Chapter 28

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Sunflower sprawled her arms and legs out, she laid back down on her bed with a long sigh. 
She was done with the exams and the second term. 
Though it hasn't been that long, and time has passed by a lot. Her teacher told her to relax, and enjoy the break while we have it until we go back for the third term.
What was there to relax about? She had to study more and become someone her mother wants her to be. 
She has to meet those expectations, otherwise her mother won't acknowledge the things she's been doing. 
She has to prove to her mother that she's a proper woman now. Sunflower got up from her bed and grabbed her greenery book from the bookshelf.
She still had it after all this time, during the first term they didn't have exams but this second term they did. 
She laid on the ground, opening her book. Midway she stopped, realizing she didn't need to read any more of it.
The term was over and she needed to choose new classes, so she didn't really need the Greenery book.
She sighed as she laid lazily on the ground. Relax.. 
Sunflower got up, looking around. 
Relax. ..
She opened her door and wandered around. 
She walked around downstairs before stumbling across a magazine.
She grabbed it. 
Her eyes shined as she read the article. Camping. We should all go camping! She nodded in determination, her eyes sparkling like the stars. 
She immediately went upstairs. She knocked on Kate's door. She waited a few seconds until Kate opened it. "Yes?" Kate questioned. 
"I've decided we're all going camping." Sunflower smiled. 
"But- what? Wait, where'd this idea come from?" Kate was clearly shocked by the look on her face.
"Get ready because we're going, inform the others about our plans." Sunflower shut Kate's door and walked to her room.
She stopped midway and eyed Gabby's room. I think Erlen is here today, I don't think I should interrupt anything. 
Sunflower went in her room, she laid back down on her bed. She couldn't wait till they went camping! 
Though the others may not agree to this; I really wanna make more memories with them, since I'm leaving in two years afterall. 
They don't know that, but when the time comes I'll tell them. Sunflower stretched her arms on the bed. 
If we're going camping I should get ready, but my bed is so cozy I might fall asleep. Sunflower snuggled up with her blankets, attempting to curl into a ball. 
She hugged her pillow, closing her eyes. 
I know I just made plans, but I simply cannot refuse this offer of coziness and warmth. If I nap it'll just be a little power nap. 
Sunflower scooted around to become more comfortable, she slowly started to doze off as her eyes became heavier from the current drowsiness she was feeling.
She moved her head around before dozing off. 
Sunflower felt a small hand gently shake her. She opened her eyes slightly, the dim light was entering the room as silhouettes moved from the window.
"Hey, wake up." Sunflower recognized the person who was shaking her, it was Elisa. Sunflower blinked her eyes, adjusting to the light. 
"I thought we had plans?" Elisa muttered as she poked her cheek. "Wake up Cherry Pie." Lavender says from across the room.
Sunflower stared at Elisa sluggishly before wrapping both of her arms around the girl. 
"Mmm.. Elisa. I'm tired." She murmured as she hugged the girl tightly, the girl had a warm and soft body.
"What?! Don't do that--." Elisa screeched as she squirmed around. "Why I oughtta-- She fell asleep again?!" Elisa was screeching. 
"We have a new rival." Aqua murmured to Jesse. 
"She's really lucky right now." Jesse murmured back. "Hold on, I have an idea." Erlen says as she walks to the end of the bed. 
"What are you doing?" Louise muttered with a sigh. "Stealth mode attack!" Erlen grabbed Sunflower's legs and pulled her off the bed. 
Sunflower fell off the bed, she curled up into a ball on the floor.
"No." She muttered. "What do you mean no?" Elisa sighed. "You can't waste poor time in coming here on such a busy day-." Elisa huffed before grabbed Sunflower's legs.
"I'll help." Jesse and Erlen grabbed her other leg and pulled her out into the hallway.
"Nooo~." Sunflower whined. "I would've helped but my arms are feeling sore." Aqua muttered.
