Chapter 21: Engage

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Seokjin wanted nothing more to see Taehyung right now. It's been two days since Taehyung's been at Jimin's and talked to no one. He appeared fine infront of Jimin but Jimin knew something's wrong. And they all got to know of it when Jeongguk told them, in Yunho's office.

He knew it was stupid to hide it from them, especially his father. They were all really happy when Jeongguk said he is Hansol's father, telling them Taehyung knew it all along and what happened al Lotus. Yunho stayed quiet.

Hoseok would've joked about if the situation wasn't too serious---that Jeongguk got out of his senses and got into rut watching the dance. A nice 21st birthday present from nature.

No even imagined it would be the night he'd meet Taehyung too but too bad, didn't remember.

Everyone, except Seokjin were shocked when Jeongguk told them that he thought Jehwan was Hansol's father and that he accused Taehyung in a not so polite way, got him mad, hurt him and now his mate is away from his home.

No one except Seokjin observed Taehyung and the older omega knows it's his fault because he told Jeongguk and its because of him that it started.

Looking at everyone's reactions, Jeongguk wants to disappear. He just feels so bad that he doesn't have words to explain. And worse is that his father hasn't looked at him once, given no reaction, said not even a single word.

"I need to talk to Jeongguk---alone." Yunho breaks the silence and they all get up, leaving the room and Jeongguk doesn't look at them, he can't seem to.

Seokjin looks at him desperately, wants to apologize because what he saw was not true at all and now he feels like shit. He looks away and walks out of the room, leaving Jeongguk alone with his father.

Yunho keeps looking out of the window and Jeongguk's going out of his mind behind him.

Yunho turns around and Jeongguk looks down, doesn't have it in him to face his father right now.

"I'm not going to be angry at you for what you've done nor I'm going to lecture you on what you should've done---". Yunho starts, voice calm yet authoritative.

"I trust in what I've taught you. I have taught you to respect omegas and you do but that doesn't give you the right, not even a little bit to jump on conclusions and accuse them of something that hasn't been done." Yunho says.

"Look at me." Yunho demands and Jeongguk feels like a four year old who is unable to look at his parent after doing something wrong.

"Look at me, son." Yunho utters again and this time Jeongguk does, is met with his father's firm yet still soft eyes.

"How would it felt if Taehyung was actually disgusted by the fact that you are father of his son? If Jehwan being Hansol's father is disgusting to you than what if I say it's disgusting to me that you are the real father?" Yunho says and Jeongguk looks at him desperately, as if about to cry.

"See Jeongguk, the feeling of desperation and hurt you feel right now, others feel it too, they have emotions too and I know you care about them---but what happened this time?" Yunho utters.

"I don't know dad, I don't know why I believed Jehwan." Jeongguk replies and Yunho clicks his tongue.

"This is no excuse. This only means one thing that you don't trust your love for Taehyung. You're scared that he might leave you that's why even little of these things will affect you, take over your senses and you'll end up hurting him." Yunho says and Jeongguk shakes his head.

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