Chapter 21

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"Its so interesting out here. There' are a lot of things I don't know still, but my friends are helping me with everything." Sunflower explained.
"I'm glad you have friends, but they aren't causing any problems for you, are they?" Skye whispered to Sunflower.
Sunflower looked back to her friends. Ratting them out wouldn't be a pleasant choice.
"No.. Not at all. We're all getting along." Sunflower nodded slowly, not really knowing how to answer the question. 
"Well, that's good. If there was a problem, Mother told me to send you back." Skye whispered back with a worried look plastering on her face.
"Huh.. I see." Sunflower muttered, looking up to her friends she couldn't help but frown.
Send me back?
"But you seem so happy to be here, so it could wait." Skye smiled.
"Uh.. Is Mother okay?" Sunflower asked her, looking at the ground.
"Well. I guess you could say that? She's been doing a lot better after these few months you've been away.. Except she has more work to do." Skye answered her question with a small frown.
"Ah, I see." Sunflower looked at the ground with a low gaze.
"Look, its alright. I promise." Skye put her hand on Sunflower's shoulder with a sincere smile.
"Well, okay." Sunflower smiled hesitantly with ease.
"Now, if you'd like. I can go stand over there and watch you and your friends play."
Skye pointed at a dark corner, catching Sunflower offguard.
"No- It's alright. I'm sure my friends wanna get to know you too." Sunflower cleared her throat.
"Well, If you insist." Skye and Sunflower walked towards them.
"This is Skye. She's my older sister by two years." Sunflower introduced them.
"Howdy." Kate waved with a smile.
"Hi." Skye smiled back.
"I can see a huge difference." Jesse whispered to Aqua, the two girls nodded in agreement.
"So, what are you like?" Skye walked towards Lavender, asking the girl.
"What am I like? Hm.." Lavender wondered.
"She's mischievous and a big pervert." Louise pointed out.
"Weird most of the time but she's actually normal." Jesse says with a shrug.
"She can be a lazy slob most of the time but she still does her own work." Elisa shrugged.
Are these all supposed to be insults or them showing affection?
"Awe, thanks guys." Lavender shot them a glare.
"You sound like a great person." Skye smiled.
Aqua's notification buzzer beeped.
"Oop-." Aqua looked at her phone.
"The soccer team wants me. I'll be right back." Aqua waved bye before turning away.
"Bye." Sunflower waved, watching the girl walk off. 
"It seems weird without Gabby here." Kate sighed, ending the sentence with a frown.
"Well, she's doing just fine." Erlen shot Kate a stern look.
"Who's Gabby?" Skye asked the girls with a curious look.
"She's the best out there but she isn't here right now." Lavender smiled.
"Apparently there was an accident." Erlen says.
"She's doing just fine, so there is so need for us to worry." Kate smiled.
"Ah, I see." Skye grabbed a small flip pad from her pocket, she began to write. 
Sunflower glanced to the side, spotting the flip pad she felt the butterflies flutter in her stomach, not because she was embarrassed or anything, she felt scared.
"Eh- Let's enjoy ourselves then." Sunflower clinged onto her sister and smiled nervously.
"Yeah, sure! This is gonna be fun- Louise come with me." Kate grabbed her hand with a charming smile causing Louise to blush.
"Not in front of the-." Louise got yanked forward as Kate began to speed walk.
"Where they off to?" Jesse questioned as she watched the two girls go off.
"Kate wanted to show Louise some things, since last year me and Kate hung out." Lavender smiled with a shrug.
"Ah, I remember that." Jesse thought out loud.
"Other than that, Skye we have some questions we'd like to ask you." Lavender's eyes shone as she turned her head to Skye..
"Oh- sure." Skye smiled.
"What was Sunflower like when she was little?" Lavender asked the girl.
"She was a little sneaky girl, always smiling and getting into trouble all the time. She always slept with me in my room almost every night." Skye put her hand on her cheeks, smiling.
