Chapter 4

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Sunflower fixed up her hair. She made herself a braid and put her sunflower clipping in her hair. This was her first time going out in town with someone by her side.
She was prepared. Today was the day she and Jesse would hang out. Gabby and Kate told her to look very nice today. Whatever that meant.
Sunflower didn't really understand why, but she did it, anyway.
Sunflower walked downstairs, feeling nervous.
"Oh, my." An old lady would say as Sunflower walked past.
"Huh? what's wrong?" Sunflower looked at her curiously.
"You look pretty." The old woman complimented her. "Thank you." Sunflower dipped her head, walking on over to Kate and Gabby.
"You look beautiful actually." Gabby pointed out. She became slightly shy once Sunflower looked at the girl.
"Thanks." Sunflower dipped her head. Kate shook her head in disappointment before looking around the café.
"Tomorrow you will have to make up for missing work." Kate chuckled. "Yeah. I'll work extra hard after today." Sunflower nodded.
"Great." Gabby giggled. "Look at you, Flower. Growing up." Kate smiled softly. "This is my third day here." Sunflower pointed out.
"Yeah, you're right." Kate stretched her arms. "Jesse is quite the girl, huh?" Gabby chuckled as she kept the clipboard against her chest. "She's nice." Sunflower sat down by the counter.
"She's more than nice. I think she's a well-earned girl." Kate washed the dishes. "You think so?" Sunflower took a sip of the water Gabby had given her.
"Yeah. I'm sure she has a job handed down from her family. I'm sure it was... a parfait stand by the fitness arena?" Kate thought out loud.
"What's a fitness arena.." Sunflower looked at her cup and measured the water in the cup.
"It's where people workout to become strong and I guess it's where people also do yoga and something else I don't really know." Kate shrugged.
"Me and Kate spend most of our free time rather here or visiting our friends." Gabby smiled. "That's nice." Sunflower took a sip from her water again.
"What did you do in your free time?" Gabby asked.
"Well.. If I were to say.. I'd usually go on by the ocean or rather read my favorite book." Sunflower wondered.
"Anything else other than that?" Kate asked.
"Well. I am a talented cook. The chef in the kitchen would always ask for my help. I helped the kitchen in secret whenever I was free." Sunflower looked on over to Kate and Gabby.
"Cooking? wow! You must be a pro since you've been locked away for sixteen years. One day I want you to cook something for me and Gabby." Kate smiled excitedly.
She couldn't tell if Kate was being serious, sarcastic, or if she didn't believe she was isolated.
"Sure." Sunflower shrugged.
"Do you know how to make fancy dishes?" Gabby asked. "Yeah, It's simple." Sunflower took a sip of her water.
"I want to try some royal steak. I've heard it was so good it made your mouth water." Kate sighed dreamily.
"That's what people say. It's not a fact." Sunflower murmured. "It is a fact." Kate looked her straight in the eye.
"The ingredients for the royal steak are just normal ingredients you'd put on one when serving a normal family dinner." Sunflower pointed out.
"Well... still. I've only had steak once, and I believe that your royal steak is better than normal steak." Kate eyed at her challengingly.
"Really?" Sunflower eyed her back.
"Yes.. and that's why.." Kate went on her knees and looked at her, a pleading look in her eye. "Please make it for me sometime!" Kate whimpered.
Sunflower looked at her for a brief time before batting her head. "Sure." The door was opened. Kate glanced at the door before nudging Sunflower.
Sunflower turned around and looked on over to Jesse. 
When you see them, your heart races and you become nervous.
Sunflower shook away the thought. She made her way towards Jesse.
Once that happens, you know you've fallen in love.
Sunflower stood in front of Jesse. Her heart made fast but small thumps as she gazed at the girl. This isn't supposed to happen.
What's happening to me?
"You ready to go?" Jesse smiled. Sunflower tucked her side hair behind her ear and nodded. "I'm ready."
