Chapter 17

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"I've finally found you. I've been searching everywhere, Sunshine." Sunflower slowly turned her head. Her eyes widened. 


Her hands shook as she looked at the person with disbelief. 
"Who are you?" Jesse stood defensively in front of Sunflower. "Oh? You haven't heard of me from Sunflower? Allow me to introduce myself." The girl stood straight, a smug look on her face.
"My name is Lottie. I've come to take back what's mine." Lottie smiled cheekily. "No way.. That's her-." Kate looked at Lottie, as if she'd seen a ghost.
Lottie glanced to Louise. "Oh, you silly girl. Did you try to replace me with that shrimp?" Lottie put her hand on her mouth. "Aw, shucks. If you missed me that much you could've come back to Rocky Lagoon." Lottie sighed dreamily.
"No- I don't belong to you- I was never yours." Sunflower backed away, a terrified, but pained look on her face. "But Sunshine.. I've come all this way to see you, didn't you miss me?" Lottie pouted before she smiled menacingly. 
Lottie walked towards Sunflower putting her hand on her cheek. "I've missed you. Rocky Lagoon isn't Rocky Lagoon without you." Lottie chuckled.
Sunflower smacked her hand away from her cheek, tears going down her cheeks. Jesse felt the rage burning deep inside of her.
Jesse, Erlen, Kate and Aqua stood in front of Sunflower, defending her. "Leave us alone." Jesse says, giving Lottie a dirty look.
Lottie felt her cheeks burn pink before laughing. Lottie laughed out loud. "Tch- Is she intimidating us?" Aqua glared at her.
"What kind of psychotic freak is she?" Jesse muttered. "The weird kind, of course." Kate scoffed.
Lottie continued to laugh, before wiping her eyes. "Heheh! You're powerless against me." Lottie wiped her tears again, before she stopped laughing.
"That's not true. There are nine of us." Jesse gave her a stern look. "Eight you mean? Don't you agree Sunflower Minafile?" Lottie turned her head to the trembling girl.
"That isn't her last name!" Jesse snapped before turning her head to Sunflower.
Sunflower gave Lottie a doubtful look, before looking at Jesse with guilt. 
Lottie shook her head before chuckling. "Sunshine, you bad girl." Lottie sighs before turning her head to the eight girls, smiling.
"Her last name was originally Minafile, but apparently minor changes had happened so they had to change it to Havensters. Aren't you all curious about what all happen to Sunflower? Aren't you curious why she is like this?" Lottie smiled.
"But we already know what's wrong with her. She told us everything already." Jesse protested. "Ah- I've always wanted to meet you Jesse. Dia's told me a lot about you, but the way she mentioned your physical figure is quite off. Is it not?" Lottie circled Jesse, circling around her.
"I also got some private information that I really don't like." Lottie stared dead into her soul.
"What kind of info-." Jesse was cut off by Lottie walking towards Aqua. "You're Aqua. The cliche sports girl who is in love with my Sunshine. You are the captain of every single sport in your school except badminton. That's the only sport you are bad at but you like to hide it because you're ashamed you're not the perfect person you wanted to be." Lottie smirked.
"Wuh-." Aqua's eyes widened.
"Elisa and Lavender, the cute but klutz pair. The other likes the other, but the other doesn't even bother to notice." Lottie grinned.
"What?" Elisa muttered confused. Lavender rubbed on her arm, a saddened look.
"Kate and Louise, the secret romantic pair of seduction and love." Lottie smiled.
"Er-." Kate bit her lip in annoyance. Louise was shocked.
"Gabby and Erlen, I have nothing to say about you two since you've treated my Sunshine excellently." Lottie chuckled.
"How do you know so much about us?" Erlen murmured. "Oh? It's because of Dia, of course. You silly goose." Lottie thumbs up.
"How can Dia know about this when we barely even went by her?" Kate questioned.
Lottie tilted her head, grinning. "Wasn't it obvious from the start? She was a spy for me. She never mentioned she was living at Pigeon Ocean though, maybe she just wanted to spend time with Sunshine." Lottie flashed a look at Sunflower, before developing a grin on her face. 
"Hey.. Did you know.. It was her fault her father had died, considering its also her fault the Minafile's had to change their name." Lottie chuckled.
"That's not true! Sunflower mentioned that it was all your fault." Jesse growled.
"I mean- it's partly my fault, but Sunflower did most of the work. I can't believe she blamed me for all of it. She ain't wrong though if you really think about it." Lottie stuck out her tongue innocently.
