Chapter 22

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Sunflower and Jesse sat at the table. Sunflower watched her sister obsess over Lavender and Elisa. She narrowed her eyes to Jesse and Erlen.
When you really think about it, where did Dia go?
Dia never really said 'bye' to me, even if she went somewhere else.
I really want to hang out with her again. I understand that she was 'Lottie's' spy, but she was a really nice person. People just saw her appearance and wanted nothing to do with her, she was actually nice and very supportive.
I really wanna see her again.
"Thinking about something?" Jesse questions Sunflower, taking a sip from her drink.
"Eh. Nothing important." Sunflower shrugged. "Ah, I see." Jesse narrowed her eyes away.
Wait, this is just out of curiosity but does Jesse actually like me?
No, it couldn't be true.
I have a lot of questions. Why did Louise try and hide from me when we first met? I remember when Kate said she was an over thinker, I wonder if I made things worse.
I wonder why Erlen is always mysterious, how she's always leaning on the wall.
I don't really know what they've been through. It doesn't really hurt to ask once in a while. After all, they know my past.
Sunflower stared at Jesse. What was her past like?
"What's up?" Jesse questioned the girl. "What was your past life like?" Sunflower asked the girl curiously.
Jesse blinked as she looked around. She narrowed her eyes back to Sunflower, her shoulders tensing up.
"Well, its not really anything to be proud of. I guess I was a little sad boomer, I barely had friends in all- you might find it hard to believe, but Gabby is the one who brought us all together." Jesse smiled.
"She did?" Sunflower was shocked, she figured it might've been Kate.
"Yeah, Gabby brought us all together. Around Grade nine we were all a group, we used to have another friend but.. she just decided to end it all. After that happened we all basically split up, but the day before you came.. Gabby brought us all together again, announcing that you were coming. It confused all of us, since people barely come by anymore." Jesse smiled.
"What do you mean by end it all?" Sunflower questioned.
Jesse paused for a moment. "It's- I don't think I'm the right one to tell you-." Jesse fidgeted on the spot with a nervous look on her face.
"Well, that's fine." Sunflower shrugged. "I wish we were all friends before, before I even came here." Sunflower mumbled.
"Why so?" Jesse asked curiously.
"Well, its kind of complicated to explain." Sunflower cleared her throat. I'm leaving in two years.
The words can't even come out of my mouth.
"Hey! Me, Elisa and Erlen are gonna show Skye around. Cherry Pie, Jesse, we'll be right back." Lavender waved her hand in the air.
"Alright!" Jesse called out.
Sunflower looked at the table in a depressing matter, she wished to spend more time with Skye.
Jesse looked down to Sunflower, she watched the girl before looking with away a blush on her face.
Wait, Lavender is done suffering from her shin kick?
Sunflower looked back, the girl looked alright.
"Should we look for Aqua?" Jesse asked the girl with a curious look.
"But why?" Sunflower blinked as she looked back at Jesse.
"I'm not sure, she apparently wanted to hang out with the both of us." Jesse stated with a shrug. 
"Before we go, I have a question." Sunflower sat neatly, looking at Jesse.
"What's up?" Jesse smiled as she took a sip from her drink.
"Lavender told me some 'odd' news, my question is whether you like me or not. In a way, Aqua does." Sunflower explained.
Jesse froze in place, she dropped her drink on the ground.
Such manners.
"Haha- Lavender told you that- no, I don't like you-- at least not romantically- or something like that." Jesse's face was red, she was fidgeting to the side in a nervous matter.
"Huh, I see." Sunflower blinked. Does she? It seems like it.
"Mm- Let's go find- Louise and Kate- yeah, let's go look for them-." Jesse shot up, her face reddened.
Jesse is a weird one.
"Sure." Sunflower got up from the table, her and Jesse walked side by side. She silently looked around, wondering how to ease the awkwardness between them.
Oh, look its Melissa. I wonder if Ella is here- she is right there.
Sunflower spotted the fellow student council members. Melissa and Ella were eating at a table.
Sunflower narrowed her eyes around, she spotted many couples. How does it feel? To hold a hand in public?
She looked at Jesse. Jesse didn't have any romantic interests in her, so it'd be okay to hold her hand wouldn't it?
"Jesse." Sunflower looked at the girl. "Hm?" Jesse looked down to her. "Do you wanna hold hands?" Sunflower asked the girl curiously.
"Eh- Eh?! A-Are you s-sure you're alright with m-me-." Jesse stuttered nervously, her face becoming red again.
There's that reaction again, why does she act like this?