"She was as light as a feather. Literally." Jesse beamed.
"Oh? What are you all doing in the hallway?" Kate peeked her head through her room door.
"We had to drag her out of bed." Erlen pointed out.
"And she's still on the ground?" Kate had a smug look. "Seriously, I never expected this lazy and dense personality from someone I look up to." Elisa huffed and looked away.
"Surprising you even looked up to her." Lavender nudged Elisa.
Kate crouched down, she moved the hair out of Sunflower's face. "I thought we were going camping."
Sunflower stared at Kate blankly. She stared for several seconds, processing her brain. "Oh yeah- we were going camping. How could I be stupid?" Sunflower got up.
She walked towards the stairs. "Where are you going?" Kate called out.
I can't believe they saw me with my hair messy!
Once she reached the bottom of the stairs she covered her face in embarrassment.
I can't let them see me with cowlicks sticking out of my head, that's so improper of me.
She was about go to upstairs before she stopped herself. How was she going to go to the bathroom now with everyone upstairs? She had to think of a master plan before someone came down and saw her again.
I wanna go camping but I can't go with messy scruffy hair.
×Louise, Erlen and Jesse all have messy hair but they don't care.
What's wrong with me and having messy hair now? Am I going through the phase of becoming a dramatic girl?
It's not a phase, I'm simply just worried for my wellbeing. Sunflower walked to the counter, she grabbed the magazine she was looking at earlier and brought it upstairs.
"Look, I'm back." She walked up the stairs. "Oh? What's that in your hand?" Lavender questioned.
"Look, this is where I found the idea that I wanted to go camping and..." Sunflower noticed a page was sticking out.
"You just gave up talking midway?" Elisa muttered.
"What does R18 mean?" Sunflower flipped through the pages. "No! Take that away from her!"
She looked at the pages before the magazine was taken from her.
"Kate, why are you leaving things like this around the building?" Louise death glared at the taller girl.
"That isn't mine! I don't read that kind of stuff." Kate huffed angrily at the accusation.
"Besides, I don't need that magazine if I have you." Kate muttered, a little bit of blush on her face.
Everybody was quiet. The room was filled with silence, everyone was looking at one another. The only person they were missing was Gabby, for she was nowhere to be seen.
"Are we going camping or what?" Elisa muttered.
"Actually, that idea was absurd for I am not ready and have no information on camping. I don't have the supplies or equipment I'd need for camping or any knowledge that would benefit me when i'm out there." Sunflower pointed out.
"Why'd you call us here then?!" Elisa shook Sunflower by the shoulders violently. "I'm gonna blow up! I need to get out of here--." Elisa looked both ways.
"Why don't we go shopping for the supplies? Sunflower is loaded with money so we'll be okay." Erlen suggested.
"Yeah, good idea. Let's go shopping for the supplies we need." Jesse beamed.
"Does Sunflower even know what shopping means?" Kate narrowed her eyes to the girl. "I'm not that stupid. Of course I know what that means." Sunflower muttered.
"Let's go then." Louise walked to the staircase.
"I need to grab my stuff, you pulled me out of bed, that was uncalled for! Your gonna have to wait." Sunflower said as she walked to her room.
"We'll be waiting downstairs." Aqua called out. Sunflower walked to her closet, maybe she'd get something new to wear and instead of braids she'd wear a ponytail and put it on her shoulder.
She pulled a box out of her closet, she loaded her pockets with the money her mother had sent a few weeks back.
She got up, grabbed her sunflower clipping, and walked out of her room. "Okay, let's go." She says as she goes downstairs.
"Gabby said she'll meet us by the sweet shop, she had to run errands and get more supplies for the Café." Kate zipped up her sweater.
"Oh alright." Sunflower walked to the door. "You can get anything you want when we get there." Sunflower commented as she walked out.
She looked around the store. This was the huge building we'd always pass by when we hung out. Why is a building so small but big on the inside?
