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I could recognize him from behind despite his new short hair and purple tips. I knew that he knew I was wake he just wasn't saying anything. I groaned feeling my head pounding, all of a sudden my drinking last night wasn't that great of an idea.

"I don't know what happened last night but you were shitfaced last night!" jack protested angrily and suddenly. His voice filled the almost silent room, Daniels snored were still evident but a small chuckle left my mouth. 'He was concerned about me?' I thought as a cheeky grin came to my face. It was what I wanted for him to care for me but I never knew I would've found out in the form of a lecture
"Don't laugh it's not funny!" Jack yelled turning around and looking me in the eyes. His eyes were gleaming and he held back tears. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He cried aloud turning away again.

I wasn't prepared for this conversation, I wasn't expecting us to even talk again and even less for him to confront me. This was the conversation I dreamned of having, the one that could fix everything. This conversation could also put a permanent end to everything and I still hadn't gathered all the words I had for him. I wasn't ready yet but life waits for no one I had learned.

He looked at me with a lot of emotions and I tried to avoid looking at him, I had already been hurt to much. I didn't want to hurt again today, and even less by him. "You and corbyn were practically fucking against Daniels car at two in the morning and you kept trying to drive home." He spat angrily again I examined his face. "You're still very pretty." I breathed out trying to avoid this from going any farther. He had a dark bruise on his cheek that wasn't there before or maybe I didn't notice it, it didn't belong on his beautiful face.

"Don't avoid this conversation." He corrected me and I sighed looking away. After silence roamned the room jack's phone rang, on the screen 'ruel' appeared in a text message. It was next to a bunch of missed calls and it was evident something was going sour in their relationship. "Now he's worried where I am and I can't tell him. Because he will be saying I'm picking you over him again." He groaned aloud tossing his phone aside and putting his head in his hands. "This is all your fault herron." He groaned frustrated.

"I didn't ask for your help, don't blame your shitty decision making skills on me." I argued back "it's not fair." I added shaking my head. It wasn't fair at all, not after my past month had been. He didn't know the hell I've been through trying to get over him.
Jack turned around his face twisted in disbelief, he was trembling with anger and had his fist balled. After a moment he took a breath but it didn't work he was still angry at me in a swift moment I found him on top of me gripping the neck of my shirt.

his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes clenched shut. "How do you expect me to just stop caring about you?" He spoke with a shaky breath. "I want to not care about you anymore, you broke my heart, remember?" He asked quietly and I nodded. "Why are you always on my mind? Aren't I happy without you?" He was more asking himself rather than me but I nodded anyways. He had let go of the neck of my shirt and I reached my arms around his back. Instead of towering over me he was now laying down with his head in my lap. when he had moved it was unexpected where he wound up, possibly his emotions getting the best of him.

neither of us spoke because we were thinking of our next move. I shouldn't have but I reached my hand out laying it in the boys hair. I wasn't used to the length or the new color as I played with it in the tips of my fingers, I missed jack's hair.

"It's okay to be angry with me." I whispered "I am." He replied shortly but he didn't move from my lap instead he starred at the wall infront of him and I looked at the window. There was a stream of light peaking through and that's when I realized daniel was still in here sound asleep. "I know this might confuse you more but I still care about you."

"I still want you." I muttered loud enough for only the two of us to hear. Jack said nothing infact all he did was sit up and turn to look at me for awhile before he leaned foward. Our lips smashed together and this time we didn't take things slow, our lips moved with purpose, longing and hunger. We wanted each other and badly, we had been away from each other far long enough. I pushed him back to look at him when I heard him sniffle. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lip trembled shaking his head. Thick tears hit my face and the mood changed quickly yet again. "Fuck I'm in love with you. Not some stupid petty sixth grade love.. I want to spend the rest of my life with you type of love." He cried out causing my world to stop.

the word love was finally said, I felt as if I couldn't breathe. It was all I had ever wanted and I didn't even know. I waned jack Avery's love.

"I love you." I spoke up feeling his tears counting to hit my face, each one felt heavier than the last. " Lets stay together, forever this time." I held out my pinky and he laughed in my face. "You're so childish."
my face became red and I looked away but surely his pinky wrapped around mine. "I promise you."

he spoke the words my heart had been longing to hear and with that we sealed our promise with a kiss and maybe day when we become lucky enough

we would seal it again with a ring.

Don't worry this isn't the end just yet.

Hello guys it's peachtroye! So as the book comes to an end I was wondering which ending you guys would like to see for our favorite couple!

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Hello guys it's peachtroye!
So as the book comes to an end I was wondering which ending you guys would like to see for our favorite couple!

Here's some options (the one with the most votes wins!) :

1) unexpected ending and I end the book for good

2) unexpected ending with a sequel

3) a sweet and well deserved ending for our favorite love birds.

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