Chapter 7

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"You want all nine of us to hang out?" Sunflower looked at Gabby. "Yeah. Just imagine the nine of us making memories. Eight of us would be reunited, and you'd get to know them better. Plus to, we have to celebrate the point that you've become president of the Student Council!" Gabby squealed excited.
"I became president two weeks ago.. I have to sort out the Sports Day Festival." Sunflower glanced at a pouting Gabby.
"Yeah, you're right. It was a dumb idea.. you're busy so I can't do anything about that now can I?" Gabby looked at her hands.
"Perhaps when I'm not to busy, we can hang out." Sunflower would say before sitting back down at her desk.
She had to organize her desk, and she had to plan the Sports Day Festival. "A-all right.." Gabby walked out of her room and closed the door.
For the runners.. the runners should be last. The beanbag relay can be the first. After that the second event could be the warm up event. The third event can probably be the two-by-two pair racing relay.
The fourth event can be the Student Council vs. The Three Chosen People. The fifth could be the runners.
The maximum time has to be all day, so each time two hours pass we can move on to another event.
We'll take fifteen minute breaks. I wonder if Ella has time to move the school banners in the field.
I'll tell her and Melissa to get the banners together. I'll ask the kitchen if they can make sandwiches for everyone who's hungry, and we still need to choose a watergirl.
Sunflower sighed before finishing writing down the ideas. This was tough work, but i'd have to deal with it.
Sunflower was startled by a paper hurdling through her window. Sunflower immediately looked at the paper, it was wrinkled.
She grabbed the paper with caution, she opened the paper and looked at the note. "Look outside your window, we got a surprise. smiley face, smiley face." Who's the 'we' in this?
Sunflower peeked her head outside the window.
There stood Gabby, Kate, Erlen, Lavender, Elisa, Jesse, Louise and Aqua. "Huh?" Sunflower looked at all of the eight girls.
What did they want? Did they need something from me? For the most part, why is Aqua here?
"Hey there!" Jesse waved. "What is it that you need?" Sunflower questioned them placing the palm of her hand on her cheek, her elbow was on the windowcell.
"We've all decided you need a break." Kate called out.
"A break? I can't have any breaks. I'm busy trying to organiz-." Sunflower was cut off by Gabby. "You can do It later. We've all discussed that Jesse can help you with your Student Council work." Gabby smiled.
"She has no experience in this type of stuff.." Sunflower leaned back. "Wait! Don't leave!" Lavender called out.
"Even if I don't have experience, I can give you some pretty mighty ideas." Jesse thumbs up. "I think you've all forgotten that me and Jesse were gonna help Sunflower." Aqua pointed out.
"I think we can do it better alone. You'll just make things rank with that sporty attitude." Jesse looked at Aqua.
"Sporty attitude? What's a loner supposed to know about organizing an event?" Aqua shot back.
"I know more than a sports girl, that's for sure. I am a professional at ciphering and deciphering, something you can't do since you're always outdoors." Jesse glared at her.
"Hey! it's fun to be outside other than being locked up in a dungeon, also- what does cipher and deciphering have to do with a Sports Day?" Aqua glared back at her.
"You two better shut up before I help Sunflower with her work." Lavender stood up and glared at them both.
Jesse and Aqua glanced at each other, knowing not to argue any longer. "All of those insults just for one of you two to help Sunflower with organizing an event?" Kate chuckled.
"I still think I'm better." Aqua challenged Jesse. Jesse glared at her with an irritated face. Sunflower watched the two argue in boredom. Everyone drew their attention to Sunflower. "Come on! You deserve a break, you've been in that room all day ever since the weekend started." Gabby frowned.
"Come on, listen to the girl." Erlen leaned against the café Greenery wall. Sunflower hesitated before looking at her work, she looked back at the eight girls.
"So like- I don't really care if she comes or not." Elisa muttered before going on her phone. "No distractions." Lavender took her phone away.
"No-! My status is gonna change-." Elisa whined.
Sunflower sighed before putting her pencil on her desk. She looked back at them. "I'll go then. As long as.. Jesse.. and Aqua keep their promise in helping me." Sunflower muttered.
"Of course!" Jesse thumbed up. "I'll help till my hands are numb." Aqua nodded.
Sunflower walked to her closet and grabbed her sunflower clipping. Her mother had sent her a lot of money three days ago.
It came in a box and the box had my name on it. Kate and Gabby were shocked, their faces were priceless.
Sunflower started to walk downstairs, she opened the café Greenery door. The eight of them were standing in a line, smiling. Erlen had a plain look on her face.
"Glad you could tag along." Lavender chuckled cheekily. "I still have work to do." Sunflower pointed out. "Don't worry, i'll help you with as mush as work you need done." Jesse thumbs up and smiled.
"I'm helping too." Aqua raised her hand. Jesse and Aqua glared at each other.