Jesse nodded and held the door open for her. "Wanna get a parfait? or do you want to go to the bakery?" Jesse asked her.
"A parfait sounds nice." Sunflower would say, not knowing what a parfait was.
"Sure thing. Let's go." Jesse and Sunflower walked beside each other. Sunflower looked around. The town was beautiful.
It was small and peaceful, so that's what made it look so amazing. At night people can hear the ocean. The waves were quiet, but they were still hearable. 
The sound was calming, and it helped people reduce their stress.
"So.." Jesse looked over to Sunflower. "Hm?" Sunflower looked to the side. "Are you in a nuclear family? I've heard about the Havensters but I never really did any research." Jesse asked.
"Not at all. It's just me, my mom, and my sister Skye." Sunflower answered her. "Ah, I see. It's only me, my mom and dad." Jesse looked at the buildings.
"It's uncommon for men to be here right?" Sunflower asked curious.
"Well yeah. That's how Pigeon Ocean is. After we elected our new mayor she apparently made the school into an all-girls school. Decreasing the numbers of the men."
"Where did the men go?"
"I'm uncertain.. perhaps they went to train in the military? Or perhaps they left to another town." Jesse shrugged.
"So this is just an all-girls town?" Sunflower asked curiously.
"There's a few men here so I wouldn't call it an all-girls town.. but I doubt they'd stay." Jesse stretched her arms.
"Ah, I see." Sunflower looked around.
"Do you like cherry or pineapple?" Jesse glanced at Sunflower.
"I like both of them, but my favorite would be cherry." Sunflower glanced at Jesse. "O-Of course." Jesse cleared her throat.
Sunflower's eyes narrowed to three girls sitting on a bench. Those girls were watching Sunflower with widened-shining eyes. "Do you know who they are?" Sunflower tilted her head.
"Who?" Jesse looked around. Sunflower glanced at the three girls sitting on the bench. "Oh, those girls. They're in the same class as me, but I never really payed attention to anything around me. I'm sure their names are.. Alexa.. Daisy.. and I forgot the blonde one's name." Jesse says as she thought.
"Oh. I see." Sunflower glanced at them one last time. "Eee! She looked over here!" One girl squealed out loud.
It startled sunflower. She got closer to Jesse. Jesse's face was red. She looked down at Sunflower.
"L-Look! the parfait stand is right over there!" Jesse sped-walk towards it. Sunflower followed her, feeling people's gazes alone.
She suddenly felt the anxiety prickling at her chest as she passed by the strangers, her heart was beating hastily becoming suddenly nervous.
She gulped before walking towards Jesse, as the stares were menacing and long. She had suddenly felt agitated. 
Sunflower sat down on a bench nearby the parfait stand. She watched Jesse order the 'parfaits' 
She never felt this before. What made her so jumpy and freaked out? 
Glancing at Jesse, she suddenly felt a warmth surge inside her. The girl had a friendly look.
When I look at Jesse, why did I feel all fuzzy inside?
It couldn't be 'that' right? Sunflower tugged at her clothing. I don't believe in love at first sight. I thought what I felt in the past was actually 'love,' but it wasn't.
So foolish.
Jesse rushed on over to Sunflower carrying two plastic containers in her hand, they were round and plastic.
They had berries in them, and this thick-ish white layer.
"Phew. I thought I lost you but you came here." Jesse chuckled before handing her a parfait.
"Since you liked cherry.. I got you the flavour. I got myself pineapple." Jesse sat beside her.
"Thank you." Sunflower nodded and looked at the parfait. Sunflower grabbed the plastic spoon and scooped a little.
She ate some of it. Her eyes shined. She was in love with this. "This is good." Sunflower glanced at Jesse.
"Yeah, I know.. all the flavours are delicious, but I never really tried cherry before.. can I have a bit?" Jesse looked at Sunflower.
Sunflower looked at Jesse reluctantly. This was just friendly sharing, nothing more than that.
"Sure." Sunflower scooped some onto the spoon. She put it by Jesse's mouth, feeling slightly nervous.
