Chapter 10

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Sunflower followed Lavender down the stairs. "Why do we have to go downstairs and not be in the room with everyone else?" Sunflower asked. 
"Apparently they'd try to stop me from teaching you. They always baby you if I'm being honest. You're sixteen, so you should at least know the basics." Lavender sighed.
I've noticed that.
"When you say 'Physical Contact.' does that mean talking on the matter?" Sunflower cleared her throat. 
"Well- basically? I don't know, it's hard to explain it." Lavender sighed. "Is it better if you just teach me in person?"
Sunflower suggested. "Yeah, that's better. If I teach you in person, you can understand the concept more." Lavender stretched her arms and sat on a chair. 
Sunflower moved the chair back and sat on it. "So, on the book. How far did you get?" Lavender leaned back in her chair, looking at Sunflower.
"I didn't encounter much, but I am curious about the 'teasing.' part." Sunflower would say. "Ah, I see. Have you ever been in a romantic or awkward position with someone you know or knew?" Lavender asks. 
"Well.. If I were to say, Lottie would always try to be more intimate with me. She'd always ask for a kiss, but I refused since I didn't feel any romantic feelings towards her. It's embarrassing anyway." Sunflower rubbed on her arm. 
"I see. So she forced herself upon you?" Lavender asked curiously. "Not.. really.. she'd always ask me these questions, mostly like.. are you okay with this..? or rather can I? It was really frustrating." Sunflower let out a sigh.
"She must've liked you that much if she wanted to take it that far." Lavender shrugged. 
"Yeah. I suppose.. I'm just glad I escaped her advances." Sunflower gazed down at her hands. "But!" Lavender clapped her hands together.
"Let's move forward. When you tease someone, it's like.. playful teasing. It depends however way you put it." Lavender says. 
"Playful?" Sunflower questioned. "Yeah, like.. here's just an example, think nothing too weird." 
Sunflower looked at her, confused. Lavender put both of her hands on Sunflower's cheek before leaning in slowly. 
"Eh?" Sunflower's mind was frozen. "W-Wait-." Sunflower pushed her away. "What?" Lavender's face tilted. Doesn't this girl find anything wrong with this? 
Sunflower looked at the ground nervously. She played with her hair. "You aren't going to.. kiss me, right?" Sunflower looked up to her. 
"How could I kiss a girl who's so innocent and adorable? This is an example of playful teasing. I expected your reaction." Lavender smiled cheekily. Oh, I see.." Sunflower rubbed on her shoulder. "Sorry if that was unexpected, I probably made us awkward. I'm just teaching you the basics." Lavender rubbed on her neck, chuckling.
"Oh, all right." Sunflower nodded. "Wait- your okay with this?" Lavender was shocked. 
"Well.. yeah, if you are only teaching me.. that doesn't mean what we're doing is real. Plus to, I don't want to be treated like a baby anymore." Sunflower smiled slowly. 
"Wow, you accept things easily, don't you?" Lavender chuckled. 
"Anything as long as it's beneficial." Sunflower nodded. 
"Okay, the next thing I'm going to teach you is what a pervert would do." Lavender cleared her throat. 
"All right." Sunflower nodded. "If you ever catch Jesse or Aqua staring at you, it means they're a pervert." Lavender chuckled with a kind look.
"Why them specifically?" Sunflower muttered. "It's because they- are just like that. It means they're perverts y'know? If they ever stare, just call them a pervert and they'll leave you alone." Lavender grinned. 
"Thanks for telling me that. I'll make sure not to stare anymore." Sunflower nodded. Lavender looked at her book. "Next one is thigh touching." Lavender chuckled. 
"Thigh touching? What are people doing these days?" Sunflower felt her cheeks burn as she mumbled.
"I guess people just like doing it because they're seductive?" Lavender tilted her head. 
"But you're just teaching me. This isn't supposed to be seductive. How is 'thigh' touching supposed to be alluring?" Sunflower frowned.
"Why not add a little juice to our teachings? Don't forget I'm your teacher, and you're my student." Lavender giggled. 
Sunflower noticed how she was tense and acting weird. 
"I'm your student? This isn't going as expected." Sunflower played with her hair, looking down.  
"Oh? What did you expect? Something naughty?" Lavender teased. "What no- I just expected you to teach me these things without making direct contact." Sunflower says nervously. 
"You were curious about a book called 'How To Make Physical Contact.' there has to be direct contact, Cherry Pie." Lavender smiled cheekily. 