Sunflower let out a sigh before walking beside Lavender.
"My, my. We're an unusual pair." Lavender chuckled. "Yeah. We don't usually hang out as two." Sunflower pointed out.
"So, how's it going with Jesse?" Lavender glanced at her. "Well.. we're doing good. I think i'm getting along fine with everyone despite that." Sunflower nodded.
"That's great news to hear. I'm glad you're enjoying your time here." Lavender patted her back. "It's peaceful here. That's mainly why I like it." Sunflower looked at the sky. "You're a mysterious girl, aren't you Sunflower?" Lavender chuckled with a smile.
"You think so?" Sunflower looked at her. "Of course you are." Lavender nodded.
"That's what everyone says." Sunflower pointed out. "Than that means you have a lot of people who are interested." Lavender had a playful look on her face.
"Interested?" Sunflower looked at her in a curious way. "Yeah, interested- Y'know, like crush-type." Lavender shrugged.
"Crush type? I'm not interested in dating." Sunflower muttered. "Are you sure about that? I mean, you could've dated someone in the past. You're sixteen so you could of had one romantic interest." Lavender looked at her.
"It was maybe once. I don't wanna talk about it." Sunflower looked ahead with a troubled expression pastered on her face.
"Yeah, I figured. Let's just enjoy today." Lavender chuckled and put a hair behind her hair.
Sunflower nodded. "This better be worth my while." Sunflower huffed. "Sunnnnnyy~!" Louise hugged her from behind.
Sunflower was startled. Sunny? Why In the right mind would you say that? Sunflower removed her two hands away from her shoulder before she started to walk forward.
She's exactly like her, but the thing is.. she isn't her. Why am I so worked up over that?
Louise frowned as she watched Sunflower walk on ahead.
What did I do wrong?
Sunflower walked beside Kate. "Where are we going?" Sunflower asked. "We've all decided to have some quality time scouting the area. You might not have recognized the town yet so we thought it'd be best if we just shown you around." Kate pointed out.
"I see." Sunflower looked around. "Our town is small, so you'll be able to recognize the whole thing in a day or two." Gabby smiled.
"Simple." Sunflower nodded. The ocean caught her attention. It's like it was calling out to her, telling her to come on over.
Sunflower started to walk to the ocean. She was feeling a great feeling of ecstasy. She watched the ocean from the sand.
"Sunflower? You okay?" Kate asked as she walked beside her. The remaining seven girls looked at Sunflower in a worried and curious way.
"Everything's fine." Sunflower turned around and smiled. "The ocean brings me joy. Something about it just makes my heart think that I belong here. Quite silly of me." Sunflower faced the with a small smile on her face.
"I don't usually see you smile. You must love the ocean that much." Aqua chuckled. "I'm in love with it." Sunflower nodded.
"It isn't silly what your heart is feeling Sunflower. If this is where you belong, then we'll appreciate that life choice!" Jesse smiled cheerfully.
"Thanks." Sunflower nodded. "Now, about that tour. Let's go! I wanna go to the hill so we can watch the sunset." Kate called out.
"Count us in." Lavender raised her hand and smiled. Sunflower took one more glance at the ocean before following the group.
Sunflower turned her head to look at Jesse. Jesse looked back at Sunflower.
Jesse felt her heart beat as Sunflower looked at her. Those eyes.. It's so hard to resist. Blush developed on Jesse's cheeks, she's just so beautiful.
Sunflower smiled and waved before looking away. My heart quickened at a fast race, what's wrong with me? Sunflower thought.
This can't be love. I quit on love. Sunflower frowned before walking alongside Kate. "Look Sunflower, see the sun setting?" Kate pointed to the sky. "Yes, I do" Sunflower nodded. I'm not a kid so of course I can see the sun setting.
"The sun setting means there is a new day coming, so that means new things to do. new things to discover and experience, it's pretty amazing how much one day can just change everything." Kate looked on over to Gabby. "Don't you think so?" Kate smiled.
"Yeah, I think so too." Gabby looked around. "We haven't really hung out all together like this in a while." Kate stretched her arms.
"Really?" Sunflower wondered. "Well, yeah. After school started we started to drift away and do our own little things, but now that I see everyone here it's nice." Kate nodded.
"I don't really know your history with each other." Sunflower pointed out.
"There's not much really to tell... Unless you want to be bombaraded with useless stuff." Kate sighed but the girl had a saddened look once she looked away.
"I know that someday everything will turn out fine." Gabby had a nervous smile on her face. "Isn't it fine now?" Aqua stood beside Sunflower before looking at Gabby.
"I suppose you're right." Kate wondered. "I kinda got used to being lonely when we split apart, it made me happy that we all got together again." Aqua smiled.
Fools. Things can always go wrong no matter what, go ahead and enjoy your happiness.
"Now that we have a new member in our group things will be epic!" Lavender fist bumped the air with a beamed smile.
