Chapter 31

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"Unacceptable! Never ever wake me up because of something stupid! You're all scatterbrained for causing a ruckus like that!" Elisa glared at them.
They all ate their cup of noodles in shame.
"Even after I brushed my hair- you still all mess it up like savages. Who even started that fight? I bumped into Kate and she was hard as a rock." Elisa sighed in disappointment.
"Ugh! I can't stand these noodles." Jesse groaned as she stretched backwards on her chair.
"We have other flavours if you'd like." Erlen held up the boxes.
"Are you two even listening?!" Elisa screeched.
"No! These noodles are making me sick, I need something else to eat- like, there are berries around here isn't there? Let's get some berries! I'm desperate for this!" Jesse had puppy dog eyes as she faced Kate.
"Eh? What am I supposed to do? I'm not the boss here." Kate backed away from the girl.
"There's a few blackberries and raspberry bushes around here, you just have to go that way. You must watch out though since there are a few roots sticking out of the ground and a bit of thorn shrubs around that area. Is isn't pleasant." Sunflower explained as she took a scoop from her noodles.
They all stared at her, confused.
"How do you know so much about this area?" Erlen questioned.
Sunflower blinked. "I mean- wouldn't you know? You're the one who chose this area." Sunflower tilted her head.
"Ah-." Erlen looked away embarrassed.
"What a total burn." Kate smirked as she poked Erlen's shoulder. "Shut up! I know this area, its just that- I haven't been here in a while." Erlen grumbled.
"Yeah, sure~." Gabby smiled.
"Based on what time it is, if we split into a group or two we can get both get separate things. One group can get wood and the other could get berries. Since we have water, we can probably find some mint leaves for tea. When we get the fire started, we can boil the water from the lake and I'm sure we brought some other things that could use boiling water. After we're done all that, it'd be about sunset." Sunflower explained pointing at the sky.
"So, if we do it right now we'd have time to have some bonding time around the fire." Sunflower pointed out.
"How- You're so smart but- are you sure you didn't go camping before?" Kate questioned the girl.
Sunflower looked at Kate, directly facing the girl. Sunflower smiled. "Do you think I even had the time to go camping?" Sunflower smiled closing her eyes.
"That look is dangerous-." Kate backed away.
"Okay, I will take.. Jesse, Gabby and Lavender." Sunflower avoided the taller girl. 
"We can get the berries, so you guys will be okay getting the wood. Alright?" Sunflower questioned. 
"I owe you one later." Aqua smiled cheekily. "Of course." Sunflower smiply nodded. "We'll all meet here by sunset, not any late than that. Alright?" Lavender smiled. 
"Sure." Erlen nodded. 
"We'll for sure be here." Louise smiled. 
"Don't get lost." Lavender smiled and waved before walking towards her group. "Let's go. Anyone have a bowl?" Sunflower questioned. 
"Got you covered." Jesse winked and held a bowl in the air. "Great. Now we're prepared, let's search." Sunflower pointed out.
"You've been happy a lot now, I've noticed that." Gabby smiled as she walked beside Sunflower. 
"You think so?" Sunflower questioned the girl. "I noticed too, you aren't as hostile and cold the first day we met you." Jesse pointed out. 
"It really has been that long has it? Time goes by fast." Sunflower huffed. 
"If time was much slower wouldn't that be easier?" Lavender thought out loud.
"Like eighty seconds in a minute?" Jesse questioned. 
"Or one hundred seconds in a minute." Gabby put her finger on her chin, clearly not putting much thought into it. 

"That would make the minutes more longer since there is sixty seconds in a minute but wouldn't that mean the Earth and it's rotation would be different than what we know now or would the hours in a day be shortened?" Sunflower questioned the three girls. 
Lavender put both of her hands on her shoulders, shuddering. "Ew, smart words." 
Jesse blinked, confused. "I don't know? Am I the right person to go to?"
Gabby had a confused look. "Earth Rotation?" 
Sunflower had a rather bash look, she blinked and paid attention to the walking trail. "Never mind, i'll ask Kate or Erlen." Sunflower was disappointed in her friends. 
"We came out to look for berries so let's do that." Jesse smiled brightly and walked forward. 
"Why did you and Erlen buy a thousand noodles?" Lavender had a smug 'what the heck' look. 
"It wasn't technically a thousand, but it was worth it because they all came in different flavours. There's nothing wrong with eating noodles for a couple of da-." 
Jesse went in front of Sunflower. 
"Of course there is something wrong with that! Eating the same thing for days drives me insane! I need something else to quench my hunger." Jesse had an irritated face. 
Sunflower backed away a bit, her cheeks a light pink. 
"Ever since the carnival you've been awfully close Jesse." Sunflower whispered, looking to the side. 
"Oh- uhh-- hehe- r-right?" Jesse backed away nervously. 