"What's her favorite food?" Jesse asked.
"She always liked eating bread and sometimes pumpkin pie." Skye answered.
Are all of these questions about me?
"Was she a cuddler?" Erlen asked.
"Of course. Believe it or not she loved hugs and would always hug everybody whenever she got the chance." Skye smiled.
"Was she a crybaby?" Elisa asked.
"Yes, she was. She'd always cry over the littlest things." Skye smiled lovingly.
"Oh! I brought baby pictures. Some of these were taken not too long ago." Skye grabbed another notebook from her pocket.
"Seriously?" Jesse's eyes shone.
"Why are you carrying that around?" Sunflower glared at her sister.
"It's because I love you very much. You're just too cute for me not to." Skye smiled.
"C-Cute?" Sunflower became flustered.
"W-Well, I uhh- wouldn't really consider myself.. Cute." Sunflower cleared her throat to avoid embarrassment, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.
"This is the time when she fell asleep in her closet when she got in trouble." Skye gently grabbed a picture from the picture book, handing it to Erlen.
"That's surprisingly cute." Erlen chuckled as she looked at the picture.
"This is her first time when she helped out in the kitchen, she got whipped cream all over her." Skye sighed dreamily, handing it to Lavender.
"Aw, she was messy little child." Lavender smiled, a blush appearing on her cheeks.
"What's this one?" Jesse pointed at a picture.
"Oh? This one was taken about two years ago? She was sleeping on her bed hugging this exact teddy bear. If you want, you could keep the picture." Skye took it out of the picture book.
"Really?" Jesse's eyes shone.
"Of course. After all you're her special person." Skye gave her the picture.
"Special person?" Jesse blushed, her face becoming more red as the seconds drew by.
Sunflower stood there, clearly embarrassed. "D-Don't go giving them pictures.. And saying unnecessary things!" Sunflower raised her voice nervously.
"Why? We have eight copies of every picture in here." Skye looked at Sunflower confused.
You completely dodged the question! Are you doing this on purpose?
"Now that's proof they're rich.. Jeez.." Elisa muttered, jealousy hitting the girl.
"Here, you can all split the pictures." Skye smiled as she handed them the booklet.
Sunflower felt the rage burning inside of her, but she kinda enjoyed being pampered like this.
"Woah- Seriously? Thank you." Jesse had a big smile on her face.
"Here, you can have this whipped cream one Jesse." Lavender gave it to her.
"You gave it to me with no hesitation." Jesse glared at Lavender.
"Its erotic so I thought you'd like it." Lavender thumbed up.
"Skye- How could you?" Sunflower's face was red with embarrassment.
"Well, you're gonna need some kind of trace after you leave in two-." Sunflower's heart pace quickened, she quickly covered her mouth.
"Yeah, yeah. Let's all go hang out over there." Sunflower drove Skye away from them.
"Wait, you didn't tell them?" Skye had a worried look on her face.
"Of course I didn't." Sunflower glared at her sister.
"Well- you best be telling them eventually.. You can't hide it forever." Skye frowned as she glanced at Sunflower.
"Well- now isn't the time, so don't bring it up."
 "What are you two whispering about?" Lavender hummed as she went in between them.
"Aww, you're so cute." Skye turned her head to Lavender, patting her head.
"Oh really? I don't really get that anymore, they always call me a pervert nowadays." Lavender chuckled and rubbed her neck.
"Where are we heading?" Skye asked Sunflower.
"Wanna go try out games?" She asked her.
"Yeah, I hope they're fun." Skye smiled.
"After this let's have go get some food, did you bring your money?" Sunflower looked at her.
"Our butler has my luggage at the train station." Skye pointed out.
"He's still alive?" Sunflower was shocked. 
"Yeah, and he's still cooky." Skye giggled. Sunflower and Skye laughed. 
"It's not always when you see Sunflower laugh." Jesse smiled. 