Jesse ate the parfait and thumbs up. "That is very good, want to try some of mine?" Jesse looked at Sunflower and smiled.
Sunflower nodded slightly. Jesse scooped some and put it by her mouth. Sunflower hesitated before eating it.
It was good. In fact, it was delicious! The creamy taste mixed with the pineapple was reassuring.
It melted into her mouth. "That's really good." Sunflower's eyes shined. "Really? You think so?" Jesse smiled.
"Yeah." Sunflower nodded. Jesse gasped as her eyes shined. "I know this place where they grow these pretty flowers! I want to bring you to it, if that's okay." Jesse chuckled.
Sunflower nodded. "Let's go." Jesse grabbed her hand and lead her through the town.
Sunflower was in a daze. After a minute or two, Sunflower could smell the flowers from a not-so far distance.
Jesse smiled. "We're here." Jesse nodded to her. Sunflower looked around. The flowers looked beautiful. 
There were blue ones, yellow ones, orange ones, red ones, purple ones, white ones. They were all so amazing. Sunflower spotted a light blue rock with white stripes. She grabbed the rock and put it in her pocket carefully. This is for my keeping.
"Did you know all flowers are unique in their own way?" Jesse looked at Sunflower. "Yeah. I knew that." Sunflower smiled tiny.
"It's just like you, but did you know the meaning of a Sunflower means; pure and lofty thoughts, adoration, longevity, loyalty? I really believe that." Jesse smiled. She knew her flowers. 
Sunflower felt her heart throb. She shook away the feeling and looked at Jesse. "Thanks." Jesse nodded and blush developed on her cheeks. 
After a few fifteen minutes of looking at the flowers, the two girls decided to get a better view.
Sunflower and Jesse sat down on a ledge where it is shown the entire flower garden. Sunflower looked at the flowers. It wasn't so different from home, except it was different. Everything felt different. 
Jesse glanced at Sunflower and blushed. Sunflower looked at her curiously. "Oh- Uh.." Jesse looked at the ground. 
When you see them, your heart races and you become nervous.
Sunflower played with her fingers. This couldn't possibly be love. I don't believe in love at first sight, but these feelings 'feel.' real.
How can I really believe this is 'love'? How do I know if it's love or not?
No, I can't just let my guard down. I came here for a reason, and that reason was to become a proper woman.
I can't just let these feelings conquer my mind when I have a duty. Just ignore them. Love at first sight isn't real. It couldn't be.

"Hey, Sunflower." Jesse looked at her. "Yeah?" Sunflower looked at her. "I picked these flowers from the garden below and I also found this purple shiny pebble." Jesse grabbed her found treasures and shown them to Sunflower.
"I want to give you this pebble." Jesse handed the pebble to her. Sunflower looked at it, it was pretty and smooth.
"Thanks Jesse." Sunflower smiled and looked at her. "I-It was nothing.. but I also want to do something real quick."
"What is that?" Sunflower looked at her curiously. "Can you face the other way?" Jesse asked.
"Sure." Sunflower turned her head. Jesse took a deep breath. She grabbed Sunflower's braid. "Hold still." Jesse would say.
"All right." Sunflower closed her eyes.
Jesse grabbed her purple and white flowers, she put them in her braid one-by-one. "Sorry if I'm hurting you." Jesse would say.
"No, you're fine." Sunflower opened her eyes and looked at the nearby flowers. "There. Now face me." Jesse huffed.
Sunflower turned her body to the side and looked at Jesse. Jesse scooted closer to her and grabbed her braid from behind.
Jesse put her braid on her left shoulder. Jesse's eyes shined as she looked at Sunflower. Sunflower noticed her staring. She became nervous and looked at the ground.
"You look very beautiful." Jesse would say nervously.
"I do?" She'd look up. "Yeah, but when I say beautiful.. I mean it." Jesse smiled. Sunflower tucked in her hair behind her ear and smiled slightly with a low gaze.
