Chapter 3: Hislerim

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

As long as Taehyung remembers, he never woke up surrounded by such warmth and calmness, no fear or dread of any one like it used to be as soon as he'd open his eyes. Today, a smile appears on his lips as he wakes up, his eyes falling on Hansol who is wrapped in a towel since he doesn't have clothes.

Usually when Hansol wakes up first, he wakes Taehyung up by either tapping on his face or squirming and getting closer to him, seeking his warmth and Taehyung would always find him curled into his side. Hansol is sleeping soundly, hands curled on his sides and Taehyung smiles.

It's an overwhelming feeling only by getting up in a comfortable and warm place, with no fear and dread and he doesn't want to be selfish but he wants more of it.

And above all, the sweetest scent that he is surrounded with, it soothes him and was the only reason Taehyung slept in a matter of mere seconds.

He couldn't name this scent because it was the first time he was surrounded by it and he doesn't even know much scents, let alone their names so he unconsciously name it---

Jeongguk's scent---

He doesn't know why he can't seem to look at the alpha even for a second or maybe he knew the reason---just doesn't want to dwell in it.

And then Taehyung realizes he's not on the floor. Even in the orphanage, no matter how he was told to sleep on the bed, he'd always set the comforter on the floor. He can't just let go of the habit he was forced to adopt for eight years.

And he's fine with sleeping on the floor. He doesn't wish for a luxurious or rich life, he just wants a life where he's seen as a person who has feelings, emotions---can get hurt and is not a toy.

He just wants to be respected. Respect---should come first than anything else.

And for Taehyung, love is a luxury right now---which he can't afford at all.

He used to believe love doesn't exist but it does because he feels it---he loves his son---more than anyone and anything in the world.

"I'm sorry baby. I couldn't fight for you yesterday---". Taehyung whispers, holding Hansol's little hand.

"I should've been strong for you but---but I was so so scared and---just so tired." Taehyung feels the guilt and he knows it was his mistake that he got so reckless for a moment and went out.

"But I swear---I swear all I could think of was you and what would happen to you---what would those ruthless animals do to you---". Taehyung closes his eyes, stops his tears.

"Please forgive me baby, I love you and promise to fight for you now and to stay strong for you." Taehyung whispers, holds back a sob and now Hansol is squirming, probably feeling Taehyung's emotions and then flutter open his eyes.

Hansol yawns, the sight too adorable that Taehyung giggles.

"Good morning baby." Taehyung whispers and Hansol tries to get out of the towel he's wrapped in, as usual excited after waking up. Taehyung helps him, loosens the towel and Hansol wriggles his arms and legs, turning on his side and laying in his stomach.

"Do you forgive me Hanie?" Taehyung whispers when Hansol lays his head down and stares at Taehyung, breathing a little rapidly and Taehyung touches his cheek, tickles there.

"Oh do you forgive me, my sweet little baby." Taehyung whispers and Hansol giggles, hides his face behind his little hand.

"I love you baby. Appa loves you." Taehyung utters and smiles, now playing with him. He laughs softly at Hansol's naked form as he crawls out of the towel and comforter. Hansol hardly cries at night, letting Taehyung sleep through out the night and himself as well.

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