"I'm glad her sister came, we get to see a side of Sunflower we've never seen before, and it makes me happy." Lavender chuckled as she watched Sunflower with a warm look.
Elisa glanced at the purple haired girl, her gaze becoming hollow and grey as she watched her.
"I wish Gabby was here, so she can see what's all happening." Erlen smiled.
"Gabby is the one who brought us all together, I believe she'll be alright." Elisa pointed out, not really paying attention to Lavender as much as she was before.
"Aw, you two are always so hostile but now your letting your true nature show." Lavender teased the girls with a smug smile.
"Y-Yeah right." Elisa looked away, scoffing. 
"Wait, how long are you staying?" Jesse questioned Skye.
"Just a day." Skye stated it simply.
"Wait, seriously?" Sunflower looked at her sister and frowned.
"Its all I have, we've gotten so busy lately that I hardly get any breaks." Skye sighed.
"Just send some work over here, I'll be glad to help." Sunflower pointed out.
"Nuh uh. You already have the student council work." Jesse sulked.
"But how am I gonna become a proper woman if I'm not working everyday?" Sunflower questioned Jesse.
"You need to take breaks too. You don't want to overwork yourself again like at Spor-." Sunflower went in front of Elisa.
"She meant when they all helped me, and I slept on my desk.. silly me." Sunflower sweats as she put on a fake smile.
Skye nodded slowly before looking at her sister in a curious way. "Sunflower, are you getting lazy? Have you been overeating?"
"Overeating? No, I've been eating fine. I wouldn't actually consider myself lazy though." Sunflower looked at the side smugly.
"But not to long ago me and Kate had to drag you of of bed." Jesse pointed out. "Its because I was tired, you can't really blame me Jesse." Sunflower frowned.
"You started to stay up late. Next time I'll drag you put of bed until I reach the hallway." Jesse mumbled.
"You wouldn't dare. I'll put an electric fence around my door, so it'll electrocute you." Sunflower threatened the girl. 
"Where can you even get an electric fence?" Jesse questioned her as she started to sweat.
"I can afford it." Sunflower says with a smile.
"You can also put barbed wire whoever tries to go in your room they'll be threatened by the sharp points." Skye suggested.
"You guys aren't actually gonna put barbed wire and an electrical fence right?" Lavender asks with a smug look, glancing at the cringing Elisa.
"I think that's a great idea." Erlen's eyes gleamed as she turned her head to the two girls.
"I'll order it for you, in that way it'll transfer here next week." Skye smiled.
"Oh really? I might actually consider it." Sunflower thought out loud.
"You aren't gonna put barbed wire." Jesse sulked.
Skye glanced to the side, not wanting to pay attention to the conversation, she spotted a game booth that perked her interest.
"Sunflower let's play that over there!" Skye grabbed Sunflower's hand, causing the girl to become startled as she dragged her along with her.
"Let's all take care of them." Lavender watches them with a determined look on her face.
"Yeah, to make sure they don't do anything stupid." Elisa muttered, squinting at the sisters.
"I'm counting on you comrade Erlen." Jesse turned her head to the girl, smiling proudly.
"Eh, I guess so." Erlen shrugged, walking towards Jesse to stand beside the girl.
"Hopefully, Skye can give us more of Sunflower's belongings." Lavender smiled cheekily as she put of her hands on her hips.
"So that's what you're after." Elisa muttered, she turned to the side in a lazy manner before glaring at Lavender. 
She quickly kicked Lavender's shin, once she felt satisfied she walked on over to Jesse and Erlen.
Lavender froze in place, a small tear trickling down her right eye.
"That'll keep her in place. She's probably in a lot of pain right now so we should just leave her here. She'll find us eventually." Elisa exclained as she walked away.
"Yeah, she'll come find us when she comes back to reality." Jesse says with a shrug, she followed Elisa and Erlen.
More tears went down Lavender's eyes as they ditched her.
"Yes! I got it! Sunflower I got it! This is my first time I ever played a game with my hands! This is bliss!" Skye squealed excitedly, her eyes gleaming.
