Chapter 28: Serenity

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Pic cred su_066

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Yunho was the one who gave the rings to Jeongguk and Taehyung. A small celebration was held in the pack house for the engagement.

Two weeks before the wedding, Hansol's birthday was celebrated. Taehyung kept laughing at his excited Jeongguk was for their son's first birthday. He decorated the whole pack house because Taehyung wanted to celebrate it there.

Jehwan was the one with the most gifts. At this point, Taehyung was sure that Jeongguk and Jehwan are competing in who brings the most gifts.

The guest room was almost filled with colorful gifts which need a whole day or maybe more to open them and the wedding being close, they could open only a few.

Teddy bears, onesies, clothes, lots and lots of toys were in the guest room and Taehyung was sure a small shop could be opened with just theses gifts.

Hansol's wardrobe was full and Taehyung had to put some of his clothes in his side of the closet too. Some were big on him and some were the right size.

Taehyung couldn't help but squeal while looking at little shoes that are gifted to Hansol.

The guest room becomes a mess of wrapping papers as Jeongguk and Taehyung open Hansol's gifts. Hansol gets lost in the mess of papers and the three of them fall in soft laughters when they find Hansol between the gift papers.

"Your dad said he'll be paying for Hansol's room decoration." Taehyung says to Jeongguk.

"Yeah, he said he couldn't bring him a gift and wasn't in the birthday so he'll be taking care of that." Jeongguk says.

"But he doesn't have to. It's not a necessity for him to give Hansol something, his love is enough." Taehyung says softly. "Besides, Hansol has way too many gifts."

"He said we should not interfere in grandfather and grandson relationship." Jeongguk utters and Taehyung chuckles softly.

Since Jeongguk and Taehyung are sharing a room and Taehyung's previous will be entirely Hansol's so they were deciding to decorate it. Paint it pastel and put all the baby like things which Taehyung was really interested in ever since Seokjin gave him the idea. He had already picked the design.

"He's so sweet." Taehyung smiles. He's so happy to have people like them kn his life. People who love him and care for him so damn much that it feels ecstatic.

The love he and his son are getting, Taehyung can't believe it all. It feels so perfect, he feels so happy---to the level of ecstasy that he's getting married to Jeongguk.

His love, his mate, his everything.


"It's so pretty. Hansol has so many onesies if this pastel blue color. He's gonna look so adorable in his new room." Taehyung squeals excitedly and Jeongguk laughs softly as they both see the room decorated.

"Your idea for this room was really unique Tae. It doesn't feel like the old room at all." Jeongguk says as he pecks Taehyung's cheek.

"Well, what can I say? I'm unique." Taehyung replies and damn Jeongguk loves when he gets sassy like this.

"That you are, baby." Jeongguk chuckles and kisses his forehead.

"And you put bunny plushies too. I know why you did that." Jeongguk says in fake enthusiasm and Taehyung hits his chest.

Taehyung calls him a cute but muscled bunny a lot.

"Well, Hansol will have your look alike next to him when he sleeps. Be happy." Taehyung says and Jeongguk wrinkles his nose.

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