Chapter 26

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"Eh?" Sunflower looked at Lavender. "I'm sorry, but me and Elisa have to take some errands. We'll be back around five or six. For now, you can chill with Erlen." Lavender smiled with a peace sign.
"Erlen? Where is she? She's visiting too?" Sunflower looked around the room, not seeing the girl.
"We live together. Last minute Lavender invited her to stay with us." Elisa sighed.
"Even a girl like Erlen could be a handful." Lavender chuckled.
"So until you two get back I'll be with Erlen?" Sunflower sighed. "Well, yeah. Hold on, let me just so something." Elisa walked to the hallway.
"Erlen! You better not be playing games all day! We have a guest here!" Elisa raised her voice.
"Are they always like this?" Sunflower questioned Lavender. "Yes, they're always like this. Like a cat and dog." Lavender sighed. 
"Yeah, yeah." Erlen walked out of her room. "You still have to do your laundry. Me and Lavender can't always be doing your dirty work." Elisa glared at her.
"Yeah, yeah. I get it, go do your little girly thing." Erlen yawned.
"You're so annoying." Elisa huffed as she walked towards Lavender.
"So what? Sunflower is staying?" Erlen looked down to her. "Yes, she is. Don't go playing games all day, get some fresh air." Elisa sighed.
"Well, see you, Cherry Pie! We'll come back later." Lavender smiled. Elisa and Lavender walked out the door.
They left sunflower and Erlen in the room. "Wanna play a game?" Erlen raised a controller up.
"Yeah, sure." Sunflower shrugged. What's a game?
Sunflower sat down on the couch. Erlen handed her a controller. "Here, keep this. I'm going to close the blinds."
Erlen walked to the window. She closed the blinds and covered it with a curtain.
Sunflower looked at the controller curiously. It showed the letter 'a' it had joysticks and everything.
"Its better to play in the dark, the light won't bother us." Erlen sat on the couch, she put video game cases on the couch.
"What do you want to play?" Erlen questioned.
"What's this?" Sunflower pointed at a game. "Its Black ops 3. Its pretty fun." Erlen explained.
"Let's try it first." Sunflower sat back on the couch. Erlen put the game disk in the slot of the Xbox One S.
Sunflower watched the screen. This is what it meant to chill. "Press the menu button." Erlen pointed at the button.
She pressed it while looking at the screen. "Pick whatever profile you want." Erlen explained.
Sunflower picked 'SkyBreeze888.' She pressed the button 'a'
"Good. What map?" Erlen scrolled down the maps. "What's revelations?" Sunflower asked her.
"It's all the maps mixed as one. Its pretty fun." Erlen stretched her arms. "Let's play that one." Sunflower nodded.
Erlen pressed a. "Do you know how to play?" Erlen asked her. "Not at all." Sunflower sighed.
"You press this one to shoot, this one to aim, this is to throw grenades, this one is to look around, this one is for moving, x is to reload, a is to jump.. That's basically what the controls are." She explained.
"All right." Sunflower nodded. Erlen pressed ready. The game loaded. Sunflower found it fascinating.
Erlen and Sunflower waited in boredom. The game started. "I will do this ritual, you can kill the zombies."
"These zombies look gross."
"Those are the graphics. I think they're cool."
"What are those red guys doing?"
"I got to kill them."
"I see, do I repair this window?"
"Yeah, go ahead. It gives you ten points."
"Oh- what happen?"
"You're down, I have to revive you."
"Oh, all right."
"Since you have enough, can you open this barricade?"
"Uh, sure. How?"
"Press x."
"What's this blue thing?"
"It sends you to another map, be careful and watch out for the zombies. Just follow me or something."
Erlen and Sunflower stared at the water boiling. "That was a good round." Erlen mumbled.
"I guess so." Sunflower muttered. Water vapor rose from the kettle. "So what? Do you prefer chicken flavour or beef?" Erlen asked the girl as she dug in the coverts.
Sunflower leaned on the counter. "I guess chicken is good." Sunflower shrugged.
Erlen opened the cup of noodles. She stopped the kettle from the boiling and poured the water into the cup.