Sunflower looked at the ground, her eyes full of guilt. 
"It's true." She says, looking at the ground with a low gray darkened face.
 Lottie put her hand on Sunflower's shoulder.
"You don't know everything about your precious Sunflower." Lottie grinned.
Sunflower looked at the ground, slightly clenching her fist as she had an unreadable look.
"Did you know she caused a little boy to die? She sent him hurdling down a cliff." Lottie smiled again, wrapping her arm around her neck.
"What? She wouldn't do that! She wouldn't be here right now." Jesse spat. "I don't believe a girl as nice as Sunflower would murder a kid. You're obviously spilling out lies, that's the type of person you are." Kate clenched her fist, glaring at Lottie with a bitter gaze.
"Oh. The determination rages inside of you doesn't it?" Lottie chuckled.
"Shut up." Kate would say with annoyance.
"That doesn't explain what you're doing here." Erlen leaned on the wall, staring at the girl.
"Didn't I mention earlier? I came to take my sunshine back. You were clearly not listening."
Lottie looked at over to Jesse. "Not to mention. I see you've fallen in my PPM." She grinned.
"PPM? You're the one who puts that stuff in the middle of the walk? Who knows who is all suffering from your disgusting ways." Erlen spat.
"Who cares? It'll wear off soon." Lottie chuckled. Sunflower looked up to Lottie.
"Why can't you leave me alone? You are already making this hard for me, each day I can't help but remember you! How we killed my father and how we used to do everything together- I want it all gone! I don't want you to be here- in my mind each and every minute why can't you just leave?" Sunflower moved her arm, quickly going to the side with watery eyes.
"I'll always be there. You can't escape or run from the past, what had happened had happened. You can't change what'll happen either. Life happens for a reason, no matter how much you try to forget I'll still be there, forever and ever." Lottie smiled.
Jesse stood beside Sunflower. "Leave us alone! What more could you possibly want!" Jesse hissed as she glared at Lottie.
"What I want..? I got everything, but I don't have Sunshine by my side. I could never leave my Sunshine alone. Not ever. Which is why." Lottie reached for her pocket.
Sunflower looked up, Jesse put her arm in front of Sunflower for defense.
"Sunflower. The reason I came here was to ask you.. Well, a marriage proposal." Lottie pulled a silver box out of her pockets. 
"What!" Jesse was shocked. Sunflower looked at Lottie, a lifeless look on her face.
"You can't just do that! You ruined her life!" Kate protested. "Sunflower is getting proposed to?" Louise muttered.
"This is so wrong!" Elisa butted into the conversation.
"Sunflower Havenster. Will you accept my hand in marriage?" Lottie kneeled down on one knee, she opened the silver box to reveal a shiny silver ring with a ruby gem.
That gem.. We got together didn't we? 
"I could never marry you-." Sunflower backed away. Jesse, Kate and Aqua went in front of Sunflower, defending the girl.
Lottie had a darkened face before smiling painfully. "I kinda knew you'd be like this. Which is why.." Lottie reached into her pocket again.
"What is she gonna do now?" Jesse tensed up.
"If you won't accept my marriage. I'll force you to!" Lottie threw a white circular container on the ground.
Smoke went everywhere. Sunflower breathed in the smoky substance and started to cough.
Everything went blank.
Everything was black.
It's so cold.. 
So, so cold...

Sunflower opened her eyes slowly, she was on a chair. Her hands were tied back. She had a red ball in her mouth.
Her whole body was numb, she couldn't feel anything.
"Is my Sunshine awake?" Sunflower recognized that voice, it was Lottie.
She felt a sharp edge, touch her cheek. She winced before opening her eyes with a struggle.
"Aw. Don't look at me like that. Even if you are in pain you still look beautiful." Lottie crouched down, moving the hair out of her face.
Sunflower didn't know what to do. "Wh... Where.. I?" Sunflower struggled to speak with her voice muffled.
"You're in my dungeon, or what I like to call my play place." Lottie smiled cheekily.
Sunflower realized she was in a dark place, she tried to move. Her hands were tied in a complicated knot.
"So.. Let's get to business shall we?" Lottie put a silver tray on the table beside Sunflower.
Sunflower's eyes were still lifeless as she looked at Lottie. This whole scenario was unbelievable, how could something like this even happen?
"Do you remember this?" Lottie grabbed a bat with nails in it, she turned her head with a grin.