"Great job Jesse." Lavender smacked her back playfully. "Let's just focus on what we need to get." Gabby sweats.
"I wonder how Kate and em' are doing." Gabby wondered out loud. "Propably being weird." Lavender smiled cheekily. 
"I call upon the gods of the heavens, please tear this tree down for my own sake." Kate kicked a tree. 
"What are you doing?" Louise looked at her, a smug look. "I heard a rumour if you do this than it'll actually happen." Kate pointed out. 
"How do you even know about that?" Erlen muttered as she picked up small twigs from the ground. 
"The internet has everything." Kate smiled and grabbed twigs. 
"I'm staying away from internet for a while, it just destroys your brain." Aqua sighed. "I only use the internet for piano lessons or I just look up things for my work. I also text you guys and video chat." Elisa pointed out.
"All that stuff is boring stuff, what do you do on the internet Louise?" Kate questioned the girl. Louise thought for a moment. 
"I just search up random things.. like a shark banana." Louise explained. 
"A shark banana?" Erlen had a confused look as she looked at the girl. 
"What's a shark banana.." Aqua and Elisa muttered picking up branches. "I kinda searched it up after talking with a friend online." Louise exclaimed. 
"Elisa, can you help me take this grass off this branch? It's all tangled up." Erlen questioned the girl. 
"I suppose I could." Elisa muttered and went her way. 
Kate blinked and looked both ways, she scooted beside Louise. "Hm?" The girl looked up to Kate. 
Kate grabbed Louise's shoulders making the shorter girl face towards her. "They aren't looking. Let's kiss." Kate's eyes shined. 
Louise's face burned with blush. "Are you an idiot! Not now-." Louise pushed the taller girl away. 
"Aww, come on." Kate sulked. "What the hell- I'm right here!" Aqua quickly turned her head to the side. Her face was red with an irritated face. 
"When did you get here?" Kate questioned, clearly confused. "Don't be so stupid! I was here the whole time." Aqua growled. 
"Pretend she isn't here." Kate eyes shined as she faced Louise again. "No! I can't pretend, she is clearly there. Plus to you're making the butterflies fly in my stomach so stop--." Louise put her hand on Kate's face, pushing her head away.
"Pwah! We're finally done getting everything." Kate exclaimed as she stretched her arms. "Just as you predicted Cherry Pie, it's sunset already." Lavender looked at the sky. 
"Pretty nice right?" Sunflower pointed out. 
"You're so smart- I could squeeze you." Jesse hugged Sunflower, clearly squeezing the shorter girl. 
"Looks like you're just trying to find an excuse to hug her." Aqua muttered as she squinted at Jesse. 
"If you're gonna be a boomer, why not come and join?" Jesse questioned the girl. "I'm not all cheesy like you." Aqua had a smug look. 
Jesse beamed her eyes shining. 
"Good thing we have matches. Surprising none of us do smoking or something." Kate chuckled nervously as she and Gabby tried to start up the fire. 
"I saw what it does to you." Erlen muttered. 
"What is smoking?" Sunflower questioned. "Smoking is bad, it wrecks you up." Jesse pointed out. 
"Huh, I see." Sunflower started to think hard. I've been here for a long time yet I don't know what smoking is. 
"It's almost lit! Come on we need this!" Kate begged. "Why not beg to the gods again?" Elisa questioned the girl sarcastically. 
"Gods?" Gabby looked at Kate confused. 
"It was just something I said- but it didn't work cause there is no god." Kate smiled cheekily, she was clearly embarrassed. 
"Don't be silly, of course there is a god. Where else do we go when we die? In a dark place? Nuh uh! I don't believe that Katie." Lavender squinted at the girl, an angry face. 
"God or no god. Heaven better be like what they described it to be." Louise exclaimed as she played with the dirt. 
"What is a heaven?" Sunflower questioned. "Okay, there is lot's of things you still need to learn." Jesse sighed. 
"Death doesn't seem too scary." Gabby smiled. "How so?" Erlen looked at her. "Because when you die, that's when people appreciate and actually feel sad for you right? Death isn't as scary as people say it is, you'll be in a more peaceful place so you don't have to worry." Gabby smiled. 
"That's one way to put it but what about being seperated from the people you love?" Erlen looked at Gabby, clearly expecting an answer. 
Gabby looked to the side for a few seconds before looking at Erlen. "Even if you are seperated they will still be there with you, and you'll still be with them. That's why I am ready for death." Gabby smiled as she stood up and dusted off her shirt. 
"Huh, I see." Erlen muttered. 
"Who's ready for a girl talk? The fire is ready." Kate got up and sat on a chair. "Venting isn't really my thing-." Aqua shook her head. 
"Girl talk? Venting?" Sunflower was confused, the new terms were too much for her. "Venting is like releasing your feelings sort of thing." Gabby pointed out. 
"Let's just all stare at the fire until someone says something." Kate replied bluntly before everyone stared at the fire. 