"Orange juice or berry juice?" Erlen grabbed two cups from the counter. "I'm satisfied with orange juice." Sunflower slouched down.
Erlen poured the orange juice in both of the cups. "Eat up and drink up." Erlen gave her the cup of noodles and drink.
"Yeah, thanks." Sunflower and Erlen both grabbed a blanket and covered up. They ate their noodles while sitting down at the table.
"How was your day?" Erlen asked the girl as she blew on her noodles. "I don't know.. I got up when to school, had to do some Student Council work.. Jesse walked me back to café Greenery and that's when Lavender invited me over so I went and here we are. What did you do all day?" Sunflower slurped some noodles.
"I went to school, walked Gabby back, I came here and slept.. then Elisa woke me up and  told me to do my chores.. After that I went to lie down again but Elisa came and yelled at me so here we are." Erlen drank some of her juice.
"I see." Sunflower drank some of her juice. "Wanna play something else?" Erlen asked the girl.
"Yeah, sure." Sunflower shrugged. Erlen and Sunflower brought their noodles to the couch. They both sat down.
"What next?"
"I have a question." Sunflower took a sip of the broth. "What's up?" Erlen looked at her.
"Elisa sometimes tells me that your always lazy and you never clean up after yourself, she sometimes questions what Gabby sees in you. Is that true?" Sunflower  questioned, tilting her head.
Elisa sat back, sighing. "I work around the apartment, I help with the chores and when I'm done Elisa thinks I'm slacking off. Its kind of how we roll. She gets mad at me and we get along again. I'm planning on getting a part-time job so I can help pay the bills so I don't seem useless, y'know?" Erlen explained.
"I see." Sunflower whispered.
"And with the entire Gabby thing, I genuinely don't understand what she sees in me. We sometimes have our problems, and we have our happy moments, but I don't really think I'm cut out for being with her.. I don't really want to take the advantage away from her of having kids and living a joyful life. Women can't have kids with each other, its impossible for me to give her a life she might want. Its complicated right now." Erlen sighed.
"That sounds complicated. What does Gabby want right now?" Sunflower questioned.
"Well.. She doesn't care about that stuff, apparently.. She doesn't want to have a kid because she's afraid of passing on her genes, y'know. Like her whole situation, with her weak body. She doesn't want to give anyone what she has." Erlen explained.
"Maybe you shouldn't worry about that stuff right now. Even without a kid, a couple could live a happy life. I'm not sure about that relationship stuff or what's going on at the moment, but I know that right now isn't the time for you to worry about child birth. What- Gabby is sixteen? And your seventeen, right?"
"Well, yeah." Erlen looked away.
"Then worry about that stuff, you don't have time to stress yourself out over that." Sunflower smiled.
"You're right." Erlen nodded. "Then that's good." Sunflower nodded.
"Your nice. Supportive too." Erlen let a smile escape her lips. "I don't consider myself a friendly person." Sunflower sighed.
"Well, maybe you should. I'm also rooting for you and Jesse." Erlen nodded and her eyes sparkled.
"Eh? What about us?" A shade of pink blush was on her cheeks. "We all know you did something on the Ferris wheel yesterday, not worth hiding it when we already know." Erlen leaned back, smiling.
"W-We did nothing!" Sunflower stuttered as her face became red. "Yeah right. Did you get it on?" Erlen questioned, smiling.
"W-We just had a little chat- that's all." Sunflower looked away, a blush on her face. Pictures of her and Jesse scattered around in her mind. Memories came flooding back to her.
Now that you think about it, I want to do it again. I hate to admit it, but I want to feel her lips against mine again.
It was an interesting and amazing feeling, I never felt it with Lottie or Aqua. Why is Jesse different?
"Yeah, I guess I'll believe you. Wanna play Outlast?" Erlen raised a game case in the air. "Er- yeah, sure." Sunflower nodded.
Maybe it's sick that I feel this way, it probably is. I see that there's nothing wrong with girls love for each other, but this isn't love. It's just me, I'm curious about these things.