"Well, it's alright isn't it?" Sunflower tilted her head to the side. Jesse cleared her throat before looking away, she held her hand out.
Sunflower intertwined her fingers with Jesse's. The girl had a warm hand, her hand felt soft.
She looked to Jesse again. The girl was stiff as a board. Sunflower stretched her other hand towards Jesse, she poked Jesse's hip.
"Erm- yes?" Jesse craned her head to the side.
"Try not to tense up, Kay?" Sunflower smiled. "I'll try not to." Jesse cleared her throat, trying her best to keep her posture.
Sunflower continued to look at the girl, she never actually realized how pretty Jesse looked.
Her yellow eyes were somewhat entrancing and easily stared into. 
 A light pink shade of blush developed on her cheeks, Sunflower began to mumble to herself before looking forward with a frown. 
Why am I thinking like this? Why do I only feel this way around you?
"Jesse, you pervert." Jesse and Sunflower turned their heads to see Louise and Kate.
"What- I'm not a pervert--." Jesse blushed.
"Are you two having fun?" Sunflower's eyes shined. Kate and Louise must have a lot of prizes, after all they've been gone for so long.
"Well of course, we went behind the bathroom stalls and k-." Kate was cut off as a blushing Louise bonked her head.
Jesse had a shocked look appear on her face.
"K? Is that a new term?" Sunflower tilted her head, clueless.
"Kate is being a stupid pickle right now, she meant we went behind the bathroom stalls to look for you guys." Louise explained, her face becoming slowly red as she spoke.
"Yeah, that's totally what I meant." Kate looked away smugly.
"I never knew- you two were intimate like tha-." Jesse was trembling from the shock.
"Since the four of us are here we should all go behind the bathroom stalls and search for the others." Sunflower's eyes gleamed. We'll all be behind the stalls.
Louise looked away, her face red. Jesse froze in place.
"Yes, you're right. BDSM, is the answer. We'll all go back there and have a fours-." Louise pushed Kate to the side, a flustered look appeared on her face.
"BDSM? What is that?" Sunflower was confused. "Kate- what the heck!" Jesse screeched as she shook the taller girl violently.
"I know Jesse is interested in that kind of thin-." Kate had a smug look but it didn't last long, Jesse slapped her back in attempt to shut the girl up. 
"When we find Lavender and the others I'll ask her what BDSM is, Lavender is pretty trustworthy, and she knows everything." Sunflower nodded determinedly.
"Well- knowing about BDSM is right but I wouldn't really consider calling her untrustworthy." Kate cleared her throat as she spoke.
"What do you mea-."
"Ask her what S&M is to-." Kate was about to finish her sentence before Louise grabbed a baseball bat, she forced the baseball forward, sending Kate flinging into orbit.
"Why I oughttta-." Louise pulled up her sleeve.
"Wait- where's Kate?" A voice was heard from behind.
The girls turned their heads, Lavender and the others were there. 
"Jesse and Louise were abusing her, I'm pretty sure she's in space right now."
Sunflower pointed out.
"Abusing her?" Skye tilted her head. 
"Skye, do you know what BDSM and S&M is?" Sunflower questioned her sister.
"I have no idea, maybe it means Bad Dolphins So Mad." Skye says, confused.
"Ah, I see why Kate was sent in space." Lavender smiled smugly.
"BDSM means Bondage, Discipline, Domination, Submission, Sadism and Masochism. In other words, its sex play." Erlen stated bluntly.  
"If Masochism is the enjoyment in seeing someone in their shameless state does that mean..." Sunflower slowly turned her head to Louise.
"Erlen! You flesh eating swine, why'd you tell her that?!" Louise panicked on the spot.
Masochism.. Domination..
It all makes sense now.
"Try not to think about it as much." Lavender chuckled as she placed her hand on Sunflower's shoulder.
"Alright." Sunflower nodded with a smug look. Is this why I always hear Louise and Kate supposedly 'roleplaying' whenever I walk by her room?
"Before we all do anything else, I need to have a word with my sister." Skye smiled.
Sunflower looked at her sister, clearly clueless.
"Alright, we'll give you all the time you need." Lavender nodded with a smile.
Skye nodded to Lavender, she began to walk to the side, motioning Sunflower to follow her. 
Sunflower began to feel her heart pace quicken, anxiety developed in her stomach.
Skye brought her to a nearby hill. Skye patted the ground beside her, motioning her to sit beside her with a sincere smile on her face.
Sunflower sat beside her sister, slightly fidgeting.
Skye and Sunflower were silent, a silence filled the air.
Skye spread her legs forward. "Lay your head down on my lap." She smiled warmly.