It looked like there was faint, rusted blood. 
"Take a long good look at it." Lottie grabbed Sunflower's head, she put the bait directly in front of her face.
That bat.. Was used to kill my father..
Sunflower's eyes widened, she began to squirm around in alarm.
"With that facial expression, it seems like you remember. This is the bat your father was tortured with. The one he was killed with. I still remember when the blood of your father was spilt on that exact day. That wouldn't have happened if your mother hadn't separated us." Lottie dragged her finger along the bat with a darkened look. 
"We made so many promises, we did everything together, but that bitch ruined everything for the two of us." Lottie pressed down on one of the nails slightly before looking at Sunflower. 
Sunflower stared at the bat, unable to do anything.
"I didn't actually tell them to use a bat with nails, but they still did. I never washed his blood off, because I knew it was the daughter that needed to wash it off." Lottie put the bat close to her face, a menacing, crazed look appeared on her face.
"Why not lick it?" Lottie grinned, her eyes flashing. 
Sunflower got her strength back, she shook her head back and fourth.
The nails cut through her skin on her cheek.
Sunflower groaned in pain as the nails pierced through her cheek.
"Are you an idiot? If you do that the nails will cut you." Lottie narrowed her eyes to the side, she grinned before grabbing a salt packet. 
She opened it slightly before flashing a look at Sunflower.
She leaned closer, she sprinkled it on Sunflower's freshly made cuts.
Sunflower's eyes widened, she began to groan and grunt in pain as the salt made contact with her cuts, she squirmed around trying to avoid the pouring. 
Lottie put her free hand on Sunflower's shoulder, trying to hold her still.
She screamed more, but her voice was muffled by the ball. The pain burned through her cheek.
A torrent of warm tears went down her eyes.
"I love the sound of your.. Screams.. Your tears make me so.. It makes me want you even more." Lottie says with a soft voice as she looked at Sunflower with a warm gaze.  
Sunflower sobbed struggling from the rope tied around her wrists.
"Let me hear you scream more." Lottie's eyes shone as she took the ball from her mouth.
Sunflower held back her screams as her wounds were burning.
She tossed and turned, her body jerking around.
Her nails scraped the chair as she squirmed around.
"This is making me feel so.. Good.. How about you lick your father's blood now?" Lottie pulled her by the hair, she put the bat in her face.
Sunflower pulled her head back. "Stop struggling and do it!"
Lottie crushed her foot with her shoe. Sunflower screamed out.
Lottie used her hands to keep her mouth open.
"Open wide, Sunshine." Lottie grinned as the rusted nails went on Sunflower's tongue. 
She couldn't keep her tongue from licking the rusted blood. 
It's so cold.. 
"That's it. Lick it all up like a good girl." Lottie took the bat away. Sunflower had torrents of tears going down her eyes as she trembled.
"Here, have some water." Lottie opened her mouth, putting the water inside her mouth.
Sunflower had no choice but to gulp it down. "Too long." Lottie spilt the whole bottle all over her face.
"Look at you. The dirty girl you are. I like the dirty kind." Lottie puts her finger on Sunflower's chin.
"I'm gonna keep doing this. Every single day. Until you look my way and accept my marriage proposal. I'm gonna break you, and make you snap." Lottie grinned as she put both of her hands on Sunflower's cheeks.
"Ever since you left I longed to see you again, I really did. We could've done it the easy way, but you've chosen the hard way my love." Lottie took one of her hands off of Sunflower's cheek.
"Just know that if you manage to die.. Nobody would care. The Havensters already have a bad reputation, if you were to sue me what do you think will happen? I'm the one who framed your dad, so they'll be suspicious." Lottie flashed a grin. 
"I love you. So much it'll drive me to kill you. If I have to, I will. I'm not afraid of torture, or the blood I spill from your very skin. I love your screams, the dripping of your tears, the sound of your crying. I enjoy it all. Now get some sleep, my Sunshine. It's gonna be a big day tomorrow." Lottie nuzzled her cheek.
Her nuzzling smeared her blood all over her cheek. Sunflower winced in pain, her leg twitched.
Lottie stood straight. She turned off the lights before smiling. 
"Sweet dreams, my Sunshine, we're going to have such a great time together like the old times, this time nobody will be here to bother us. It'll just be us two, forever like you promised. Nobody will be here to save you, you're all alone." Lottie had a sinister gaze. 
"Just us, forever.. And ever."  

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