Its like saying a cat is small but fierce in the inside.
"We'll meet right here when we're done getting the things we need. Remember we're camping." Sunflower pointed out.
"I never knew we had plans to go camping." Gabby smiled. "It was unexpected." Erlen sighed.
Everybody scattered around and did their own thing. Gabby, Erlen and Jesse were in a group with Sunflower while Louise, Aqua, Kate, Lavender and Elisa went in their own group.
Sunflower looked in the aisle. They'd need food if they were to survive.
She spotted cup o' noodles. "Hey, Erlen. Let's get fifty packs of these." Sunflower pointed at the noodles.
"I'm down." She thumbs up.
"How could you both waste money like that?" Jesse and Gabby had smug looks. "Its not just about wasting money, these cup of noodles are mouthwatering and only 3.50 for a pack of five. This is a deal of a lifetime since its 20% off so it's a mega discount." Erlen's eyes shined.
"The broth goes well and makes the noodles more tasty, for that I rest my case. Make it seventy noodles." Sunflower lazily put them in the cart.
"This is unexpected behavior." Gabby smiled.
"Well, at least we'll be stocked." Erlen smiled as she pushed the cart forward.
"Eating noodles for a few days? And nothing else? I won't last, I'll be sick and die." Jesse groaned.
"Why not get the things you like? Like Pickle Juice?" Sunflower questioned Jesse.
"Who said I liked Pickle Juice?" Jesse muttered.
"Lavender." Sunflower nodded.
"You shouldn't believe anything that girl says, ever since you came here she's been more.. Like expressive? She's being the person she was long ago." Jesse muttered.
"Like what? Nice?" Sunflower defended the purple haired girl. Lavender is nice. She's always looking out for me and praising me. She always calls me Cherry Pie too, so I can't see why Jesse has a grudge against her if she's so amazing.
"Eh? You wouldn't get it." Jesse muttered.
"Maybe I would if you told me." Sunflower was irritated.
"Okay, let's just continue shopping." Gabby sweats.
"Nice." Erlen thumbs up.
Lavender was always nice wasn't she? She would never be mean or irritate anyone. She's nice, and that's all that matters.
But yet, I don't know anything about them. I do, but common knowledge anyone else would know. Is there more to all of their pasts?
They all connect but in what way? They were all friends back then, but what made everyone have these grudges of annoyance against each other?
"We're done so now it's time to go camping!" Kate beamed. "Yesterday when we went shopping we got pretty lots of stuff, I'm surprised none of us had to chip in though." Louise stretched her arms.
"It's not like any of us had that money anyway, just consider us lucky Sunflower managed to pay for all of us." Elisa muttered.
"Can't believe you're all making me drive five hours. Though I ate protein today and drank coffee so I won't be as tired." Erlen massaged her legs.
"I never knew you drank coffee." Sunflower was shocked. Erlen seems like the violent type, so I never thought she'd drink something like that...
"And you don't? You're more the.. Business type of woman so I thought you would too." Erlen was confused.
"You have weird expectations." Lavender smiled and smacked Erlen's back. "Don't go slapping people." Jesse frowned.
Sunflower watched them. Lavender certainly has changed, now that I think hard about it.. Lavender has been more 'expressive' lately, Jesse was right.
Kate has been more hostile now and stiff looking.
Louise barely talks now, she's always hanging around in the back. She always has this dark look or rather she looks sad.
Erlen's been talking more than usual, like she's nervous all the time. Her shoulders are almost always tense now.
Elisa's been muttering to herself more lately.
Aqua is never with us, she doesn't have an appearance anymore.
Gabby's always wanting to hang out with us now, every single day.
And Jesse has been more serious, she never jokes around about things anymore.
What's happening with them?
Why are they all changing? They've grown more distant from each other, its like they're all trying to avoid something.. But what?
Are they trying to avoid each other?
Was it a good idea to go camping on such a short notice?

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