Sunflower shuffled around, she placed her head on her thigh. Skye began to stoke her hair.
"Your friends are really nice, Lavender is funny.. Erlen is a klutz. But do you really wanna risk them to suffer for any longer?" Skye asked the girl with a worried smile.
"What do you mean?" Sunflower tensed up.
"Lavender and Elisa told me all about what had all happened during your visit here, do you still wanna stay?" Skye stroked her hair more slow and gentle.
"Oh, so you know." Sunflower curled up, her eyes watering.
"You can come home if you'd like." Skye smiled.
"But- I wanna stay, though stuff may have happened this is just the karma I deserve from my previous actions at home. I believe what is happening right now, is what I deserve. Its like a punishment made specially for me." Sunflower picked at the grass.
"Knowing that our father is dead wasn't good enough of a punishment to satisfy you?" Skye questioned, her face more tense than usual.
"No.. That broke me.. This is just a more worse punishment since I'm the one.. Who killed him.." Sunflower muttered, her eyes watering with tears.
"Blaming yourself for our fathers death is like your saying he died in order for your own pride and selfishness. It wasn't your fault he was sentenced to death, you can't keep blaming yourself for this, you have to figure it all out and move on." Skye explained as she looked at the stars.
"Mm.." Sunflower trembled, her eyes watering.
"I know you can get through this, though it may or might not be your fault, you're not the only one whose at sake here, you can't be selfish about this. Don't forget, you have a family. We blame ourselves too, its not just you who is thinking selfishly. You can't be thinking about this like everything is your fault, that's pitiful. What will others think of you? Think with your head." Skye explained, her voice becoming painful as the seconds drew by.
"Its not fun, to know that my sister blamed herself this whole time. That guilt weighed on your shoulders this whole time, I didn't even know.. I feel like I'm failing as your sister-- you just.. You just like hiding things a lot don't you?" Tears went down her eyes.
Sunflower found it painful to look at Skye.
"I could help you- no- they could help you-- I'm not the right person to go to for this type of thing, I have no clue how to make you stop thinking this negative about yourself. But.. The friends you have, don't mess that up. They care about you, and love you.  You can't risk such a nice.. Family now can you? Though I may have failed as your family- or our family failed on you- I'm still your sister, and I care about you- get the help you need because I don't wanna lose you." Skye embraced her.
Sunflower hugged her back.
"I don't... I don't want to lose you- especially not you. After what I heard that had all happened, I nearly broke. You could've been dead.. I hate that- I hate that sad feeling- so please.. Promise me, you won't be.. You'll be careful from now on." 
Sunflower struggled to speak, she let the simple words slip out of her mouth.
"Yeah, I promise." She squeezed Skye tightly.
The train approached the station.
"It was an honour meeting you." Kate smiled.
"Thank you Kate, I'm happy Sunflower found such good friends." Skye smiled warmly.
"Make sure all of you come to visit soon, make sure Gabby comes too." Skye smiled as she closed her eyes joyfully.
"She'll be here next time." Erlen nodded.
"Remember, if you ever need to comfort Sunflower- hug her and stroke her hair. If she's hungry give her white bread. She prefers hot baths. Oh- make sure to hug her to sleep if she's struggling to res-." Sunflower covered her mouth.
"Shh." Sunflower whispered as she gave her sister a death glare.
Skye smiled lovingly as she hugged Sunflower, she nuzzled her cheek. Sunflower was embarrassed from her sister's actions.
"Oh- Jesse." Skye broke the hug as she walked towards her.
"Huh?" Jesse tilted her head. 
Skye dug in her luggage, she handed her a teddy bear. "Here, I want you to keep this. It was Sunflower's teddy bear when she was young." Skye smiled.
"Oh- really?" Jesse smiled, a faint blush on her face.
"I want you to take good care of my sister. I'm counting on you." Skye smiled warmly.
"Of course. I'll take good care of her." Jesse nodded determinedly.
"She got the sister's blessing, now all she needs is the Mother's." Lavender grinned.
"I'll sue you." Jesse death glared at Lavender.
"This means bye for now, though I know a lot is gonna happen I pray all goes well in those times." Skye smiled as she backed up, she dipped her head.
"Yes, indeed." Kate motioned her fingers to do the Italian pose.
"I'll see you." Skye smiled as she waved her hand bye, she went on the train.
Sunflower waved, smiling brightly.
"Bye!" Lavender smiled, waving her hand in the air.
I promise to you Skye, that I'll try not to blame myself too much.
Though, not many promises can be kept I'll still try.
I love you sis.

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