"Eight was always an even number, now that we got nine it means were odd now." Erlen yawned.
"I'm proud to be an odd." Louise butted in the conversation. "I'm proud as well." Jesse raised her hand.
"We should all be proud." Elisa scoffed. "I suppose I could agree." Erlen stretched her arms. "You don't wanna be an odd with me?" Gabby looked at her with a saddened face.
"Ah- I don't mean it like that-." Erlen would chuckle nervously. "I'd like it if you could be an odd with me." Gabby looked up to Erlen with a big smile and shining eyes.
"Gabby's secret technique; Puppy Eyes." Lavender went to Sunfllwer and whispered. "A secret technique?" Sunflower would say curiously.
"Yeah, we all have secret techniques, we just gotta find out what your technique is." Lavender smiled.
"What's Jesse's technique?" Sunflower questioned. "Glad you asked. Her technique is Complete Stubbornness." Aqua butted in their conversation and smiled.
"What! That's not my technique, my technique is far away from stubbornness." Jesse yanked her back by the collar.
"Silly Aqua, they've been at each others throats for a long time." Lavender sighed. "Well- It's Aqua's fault, she was the first one to challenge me." Jesse pointed out.
"You shouldn't have accepted my challenge." Aqua glared at her.
"I didn't wanna, you just forced me into it." Jesse glared back at her.
"You could've said no." Aqua growled. "Same excuses." Jesse would say with an irritated look.
"Well I think i'll just challenge you again!" Aqua remarked with angry look. "Bring it on!" Jesse glared at her.
"Stop fighting or else i'll take Sunflower away from you.' Lavender threatened. "I'm not being taken anywhere or by anyone." Sunflower muttered.
Jesse and Aqua stopped fighting, but they were shooting glares at each other. "The hill is nearby." Kate called out.
"I can't wait to watch the sunset." Lavender smiled. "I can't wait too." Sunflower nodded.
"Hey, Sunflower. Wanna sit next to me on the hill?" Louise asked walking beside her.
Sunflower glanced at her. I can't keep avoiding her, but you gotta.. It's only in a matter of time you'll let this whole thing go.
Sunflower narrowed her eyes away.
Louise frowned with a saddened look on her face.
Lavender notices Sunflower's rejection, and Louise's reaction.
Lavender glances at a sad Louise before glancing at a troubled Sunflower.
"I'm gonna go and talk to Kate and Gabby." Lavender chuckled and walked to them.
Sunflower nudged herself away from Louise. This is for the best, but it's wrong.
Sunflower!" Jesse waved her hand in the air. Sheturned around. "Yeah?" Jesse and Aqua stood there, smiling.
"Who has a better smile?" Jesse asked. Sunflower looked at them both, turning her head side to side. Jesse does.
"You both have nice smiles." Sunflower pointed out. "The only one here who has a nice smile is you Sunflower." Aqua smiled warmly.
No, you both have nice smiles.
Sunflower felt her cheeks become hot, she then turned away.
"Thank you, Aqua. I appreciate it." She began to walk forward.
I'm getting all hot.. What's wrong with me..?
 Sunflower had to ignore the feeling as long as she could.
"What's wrong Cherry Pie? You're red." Lavender poked her cheek.
Sunflower was startled as Lavender appeared beside her.
Why did she call me 'Cherry Pie'?
"It's nothing, It just feels like I'm getting sick." Sunflower muttered.
"It's probably because you're overworking yourself." Lavender smiled.
"Yeah, you're right." Sunflower shrugged but she gave Lavender a weird look.
"Why did you call me Cherry Pie?" She gave Lavender a confused look.
"Well- I like eating Cherry Pie. You just seem yummy, like a good snack." Lavender smirked.
"Come on! Let's get on this hill before we miss it!" Kate called out.
"It's a hard climb, but worth it." Lavender rolled up her sleeves with a satisfied look.
Sunflower looked at the steep hill, hard? But now I know Lavender wants to eat me.
"Don't worry, I'll guide you up the hill." Jesse smiled as she put her hand on Sunflower's shoulder.
"You will?" Sunflower glanced at her.
"Of course, I won't let you fall." Jesse looked at Sunflower with a smile.
Sunflower's cheeks lit red.
"Alright.." Sunflower nodded.
Jesse moved on forward.
She stuck out her hand towards Sunflower.
"Hold my hand." Jesse smiled. Sunflower was hesitant, she soon then grabbed her hand.
Her touch...
Jesse helped Sunflower up the hill, carefully. "You're doing great." Jesse pulled her up. Once they reached the top, Jesse stretched her arms.
Is making me feel this spark..
Sunflower thanked her. They all sat down on the hill, watching the sunset.
I should be happy..
Jesse and Sunflower sat by each other, a little too close.
but yet...
Sunflower watched the sunset, before she clenched her fist.
It's driving me insane...

Purple Violet Flowers: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now