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I grimaced seeing jack avery walk a little too close to my desk. I gagged earning a glare from him.
jack avery was an absolute menace. The most annoying brat I have ever had to come across. I believed it was a blessing that he was even smart enough to share the same grade as me..

he was a liar,cheater and douche. The fact that he had friends made me confused.

how could someone willingly want to be around him?

"I don't get why you hate him so much." Corbyn sighed aloud.

"Shut it besson."

The teacher came over putting my test on the desk I smiled shyly not bothering to turn it over. I knew I had failed and sighed. "Can you just tutor me corbs?"

"Our grades are the same." He grimanced showing me the 20% he got on his test.

"If I fail this semester I don't get to graduate." I whispered to him. I felt defeated.

"Another hundred percent? You're getting unbelievable." Christina sighed aloud from behind talking to her best friend.

Corbyn sighed dreamingly trying not to turn around. He had been crushing on Christina for four years but she never knew. Corbyn was too afraid to approach her.

"It's not hard when you study." jack laughed aloud knowing zach was listening and just failed his quiz.

"Yeah it's not hard to cheat." zach spit turning around in his chair.

"Fuck you herron." Jack was fuming.


the two butt heads everyday.


Zach grabbed his things hoping to exit the class as soon as possible. Anywhere away from jack avery was best.

Corbyn rushed to keep up with Zach.

"Mr. herron can you stay after class?" the teacher asked before I exited.

I nodded staying behind. She grabbed jack asking him the same. She was probably going to make a comment on the banter we made during her class. We fought all the time.

"So jack I noticed your grades are beyond exceptional and you have proved it through your work and through the test you take." She smiled at him. "Thank you I study a lot." He grinned I wanted to puke.

I may like boys but jack was far from attractive. I gagged every time I thought of him.

"It's come to my attention your classmate is in need of assistance in order to graduate. It's also come to my attention that you need another school activity for the perfect 5.0 gpa. "

Jack nodded. "Who's the student?" He scratches his head.

my world stopped. She could only be talking about me or corbyn.

"Zach herron could use your help." She smiled deviously.

Jacks hand covered his mouth holding in a laugh. He couldn't help but snicker at his rivals lack of knowledge. It was absolutely priceless.

"fuck." I muttered under my breath as the teacher kept speaking. She explained all the assignments she was going to give me and all the curriculum.

"I'd love to help him. How's this afternoon sound?" Jack nudged my arm earring glare from me.


as I explained my troubles to corbyn he nodded and agreed. This situation was rather idiotic knowing that she knew we hated eachother.

all that would happen was me getting taunted and made fun of. This was going to be the absolute death of me.

"shut up." corbyn said putting his finger against my lip.
"Ew gross!" I moved his hand looking behind me to see what he was staring at.

Christina and jack were walking our way and I sighed heavily.

That boy was no good.

"hey dumbass ready to study?" Jack smirked.
"Over my dead body."

"Or did you mean over your dead gpa?" He chuckled warning a punch in the arm from christina

"Jack be nice. Everyone struggles at something." She said sweetly putting a hand on my shoulder rubbing it gently.

"Oh I thought all jacks friends were heartless? It's nice to see someone here is as lovely as you." I held my hand out to her "I'm zach nice to meet you."

she held it shaking it. "Christina. Who's he by the way?"

"I'm corbyn nice to meet you." corbyn chinned I'm shaking her hand as well.

"Oh god I might puke. Can we just go I have a life I'd like to get back to after this." Jack said annoyingly running his hands through his curls.
"I better get walking." Corbyn said waving a goodbye.
"I can take you home!" Christina smiled at him before corbyn nodded following. She waved too.

"What are you waiting for let's go already!" Jack said pushing me forward.

I scowled before walking to his car.


I sat at his table looking at the complicated problems. I didn't want to admit that I was at a loss.
The tension in the room was thick. I was waiting for a snarky remark from jack. I was at my limit. I didn't even want to be in his house. Any other tutor would be better than jack avery.

"Are ya lost dummy?" Jack spoke up.

"fuck this I'm going home." I threw the pen down standing up.

"Calm down it was a joke."
I grabbed my bag leaving. He grabbed my wrist stopping me.

"Cmon sorry I'll help this time." jack pleaded. I realized he needed this as much as I did.

"You hate it but let's face it. We need eachother."


hello new book since I won't we working on my favorite book
'The beginning'

I would check out the last chapter 'fin' if I were you



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