Chapter 29

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"Fwah! I'm so excited! I've never been camping before. This is gonna be fun." Sunflower huffed excitedly.
"Y'know, you're cute when your all fired up." Lavender smiled. They were all in a minivan Erlen's dad lent them.
Apparently none of us had our learners but Erlen. I never knew there was something about driving cars, if I knew sooner I would've got my learners with no hesitation.
"Thank you Lavender." Sunflower beamed. "Why are you looking real sad Louise? We're all going camping together, does that not make you happy?" Lavender narrowed her eyes to Louise, her eyes darkening.
Louise looked at the ground, a darkened face. "No- I'm happy." Louise forced a smile on her face, avoiding eye contact.
"Then that's great." Lavender put her hand on Louise's shoulder and smiled.
"Look Cherry Pie! The ocean stretches real far you can even see it from all the way here." Lavender pointed out the window.
"That's amazing!" Sunflower's eyes gleamed. "Is this your first time on a car?" Erlen questioned Sunflower.
"Nope. Me and Dia went to go see some country music concert and we went there by bus." Sunflower explained.
"Of course it'd be Dia." Erlen sighed. "Dia's actually a good person- she's just hostile since she's always under pressure. Though I don't know where she is or where she went.. I believe she was only protecting me for the good of it." Sunflower nodded determinedly.
Sunflower looked at everyone in the back.
Louise, Gabby and Aqua were sitting behind Sunflower and Lavender. Kate and Jesse were in the back.
Elisa was in the second passengers seat. They all looked kind of.. sad. None of them were talking.
Don't tell me. Is it me? Surely it wouldn't be. Lavender is the only one who's been talking. I shouldn't be over thinking this, it can't be me.
After all, we all woke up pretty early so everyone is probably tired.
Erlen cleared her throat as the van got quiet.
"S-So.. Lavender have you been talking to anyone lately?" Erlen looked through the mirror in front to look at the girl.
"Who would there be to talk to when I have all of you?" Lavender smiled.
"I just kinda figured since.." Erlen looked back to the road, stopping her sentence midway.
"If I was talking to anyone I would've told you. Wasn't it obvious? We're all friends here." Lavender pointed out.
"R-Right.." Erlen muttered as she continued to drive.
"Tch." Jesse scoffed looking out the window.
Louise was muttering to herself.
Sunflower leaned on Lavender's shoulder. "Oh, you're so forward Cherry Pie." Lavender teased.
"I'm just tired." She scooted a bit closer to the girl.
"Just sleep, the drive is four more hours. You'll need the energy since it's your first time camping. We'll make this the best experience for you." Lavender smiled and leaned her head on Sunflower's.
"I'm sure of it."
Erlen stretched her arms as she walked out of the van. "We're all here finally." She sighed in relief.
"That ride hurt my back a lot." Jesse rubbed her back.
"Don't worry Jesse, we can finally relax now." Sunflower put her hand on her shoulder and smiled.
"Thank god then." Jesse smiled cheekily. Though, this place is kind of familiar.
"Why did we buy an eight person tent? Couldn't we all be in our own little tents?" Kate questioned.
"Dibs sleeping by Sunflower." Aqua raised her hand in the air.
"Well I'm sleeping by her too!" Jesse shot back. Aqua and Jesse glared at each other, it was like blades of lightning smiting at each other in deep hatred. 
Now this is the part where Lavender breaks them up.
Sunflower then looked around, repeating the process.
Where's Lavender?
She spotted the girl.
She was talking to Gabby.
Usually she'd break them up, so it's pretty strange to not see her. 
"I won't lose to someone who has mophair!" Aqua glared at her.
"Look at you, scumbag!" Jesse glared back, slightly clenching her fist. 
Sunflower walked away from them.
Everything has changed. Nothing is the same anymore.
What's worth stopping them two if they'll continue to bicker. 
"Ah, can you help me set up this tent?" Kate questioned Sunflower.
"Ah, sure." Sunflower nodded.
The two girls set up the tent, Kate told her what to do so she didn't mess up on anything important. 
"Hey.." Sunflower muttered as she was setting up the pole.
"What's up?" Kate asked the girl, looking up. 
"Why is everyone so.. Quiet?" Sunflower muttered as she looked around, everyone was keeing to themselves, they weren't very active.
Kate paused for a moment.
"It's probably not my place to tell you." Kate whispered slightly, her face darkening as the seconds rose.
"Then fine, just don't tell me." Sunflower muttered before ditching the pole.
"Its not like that- it's just-- ugh." Kate let out a long sigh in irritation.
Sunflower glared off into the distance with an irritated gaze. 
Why is everyone getting me so mad? Why is everyone else mad? 
What do I do about this? 
"Erm- Sunflower..." Gabby tapped her shoulder.
"Yes?" Sunflower narrowed her eyes to the side.
"Uhm.. I wanted to tell you something that's been going on with me."
Gabby tugged at her sleeve, the girl was clearly nervous. 
Sunflower turned her head to Gabby. "What is it?"
"I.." Gabby choked back on her words.
"It's just that... I.." Gabby mumbled. She looked down for a few seconds before looking up.
"It's nothing that important." Gabby had a fake smile plaster on her face.
"Well, alright." Sunflower nodded slowly, the pink haired girl was hesitating.
"I got the tent all set up! What should we do first?" Kate called out as she stretched her arms.
"I wanna play in the water!" Gabby raised her hand, beaming.
