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"This is too much." I muttered to myself watching corbyn help daniel clean himself up from his own vomit, tears and snot as a result of missing jonah. I wasn't aware of how close the two were until I saw the road it lead daniel. Daniel seemned to be very dependent on jonah and now that he was gone daniel was left like this.

the worse part was that it was all my fault.

outside of corbyns house I sat on the curb of the street and looked at the rocks kicking them gently and playing with one in the palm of my hand. I didn't know why everything was crashing down all of a sudden. I never wanted to lose jonah as a friend and now I was responsible for bringing him back. I just gotten the chance to be completely comfortable in my relationship with jack and now he didn't want me around. He needed space and that was the opposite of what I needed. "When did life get so complicated?" I muttered to myself.

"I think it's all apart of growing." A voice said. I looked up to see a boy standing beside me with a skateboard in his hand and fluffy brunette hair.He had a straight face and almost looked down at me in a judgmental way. "You think so?" I sighed looking back at my shoes and the rocks.
The boy set down his skateboard and sat beside me his feet now beside me. "I don't know your situation but you know..nothing last forever. Whether you're dealing with a internal or physical situation maybe both nothing's too grand to get over. All you need is the proper support." He had a thick British accent that made some of his words a bit odd.

I blinked at him in amazement. He didn't even know me yet he spoke something that really touched me. Amazing the things strangers can do for you. "I'm Zach." I said holding out my hand and the boy took it. "I'm Harrison ..Wanna see something?" He asked suddenly. On impulse I nodded. His advice had knocked down my walls and I felt comfortable around him despite meeting him less than ten minutes ago. He began to walk into the woods near by and I bit my lip regretting my decision, maybe I shouldn't have trusted this stranger.

But beyond the trees there was a lake that seemned deserted and a tall tree house that had a porch above the water. It was one of those dream tree houses that you see in movies or in cartoons but never fortunate to see in real life. Except me because it was in front of my eyes. "Cheesy but this is where I come for inspiration and to write my music. You can come by any time you're feeling stressed." He offered with a shy smile before turning away to go up the ladder.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" I questioned the boy with the brown wavy hair that suited him so well. "I think it's respectful to treat people with kindness, I also wouldn't mind a new friend." He smiled showing his pearly white teeth before trying to go up the ladder once again. When we both made it to the top I looked at him once more he had a grey hoodie one and ripped black jeans. "Do you not have many friends?"
"I have about three but two of them are almost never around." He explained while my eyes scanned the tree house. In the corner of the room a boy sat in the corner with a red beanie on his knees pulled to his chest reading a book. He paid no mind to us and it seemed like the curly hair boy didn't usually give his attention to him as well. "Who's he?"
"Anderson. He's a book worm it's best you leave him to his book he gets awfully mad to be disturbed. He's also my younger brother." He chuckled before moving to the porch to sit. I sat beside him and my phone started to buzz with notifications again and I realized that we were still in the real world. Nothing was changing because I got away for the moment.
For sure I was relieved that suddenly in this space I felt worry free and comfortable. I felt as if nothing mattered and life was back normal I even pictured Harrison as Jonah.

So I laid in my comfort on this porch and the sun danced on our faces until it was now the moons light that decorated the night. But it wouldn't last forever
I needed to be there for daniel right now, for corbyn

for jack.

"I've got to go."

"what are you doing here? I asked you to go." Jack muttered in the same spot I had left him. "I know you did.." I responded walking into the room shutting the door behind me. "I know you think you want to be alone right now but it's not what you need honey." I said sitting beside him on the bed. "I need you to get through this and I can't let you do this alone. I won't." I shook my head grabbing his hand.

his hand laid limp in my own and he didn't even bother to turn to face me. "This is really fucking me up. I don't want you to see me this way so please.."

"I can't leave you,not like this."

"If you say so.." jack muttered before falling silent for the rest of the night.

Little did he know all I wanted to do was hear his voice tonight.
Some of my favorite lyrics

'But these high walls, they came up short
Now I stand taller than them all
These high walls never broke my soul, and I
I watched them all come falling down
I watched them all come falling down for you
For you'

I saw this this weekend took a trip to nyc

I saw this this weekend took a trip to nyc

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