"Well, maybe I'll learn this another time." Sunflower muttered. "No, no. Stay here, I promise I'll be gentle." Lavender leaned forward in a sexy manner as she gave the girl an alluring look. 
"Hrrg- Lavender! that's too lewd." Sunflower got up, a blush on her face. "You want to do this, your face is telling me you're embarrassed but you want to continue." Lavender purred. 
Sunflower glared at her, sulking. "You're acting like Lottie." Sunflower gave her a haughty stare. "I-I didn't mean to-." Lavender waved her hands in the air, looking guilty. 
"That's exactly what she'd say." Sunflower muttered. "Here, let me do this. I want to apologize to you." Lavender leaned forward. 
"Hnng-." Sunflower's face turned red as she suddenly became nervous. Lavender leaned closer, Sunflower got pushed onto the cafe table. 
"What are you doing?" Sunflower felt the sweat going down her face as the girl leaned further.  "Just relax." Lavender leaned closer. She grabbed Sunflower's hand and put it on her waist. 
"I enjoy seeing bitter girls in their shameless state."
"Mmh.." Sunflower began mumbling to herself, embarrassed. Lavender put her hands on Sunflower's waist.
"Your body is so slim and slender.. I like that in a girl." Lavender whispered and gave her a ravishing smile. "You're too close." Sunflower warned her as she moved her head more to the side, trying to avoid the girl from going any further. 
"I want to be this close." Lavender blew on her ear as she drew back a grin. 
Sunflower closed her eyes tightly as she felt Lavender's hot breath hit against her ear, sending shivers down her spine. Her lips quivered as the girl leaned back.
 "You're doing good, Cherry Pie." Lavender put her hand on Sunflower's chin and smiled.
"Just.. don't go.. too far." Sunflower shifted around underneath Lavender's grip with a nervous look on her face.
A switch flipped inside of Lavender.
A loud bang was heard from the staircase, Sunflower and Lavender turned their heads.
Gabby, Jesse, and Erlen showed up at the bottom of the stairs.
"Eh?" Sunflower and Lavender had confused looks appear on their face.
Gabby had a broom in her hand. "Order in the law! You're arrested for violating the crimes of personal space." Gabby went running and whacked Lavender off of Sunflower.
"What-." Sunflower was confused but also shocked.
 "No- I'm innocent." Lavender whined as Gabby held her on the ground.
"We saw the entire thing. Did this woman violate you?" Erlen looked down at Sunflower, holding a spray bottle in her hand. "Uh- I guess so-." Sunflower was lost. She did not understand how to react to the situation.
Jesse gasped before grabbing a rope from the closet. She ran to Lavender. "I now arrest you." Jesse tied Lavender's hands. 
"You're pretty kinky now that I think of it." Lavender grinned as she let herself become tied by the girl. Jesse had a disturbed look on her face as she looked at Lavender.
Erlen put a blanket around Sunflower, handing her a cup of water. "If this pervert has done anything bad to you, we need to hear it now." Erlen would say. 
Jesse looked up, staring at Sunflower. Gabby glanced at Sunflower, waiting for her response.
If they were watching this entire time, shouldn't they know the answer to that?
"Jesse.. you pervert." Sunflower muttered as she noticed the girl was staring at her.
Lavender laughed her heart out as she squirmed around on the spot.
"What-." Jesse was in shock. "How dare you! I will never hand down my daughter to the likes of you." Erlen tackled Jesse. 
"Ack-." Jesse fell on the ground. "You got that one?" Gabby turned her head to Erlen. "Yep, both of them are arrested for violating Sunflower." Erlen tied up Jesse's hand. 
"No! I'm innocent-." Jesse begged. 
Did Erlen just call me her daughter?
Sunflower was in a daze, hoping to know what was happening. Erlen turned her head sternly towards Sunflower. 
"I am sorry, but I kept this secret from you. I am your mother." Erlen would say, bowing her head. 
"Wha-." Sunflower was cut off by Gabby. "I am also your other mother." Gabby admitted. Sunflower stood there, in a daze. Unable to think and unable to speak another word. This was all so confusing. 
"What are you girls doing? We can hear you from upstairs-." Louise went down the stairs but stopped when she saw Jesse and Lavender tied on the ground. 
Gabby and Erlen were holding the two girls down, Sunflower had a blanket wrapped around her. 
Louise had a disturbed but confused look on her face. "What's going on?"
"Ah- we were just roleplaying." Lavender chuckled. 
"Why are they tied?" Louise questioned. "They violated Sunflower's personal space." Gabby stated. 