"What did you win?" Sunflower questioned as she put her hands behind her back.
"I got this thingy." Skye showed her a snow globe with a ferris wheel inside, on top of the ferris wheel shown a heart.
"That's nice. Are you gonna put it in your room?" Sunflower questioned her sister.
"Perhaps, this is my memory that my sister is on her way to get smooched by someone." Skye stuck out her tongue as she looked at Sunflower.
"What- No-." Sunflower became flustered as she was drawn back.
Jesse's face was red, she scooted away from the two girls.
I mean- It already happened so you have no right to state that prediction.
"Aww, I have a nice warm feeling. Something is gonna happen soon." Skye sighed lovingly.
"Don't jinx it!" Sunflower mumbled, she began to play with her hair.
"I'm sorry, but it's basically the cunning." Skye smiled.
"Yeah, the cunning." Erlen narrowed her eyes to Jesse.
"What? You got a problem?" Jesse sharply turned her head to Erlen.
"I'll beat you with my fist if you say that again." Erlen clenched her fist.
Jesse glared at her, blepping.
Jesse and everyone else is surprisingly playful today, after what all took place today.. How can they all be so.. Playful? I kinda have a feeling Skye helped light the mood, she always has this happy aura around her that is very contagious.
I am grateful she came today.. I don't think I would've lasted any longer in the state I was in earlier, she made me feel better. 
I don't feel... Gross anymore.
Skye tugged at Sunflower's shirt, she turned her head to Skye.
"Does that Jesse girl always start little scraps?" Skye questioned Sunflower.
"Well- yeah, her and Aqua mainly. They're both always after each other, bickering and such." Sunflower sighed.
"What do they usually bicker about?" Skye tilted her head. "If I have to admit, they always bicker about me." Sunflower states with a nervous look.
"Oh- they do?" Skye teased, poking her cheek.
"I don't really know why- so you can't tease me for it." Sunflower sulked.
"I think I know what it is." Lavender smiled cheekily.
"What would it be?" Sunflower questioned.
"It was pretty obvious from the start that Aqua had a crush on you, but someone else in our group is pretty obvious too. Jesse has a crush on you as well." Lavender winked.
Sunflower blinked. "I know Aqua does but Jesse? I'm not sure if I believe that." 
Skye slowly glances at Jesse before looking around.
"Aqua is the dark blue one right?" Skye asked Lavender.
"Yeah, the one with the dark blue hair. She loves sports so she is rarely with us. Not to long ago Aqua confessed her love to Sunflower, which was actually surprising for us because we never knew she'd actually do it. She's quite outgoing but that was unexpected." Lavender explained as she added a blep at the end of her sentence.
Sunflower turned her head to Erlen, she went on over to the girl
"That's pretty odd.." Skye murmured as she watched Sunflower walk off.
"How so?" Elisa scooted more towards her.
Jesse was sort of interested, she walked towards the three girls.
"I thought Sunflower was unable to fall in love, so how can that girl get her hopes up?" Skye questioned, as she watched Sunflower.
"Wait- what do you mean she can't fall in love?" Jesse butted in.
"Well, when Sunflower was fourteen.. She told me that her friend confessed to her, and that she didn't know if she felt love or if it was just admiration. She told me to tell her what love meant, and when I did she figured she couldn't fall in love, but I'm not too sure if that's actually the case." Skye explained.
"Why?" Lavender questioned.
"I just think that she didn't find the right person. That's what it is isn't it? You fall in love with the person you wanna be with." Skye asked the girls.
"Well- If you're not to sure it can't possibly be true?" Jesse chuckled nervously.
"I don't know. I don't know her as much anymore. I don't know what she is thinking, maybe she already found someone." Skye narrowed her eyes to Jesse before looking back at Sunflower.
"I know, that the person she fell for is close by anyway." Skye smiled warmly.
If she did manage to fall in love.

Purple Violet Flowers: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now