Except.. I have this odd feeling in my chest I can't put into words. I want to feel Jesse's embrace again; I want to feel her all.
I can't. Love drives away all kinds of things, not to mention.. I don't think I'm capable of being a good 'lover'.
Half way into Outlast, Erlen had scared the bonkers out of Sunflower. Sunflower hid her face with the pillow.
"Look! That guy is going to chase me!" Erlen laughed. Sunflower peeked her head up only to see a jump scare.
"EEE!" Sunflower squealed in horror as she looked away.
"This is bliss, your reactions are so hilarious." Erlen chuckled. "I didn't know someone could find amusement in horror."  Sunflower whispered as she gave Erlen a smug look.
"Look- there's another ju-." Erlen was cut off as the door was opened.
The light blinded the two girls. "My eyes!"
"Close the door!" Sunflower hid underneath the blanket.
"Were you two playing games all day?" Elisa growled. Sunflower peeked her head up.
"Poor Cherry Pie, what did she do to you?" Lavender whimpered as she grabbed Sunflower's face.
"You made her stay in here all day? I thought I told you to give her some fresh air?" Elisa glared at Erlen.
"Relax. We let some air in for a minute." Erlen said in a soothing voice. "How is that supposed to help?!" Elisa protested.
Lavender was playing with Sunflower's face as Elisa was scolding Erlen.
"I suppose I have no choice." Elisa whipped out her phone. She tapped on the screen several times.
"What are you doing?" Sunflower questioned. Elisa grinned before putting the phone close to her face.
It rang for a while. The room was in silence.
"Hello?" The person picked up the phone.
"Ah, Jesse. Are you busy right now?" Elisa questioned.
"Ah- no, I'm just working on my dojin-."
"Well good. Come to me and Lavender's apartment. You have a date with Sunflower." Elisa huffed.
"Wait- a d-d-dat-." Elisa hung up on the phone.
"W-Why would you do that?!" Sunflower was in a daze. "You've been in here all day because of Erlen's schemes. You need to get out there and get some fresh air." Elisa huffed.
"But I want to play games." Sunflower pointed out, her brat side showing.
"Your going on a date with Jesse, what's more important seeing her or playing games?" Elisa demanded an answer.
"Well.." Sunflower looked at the TV desperately. "Come on, Cherry Pie." Lavender sighed.
"I guess so?" Sunflower muttered. "Great." Lavender smiled.
A knock was heard on the door. Elisa opened the door.
"Heh. Hi?" Jesse says nervously as she waved.
Sunflower's face became red. It's her! Its Jesse!
Jesse's face became red when she and Sunflower made eye contact.
I wasn't this nervous than earlier.. What's wrong with me?
"Good, have a great time Sunflower." Elisa waved. Sunflower got up from the couch. She sauntered towards the door, her and Jesse made eye contact.
Sunflower looked away once again, a blush on her face.
She's making me nervous! Erlen, Elisa and Lavender are watching me, which makes the scene even more stimulating, doesn't it?
"Let's go then." Jesse blushed as she looked away. "Er- sure." Sunflower whispered, she looked back at the three girls.
Elisa nodded.
Sunflower nodded in appreciation. Do I like this? This will be a hard day, everything will be awkward- me and Jesse are going to be- I don't know what to do, I can't even look her in the eye.
Sunflower mumbled to herself before walking out the door with Jesse.
Jesse and Sunflower walked down the stairs.
"So where do you want to go?" Jesse cleared her throat. "Anywhere is fine." Sunflower smiled.
Jesse blushes. "Heh. I love you." Jesse whispered. "Huh?" Sunflower looked at her.
"Eh?" Jesse looked at her.
They stared at each other. This reminds me of yesterday.. Sunflower and Jesse both looked away, blush on their faces.
Elisa and Lavender watched them from the window. "Will they both last?" Elisa muttered.
"I'm sure they will. They're both mature and got good IQ." Lavender chuckled.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Elisa questioned.
"You'll see." Lavender put her hand on her own cheek, smiling warmly.
Elisa's face became a shade of light pink blush.

Purple Violet Flowers: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now