Louise stared down at Jesse. "Jesse violated her personal space?" Louise stared at her. Sunflower watched Louise closely, but she felt slightly uncomfortable.
She's being a pervert towards Jesse. I must stop this. 
"Louise." Sunflower dropped the blanket on the ground as she stared at her.
"Yes?" Louise turned her head with a curious look.
"You're a pervert." Sunflower muttered.
"What no-." Louise's face turned red with an embarrassed look.
"It's a lie- I'm not like Lavender nor Kate." Louise frowned with an angered look.
"Are you sure about that?" Jesse laid on her back and stared up at Louise.
"Eh- Untie them this instant and behave yourselves. Get your pajamas on too, we're going to watch a movie upstairs." Louise stared sternly at the four girls on the ground. 
Sunflower thought, I don't have pajama's..
"Excuse me." Sunflower looked at them. The five girls turned their heads towards Sunflower. "I have no pajama's I didn't pack them because I never knew that we'd be doing this type of thing." Sunflower would say. 
Gabby gasped, her eyes become stars. She dashed to Sunflower, excitement in her gaze. "I have spare pajama's in my room, I can get them for you." Gabby squealed. 
"Sure thing." Sunflower nodded. "Wait- before you go, didn't you have a collection of animal pajama's?" Lavender would ask as she got up. Erlen had untied Jesse and Lavender. 
"I do, I collected them not to long ago." Gabby smiled brightly. "Ah, that's great. How about you get all of them so we can have an animal party?" Lavender grinned. 
"That's a great idea!" Gabby beamed before running upstairs, onwards to her room. 
"Oh no, we're all in trouble." Erlen sighed. 
Sunflower questioned, what's so bad about animal pajama's? 
She glanced at the staircase, "I'm going to go up." Sunflower walked up the stairs. 
"Wait for me!" Jesse called out before walking beside Sunflower, smiling. "What a pervert Jesse is." Lavender sighed lovingly with her hand on her cheek.
Louise looked at her, irritated. "I can't tell if you're talking about them or yourself." 
Sunflower walked to her room. Clothes in plastic bags were all over her floor. "Sorry for the mess, I didn't have nowhere to put them so I just thought your soft ground would be better." Gabby smiled. 
"It's all right." Sunflower pointed out with a shrug. 
How do I have a soft ground?
The rest of the girls came upstairs. "Ah, this is a lot.." Erlen crouched down, looking at the plastic bags. "How many pairs do you have?" Kate questioned. 
"Thirty-seven all-together." Gabby beamed. It amazed sunflower. The pajamas were all in plastic bags that were seen through. It showed the picture of what animal it was.
"Come and choose any of them." Gabby would tell them. 
Elisa and Lavender browsed through them. 
Sunflower looked at the pajamas. She rummaged through them. 
A bird.. a squirrel.. a fish..? a black bear... a mouse.. a monkey.. so much.. 
Sunflower looked around before one of them caught her eye. A cat? Sunflower crawled on over to the cat pajama's. 
She's never seen a cat before. The odd creature looked creepy with its rugged fur and sharp teeth. Sunflower grabbed the pajamas, looking at them. It had a zipper on it. 
The 'cat' was an orange cat with a white muzzle, paws and tail. Sunflower's eyes shined. "What're you choosing?" Jesse asked as she went beside the girl.
"I like this orange mere skinless creature." Sunflower showed her pajamas.
"It sure is cute, how about you wear it?" Jesse suggested with a smile.
"I suppose I will." Sunflower nodded. 
"If you're wondering, I've chosen the best one yet. I've chosen a tiger." Jesse showed her it. "This is nice." Sunflower looked at the pajamas. 
"There are so many different creatures I haven't seen before, It's all so new and weird."
"Ah- you probably haven't seen most of these- It's pretty obvious." Jesse looked to the side with a smug look before Aqua caught her eye.
"Aqua picked a grizzly bear in case you're wondering." Jesse would say before opening the pajama package. Sunflower opened her package.
"That seems scary." Sunflower says before she takes out the pajama's
"Aqua is scary." Jesse corrected her. 
"She's not that bad." Sunflower laid out her pajamas with a smile on her face.
"Mind if we all change in here?" Gabby asked Sunflower curiously.
"I don't mind at all. I'm used to this." Sunflower nodded.
"I don't even want to ask what you meant by that." Kate had a flustered but confused look on her face as she looked at Sunflower. 
Jesse's face was reddened with a blush. 