"Thank you Jesse." Sunflower turned her head and faced the ocean. Jesse sat beside her, scooting closer. 
There was a moment of silence for those two girls. Sunflower loved the ocean's sound. The soft winds. The singing of the birds. The faded chatter of the citizens.
"Hey, Sunflower.." Jesse would say as she gazed at the ocean. "Yes?" Sunflower looked at her.
"Don't change, okay? I have this feeling in my stomach that is telling me you want to make a difference. I think you're just fine the way you are, y'know? There's no telling me you'll listen to my advice, I know how people are. I think you're amazing, even if we've known each other for two days. I want to keep learning about you, there's just something about you that makes me want to embrace everything I have just for you, y'know? I'm pretty much aware Kate and Gabby know you better, but hey.. you've met them first." Jesse's cheeks were a light pink. She looked at Sunflower, smiling. 
Sunflower felt her heart throb. These feelings won't go away, will they? Sunflower smiled and nodded.
"I'm looking forward to spending more time with you." Sunflower would say before grabbing something out of her pocket.
Sunflower pulled out the white-striped blue rock. She handed it to Jesse. "Let's keep being friends. I really enjoy being with you." Sunflower would say. 
Jesse nodded and grabbed the rock. 
These rocks were special treasures that the girls both had to keep
Jesse helped Sunflower off of the ledge. Both of the girls smiled and had a grand time. They've saved the sunset for another time.
They spent time with each other until they finally realized that it was night, and it was late. 
Jesse and Sunflower both made their way to café Greenery.
Once they got there, the girls spent so much time together that they didn't want to be separated.
"I'll never get inside at this rate." Sunflower looked at Jesse. They were beside the café Greenery entrance.
"Yeah, sorry. I guess I'll go now.." Jesse stood there. Sunflower and Jesse let out tiny chuckles.
There was a minute of complete silence. It's as if they were both expecting something from one another.
Sunflower rubbed on her arm. "I'll go inside now." Sunflower dipped her head. "Y-Yeah! I'll see you." Jesse waved before walking away slowly.
Sunflower watched her walk away, it's as if she was waiting for something. Sunflower grabbed the purple shiny pebble from her pocket before opening the café Greenery door.
"Hey! Welcome back, did you have fun?" Kate called from the counter.
Sunflower leaned on the door while holding the pebble in her hands. "I've had a great time." Sunflower nodded.
"That must explain why you came back so late, huh?" Gabby giggled. "Yeah." Sunflower nodded.
"We made dinner unless you already ate." Kate grabbed plates from the counter. "I never ate yet. I had a parfait, but that was all." Sunflower walked to the table and sat down.
"Classic Jesse." Kate laughed. "What's that in your hand?" Gabby asked curiously.
"This? It's a pebble." Sunflower put it on the table.
"It's so pretty." Gabby smiled. "It really is." Sunflower nodded. "Sunflower. Do you prefer mild food?" Kate asked.
"Anything is fine." Sunflower looked at her.
"All right." Kate nodded and brought over three bowls. She put the bowls on-top of the plates before putting forks on the side.
"I call it Kate's special soup." Kate winked.
"It looks tasty." Gabby clapped her hands. "It looks creamy." Sunflower pointed out. "Let's all try it at the same time." Kate sat down. 
They all took scoops of the soup. "It's good, but not good enough." Sunflower glanced at Kate.
Kate let out a gasp and crossed her arms. "My food is wonderful and I've tried my hardest to make this soup. It took me half an hour with all of my strength included. I even accidentally cut my finger when I was chopping the vegetables!" Kate would say dramatically.
"What vegetables?" Sunflower looked at her. "Ah-." Kate felt sweat going down her face. "Forget about that!" Kate grumbled. "Just enjoy your food." Kate got up and huffed.
"All right." Sunflower shrugged and sipped some soup.
This truly was an amazing day. There's no doubt about it.

Purple Violet Flowers: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now