Silence filled the air as everyone stared at the fire. The fire was beaming hot, it's sparks floating around the campsite with the hazy smoke.
Sunflower looked around, everyone has been different lately. Should I really speak these feelings out? 
I'm afraid a terrible conflict might break out between all of us if I say something, it's better if I don't question it.
Sunflower brought her legs close to her as she sat on the chair. The chair was big enough for her legs to fit. 
"So uhh- this isn't really getting us anywhere huh?" Kate chuckled nervously as she rubbed on her neck.
"I think we all have something to say, but we're all too scared." Erlen muttered. 
"Ah... you're right.." Kate looked at the fire, 
Another silence filled the air for several seconds. "There must've been some reason for you wanting to have a girl talk Kate." Gabby looked at her. 
"Well.." Kate muttered. 
Sunflower looked at the girl, she had a troubled face. "I don't know.. I've just thought we're all drifitng apart is all." Kate muttered. 
"I can see how you think that, I've noticed that too." Louise let a fake smile plaster on her face. 
"Usually I'd know what to do, since we've all been friends for a few years.. I usually have a plan but this time it's different. It's all so strange. This time i'm lost and I have no idea how to bring us all together again." Kate muttered as she slowly tore apart a leaf she had found on the ground. 
"It's all different because Sunflower is here. Not in a bad way or anything but it's been kind of harder. It's kinda hard to be with you sometimes but after everything you still seem to smile.. you just smile like it hasn't made you mad or something- like nothing happened. It frustrates me so much- how doesn't everything make you feel like breaking down?" Kate had a frustrated expression plastered all over her face. 
Sunflower looked at the ground, a dark gray expression. She continued to look at the ground before bringing her legs in close to her chest. 
"Of course it made me sad. Of course it messed me up.. but I just find happiness in everything, I have to be happy or it won't go away.." Sunflower exclaimed. 
"Just because I smile doesn't mean i'm actually happy. I've been messed up these past weeks ever since that incident with Lottie. In fact.. sometimes I feel like.. just yelling and crying.. I feel like crying everything out. I want Lottie to go away but yet I know those feelings will never go away." Sunflower shoved her face in between her legs. 
"I'm not okay." Sunflower's eyes watered. 
"I was never okay, i'll never be okay. but if this keeps going on.. I don't think i'll last any longer... I just want things to end.. I'll be happy then right?" Sunflower looked up, looking at the fire. 
Her eyes were watery. 
"I don't believe I can live on any longer, I just get so tired lately. Sometimes I wonder if sadness and self pity are the only emotions I could feel. It's all I ever feel anyway. How can people put up with me? All I ever do is cause trouble.. like killing my father and killing that boy. I've come to admit and realize that.. I think you'd all be better without.. me... I have too much problems.." Sunflower ended the sentence with a bitter saddened voice. 
"But then again, you all made me happy so I can't really say that I'm sad and angry all the time."
There was complete silence, Sunflower didn't bother to look up. 
"W-Well-- y-you don't need.. to be all sad.. do you?" Lavender struggled to speak. 
Sunflower looked up. 
"Look- I'm not.. the one to go to for this stuff but- you can be sad. Just not sad to the point where you wanna kill yourself..." Lavender's eyes watered. 
Kill yourself? 
"Cherry Pie-- killing yourself isn't worth it y'know? There has been so many times where I wanted to do it but- there is hope in whatever you believe in." Lavender let a painful smile appear on her face, her eyes were watery. 
"I know that feeling! I know it! It's not easy to feel that, especially when you have other stressful things in life. It's wrong- It's wrong what you go through, it's not even realistic! If I didn't know you I wouldn't believe what you say to me.. but.. you have to believe that I love you-- we all love you! You could never say we don't like putting up with you because we do. Everything is just new y'know? I thought torture was something that was made-up. I can't even imagine how it was to see your father die in front of you.--" 
"Lavender..." Sunflower whispered, her eyes watering. 
"I-I.. I have something to say. Something I didn't tell anyone before." Lavender's eyes watered, she pulled on the fabric of the chair. 
"I-I.." Lavender struggled to speak as tears went down her face. 
"I..I almost.. g-got.." Lavender gulped, she started to shake. 
"I almost got.. raped as a child.." Lavender let the words slip out of her mouth. 
"And that's messed up! It messed me up so much-- I felt like dying- I felt like running away from home.. I felt like sleeping and never waking up again." Tears streamed down her eyes. 
"T-That's why I wanted to be your friend y'know? I heard that Gabby made people happy, so I wanted that happiness. I really.. really hate myself.. but finding you guys made me.. not hate myself as much as I used to.." Lavender looked up, she was smiling with tears streaming down her eyes. 
"Meeting you Cherry Pie, made me want to love again. These feelings I have for you make me so happy-- I love you so much." Lavender smiled, her eyes full of pain and happiness. 

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