Sunflower took out her braid carefully. She placed her curly hair behind her back before beginning to take off her shirt. 
Jesse looked away from the girl, her heart throbbing with a blush on her face. 
This seems awkward.. unless I'm the only one feeling awkward.. 
Lavender notices Jesse's timid and jumpy behavior.
"Aw, we're all girls y'know. No need to be shy.. unless there is a reason..?" Lavender teased Jesse with a smirk on her face.
Jesse looked away from her. "I never considered changing with everyone before." Jesse would say before she changed herself, feeling reluctant. 
"Whatever do you mean? We've all changed together before." Elisa looked at Jesse from across the room. 
"Yeah but- this time it's different." Jesse grumbled. 
"Stop making things so weird." Aqua pointed out as she got in her pajamas.
Jesse glanced at Sunflower. She has such a delicate figure, I can't stop the temptations to run my fingers through her hair.. She has this aura that lures and captivates those around her, but she doesn't know that just yet. Well- she hasn't realized it.
Jesse blushed as she looked away from Sunflower. 
I can't be thinking about this. Jesse got into her pajamas. Sunflower stretched her arms once she was in the pajamas. 
"Eee! Sunflower, you look so cute!" Gabby squealed. Sunflower turned her head towards Gabby. "Thank you." Sunflower dipped her head.
Lavender went on her knees. She waved her hand around, motioning Sunflower to go to her. 
"Com'ere kitty." Lavender smiled cheekily.
"Sunflower wouldn't do that. She has common sense."
Everyone watched Sunflower. Curious about what she'll do.
Sunflower walked on her knees towards Lavender. 
"Good kitty," Lavender put her hand on her head and petted her with a satisfied smile.
Sunflower couldn't help but smile.
Lavender is weird. She has these weird books and won't hesitate to seduce you. I wonder why she is like this?
"Come on Lavender, stop being weird." Louise sighed.
"I agree." Jesse yanked Sunflower back, putting her arms around her neck. "Oh stop being so possesive." Elisa scoffed. 
"Now, now.. Elisa, don't be acting up today." Lavender smiled.
"Well, I wouldn't be acting like this if you weren't all so weird." She had an irritated look.
"Let's just watch the movie already." Louise sighed as she walked off. "We best be following her to my room." Kate says before she follows Louise. 
The rest of the girls followed Kate. Sunflower didn't go in Kate's room before, she had no idea how the girl designed her room.
Once she entered Kate's room, a wave of sultry air surrounded her. Sunflower felt hot in her pajamas. The room was boiling hot.
Kate's room was also brown and yellow-ish.  
"I've never been in here before, this is odd.." Sunflower looked around the room, curious.
 "Yeah, not something you'd see every day?" Kate stretched.
"Let's watch that movie now." Lavender would say with stars in her eyes.
Everyone sat on the bed to watch the movie. Erlen was already asleep, leaning on Gabby's shoulder.
Sunflower had noticed Jesse, and Aqua kept glancing at her. 
She tried her best not to feel insecure about it.
The whole 'movie' Sunflower was fascinated by the way it was produced, by the scenes she could tell how important it was to the plot. It was captivating to see how people are so passionate about their goals.
To dedicate their lives for the entertainment of others, I believe it must be nice choosing a life for yourself.
Once the movie was over, Lavender, Elisa, and Gabby were in tears. I had expected to cry over something that was related to my situation, but I can't seem to cry. 
Is it because.. of the trauma I had felt back in the days? Or is it me just being selfish and not admitting to feeling anything?
I still need to understand the entire purpose of why I was sent here. What role do I play in this? I know that I have to figure out myself, but how am I supposed to do that when I don't know where to start?
They sent here me to become a proper woman, but that's far from impossible, isn't it? 
In this current state, I'll get nowhere.
I guess I will never figure out what I'm meant to do. Sunflower tugged at her clothing. 
Not too long after, the nine girls got ready for bed. Sunflower got her bed to herself while everyone slept on the ground.
Sunflower stared at the ceiling, hearing soft and light snores from below. What am I supposed to do now? I don't any motivation to make me move forward; I rely on others to bring that feeling to me but they sent here me to figure it all out myself.
Sunflower covered up with her blanket, hoping to doze off to sleep.
The only reaction she got was her back becoming hot with each second that passed. 
Sunflower tossed and turned, beginning to sweat.
She could hear the wind whistling outside. 
If she opened her window, everyone else would be cold, and they'd have a poor sleep. I can't risk that, wouldn't want to make anyone mad.

Sunflower breathed heavily as her entire body become hot.
