taehyung does that. Jeongguk however, hasn't got a hand of it yet.

Jeongguk puts a bunny plushie at Hansol's back and a tiger plushie at his front, covering him with little comforter and smiles as he watches the pup sleep soundly.

"GoodNight, little one." Jeongguk whispers and walks towards the door, turning off the lights but keeping the lamp light on.

The alpha takes a deep breath when he walks out of the room and now he's making way to his own room, their room. Jeongguk and Taehyung's room.

He feels giddy, excited---not just butterflies in his stomach but a whole damn zoo and it makes him want to jump and scream in happiness, doesn't care if he's a grown man. Jeongguk chuckles softly to himself.

Taehyung's sitting on the bed when Jeongguk opens the door. The omega was looking at his ring before and now he's looking at Jeongguk as he enters, gets up and a wide smile adorns his lips.

Jeongguk stands there after he closes the door behind him. He's smiling in amusement, excitement and adoration---warmth and love all dance together on their eyes.

"Hi there, husband." Taehyung utters and steps forward a bit, stops then.

Husband. Jeongguk's heart flutters at that. It's not just a title, it's a bond---just like their mate bond.

Looking good, husband. Jeongguk links him rather than speaking and his heart skips a beat when Taehyung giggles at that.

Not so bad yourself, alpha. Jeongguk groan is borderline guttural at the reply from Taehyung and he smirks after that, walks towards him.

Taehyung's arms extend towards him, both wanting to be close to eachother, craving the warmth. Taehyung's hand rests on Jeongguk's shoulder, other arm around his neck, cups at his nape and plays with his hair. Jeongguk's arms secure around Taehyung's waist and they are pulled towards eachother as if a strong magnetic force is present and their is---love is that force.

Jeongguk nuzzles Taehyung's neck, the omega sighs contented, tilts his head to let Jeongguk nuzzle him more, his lips touch his skin a little and Taehyung's body jerks just slightly at the sensation.

"I'm so happy today. You've made me so happy ever since you came into my life." Jeongguk confesses and he means it.

"No Gukkie, you're the one who changed my life. You saved me, gave me my first happiness as Hansol and when I found you again, no matter how cold I was towards you---". Taehyung pauses and smiles as Jeongguk looks st him.

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