Sunflower wiped the sweat from her forehead. 
She shifted in her blanket before tossing it to the side. She still felt hot in her pajamas. She also had this wicked headache. 
Sunflower sat up. Her arms became heavy, her chest tightened. She felt this weird sensation in her throat. 
Sunflower let out a cough. She covered her mouth, feeling light-headed. She narrowed her baggy eyes to her closet. Sunflower let out another coughing fit. She shuddered, suddenly feeling hot and cold at the same time. 
Her back was burning, like the sun's radiation. She let out more coughs before reaching her closet, Sunflower opened her closet door, hoping not to step on the sleeping Elisa. 
She went into her closet. She closed the door. She coughed again, feeling dizzy and sickly at the same time. 
She changed her clothes, so she could distract herself. Sunflower took off her pajamas. She sweat once again. 
She chose one of her daily outfits, putting her clothes on. Sunflower opened the closet door. She closed it behind her.  
Sunflower panted slightly, hating the sickly feeling that developed all over her body. Sunflower sniffed, her nose ran. 
She almost fell on the ground, but she stopped herself in time. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, her headache becoming worse.
Sunflower walked outside her room door, hoping to get some fresh air outside. 
Jesse rubbed on her eyes, noticing Sunflower walking out. Jesse spotted her wiping her eyes. She was also sniffling. 
Was Sunflower crying? Jesse questioned, feeling worried. She turned her head to the sleeping Aqua was beside her. 
"Psst, Aqua." Jesse nudged her. The girl didn't move. "Aqua." Jesse shoved her to the side. Still no response. 
"Aqua." Jesse punched her back. Aqua twitched slightly before getting up slowly. "What do you want? It's late." Aqua yawned, stretching her arms. 
"I saw Sunflower go outside.." Jesse shifted. "I'm sure she was just getting some fresh air." Aqua rubbed her eyes, looking at Jesse. 
"No, but.. when she was about to leave the room, I'm sure she was wiping her tears.. she was sniffling too. I think she might've been crying." Jesse frowned. 
"Are you sure she might've been crying?" Aqua questioned her, her stare becoming serious. 
"I know I'm right." Jesse stood up. "Where are you going?" Aqua asked with a confused look. 
"I'm going to comfort Sunflower, it's what she needs right now." Jesse looked to the side. "I really think we should stop getting into her personal business, it's not right for people to invade privacy," Aqua warned her 
"Well. What's worth life if you can't break a little rule? I want to know what's wrong with her. You don't have to come with me though. I can do it myself." Jesse shot her a look before walking out the door. 
Jesse walked downstairs. The door was opened. Jesse figured she was on the right path in finding her. 
Jesse felt a hand go on her shoulder. "She's my friend too. I want to know what's wrong." Aqua nodded. 
Jesse nodded back. The two girls set off. The wind was harsh, Jesse's hair blown in her face. Aqua's hair went all over the place. 
"Oh, dam- How can Sunflower walk in these winds?" Aqua complained with a groan. "It's how she is." Jesse would say. 
"If I were Sunflower.. where would I be?" Jesse muttered. "Perhaps the Ocean, she mentioned that the Ocean is where she goes when she's troubled." Aqua pointed out. 
"We'll go check there." Jesse nodded. Jesse and Aqua set off on their journey to find Sunflower. Once they reached the Ocean, they recognized a familiar shape. 
Sunflower was gazing, watching the Ocean. She let out some more coughs, regretting her decisions to come outside. 
"Sunflower!" Jesse called out. Sunflower was taken back by shock. She turned her head to see Jesse and Aqua standing there. 
"What are you two doing here?" Sunflower questioned. "I.. I saw you crying, so I wanted to know what was wrong." Jesse would say with determination. 
Sunflower blinked, confusing in her eyes. She then realized. "Crying? No, I was sweating while I was laying down. I kinda got tired of it, so I went outside to get some fresh air." Sunflower explained. 
"Ah, I see." Aqua glared at Jesse. "I'm happy that you two girls were looking out for me though, I appreciate it. I'm fine." Sunflower forced a smile on her face.
Jesse looked at Sunflower, before looking at the ground. "I'm glad you're all right." Jesse smiled. 
"Like I said earlier, I'll always tell you girls if something is bothering me." Sunflower reminded her. 
"You're right, but I really think we should head back. It's cold out here." Jesse would say. Sunflower felt her mind become blank before realizing it. 
I'm developing a cold.. aren't I?

Purple Violet Flowers: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now