Her attitude changed in a matter of seconds. I find that impressive.
"Let's do that first." Kate smiled.
"Seriously? We're gonna get my clothes wet? Just let me change at least, plus to we have to put all of our luggage in the tent." Elisa pulled her bags out of the minivan.
Sunflower narrowed her eyes in the distance before noticing a familiar building, a very nostalgic building. 
Sunflower was immediately alarmed as she began to understand the realization.
"Ah-." She hid beside the minivan. 
What in the world-. 
What if someone over there comes all the way over here? Why did we come here of all places?
"What are you doing?" Jesse asked the girl.
I can't let them see it, I just can't. I'll bring that barbed wire out from the minivan and place them around the edge so they'll never see it.
"Wait, are you looking at something?" Jesse looked in the direction of the building. 
Act quickly! A force of attack!
Sunflower hugged Jesse.
"W-Wha?!" Jesse's face turned red as she started to panic.
I'm sorry Jesse, but I don't want you to see it, but despite that this is pretty nice.
This might make us awkward but its the only way. "Huggies!" Lavender hugged them both. Sunflower felt Jesse's chest interact with hers.
Lavender, I kid you not you better stop pushing me against her chest.
"A- EEEE!" Jesse broke the hug, she took several steps back. "Oh, what's wrong Jesse?" Lavender had a mischievous grin.
"You know full well what's wrong! You did that on purpose didn't you?" Jesse screeched, her face reddened.
Sunflower covered her mouth, looking away.
Her face began to turn red. I felt them, and they were soft. 
"I'm done changing! Let's go." Elisa walked out of the tent, she had a blue shirt on with white bubbles, underneath that shirt was another shirt that was white.
She had gray shorts on.
"Awe yeah! I'm not gonna hold back Louise!" Kate hugged the shorter girl from behind.
"Eh?! But why target me?" Louise was shocked.
"Because..." Kate whispered the rest in her ear.
"E-Eh?!" Louise's face was red, steam was rising from it.
"Okay?" Kate smiled joyfully.
"B-But.. What if someone..." Louise covered her face, hiding the blush.
"Jesse, I challenge you to a duel in the water." Lavender smiled cheekily. 
"Yeah, sure." Jesse muttered as she looked at Lavender.
What's Jesse's problem? She's been acting awfully cold towards her.
It's not Jesse, but the others as well. Did Lavender do something? 
They walked down the steep hill, carefully.
"I regret wearing shorts, now I'm gonna get my legs dirty and I'm gonna cut them." Elisa groaned in frustration. 
"I'm wearing shorts too, so this is gonna be a pain coming back up here." Aqua pointed out. 
Sunflower stopped by a slouching tree, she went inbetween the hill and the tree.  
"What are you doing?" Jesse questioned the girl as she stopped beside her. 
"This braid is bothering me so I'm gonna change it." Sunflower took out her braid.
"Oh, let me help. You're gonna get your hands dirty." Jesse undid her braid. 
"Oh, wow. Your hair is mega curly." Jesse was amazed. 
"Can you make something that most likely won't get in my way when I'm going down?" Sunflower questioned. 
"Give me your elastic or whatever you have." Jesse held out her hand.
Sunflower handed her the elastic. 
"Thank you very much." Jesse straightened out her hair so it wasn't frizzy, she tied it into a ponytail and laid it onto her left shoulder. 
"Ooo, thank you." Sunflower smiled.
"Ah, wait. A finishing touch." Jesse turned Sunflower's head around.
"Hm?" She looked at her confused. Jesse took a few strands of hair to show her bangs.
"There." Jesse smiled. 
"Thank you Jesse." Sunflower smiled. "You're welcome." Jesse smiled back.
"Hey! What are you two doing up there! We're already down here!" Kate called out, waving her hands in the air. 
"I'll help you down, give me your hand." Jesse held out her hand. 
"Thank you Jesse." Sunflower smiled and grabbed her hand.
Jesse and Sunflower went down the steep hill, holding each other's hand. 
"That's so dusty." Sunflower dusted off her clothes. "Look! The river!" Kate pointed to the current. 
"It's kind of loud now that you think about it." Sunflower looked around. This river connected to the ocean, you can see it in the distance. 
I just hope none of them notice it. My home of course. If one of them had to notice it, i'd predict Erlen would ask first. 
"Let's go." Jesse grabbed her hand. Sunflower smiled. I'm just glad they're all themselves. 
Jesse brought her to the river. "I've always wanted to see a river up close. This is so amazing." Jesse beamed. 
"Isn't it the same as the ocean?" Sunflower questioned the girl. "I guess you can say that, but a river is different. It's small and stretches real far, like a triangle. An ocean is just a big box while a river can connect in so many different ways." Jesse smiled cheekily as she looked at Sunflower. 
"I never looked at rivers that way." Sunflower narrowed her eyes back to river. 
"I kinda find this moment more special." Jesse looked at Sunflower. 
"Why?" Sunflower questioned.
"Because you're here with me. My first time going to a river is with you-- isn't that just amazing?" Jesse's eyes shined. 
"I guess you can put it like that." Sunflower smiled warmly. "Jeez! Don't run off on us like that!" Kate panted as she reached them. 
Sunflower and Jesse let go of each other's hand. "What if you got lost?" Kate sighed. "We would've been able to find you either way." Sunflower pointed out. 
"The trees on the other side look so pretty!" Gabby smiled. 
"This is truly a beautiful discovery." Louise smiled as she looked around. "Please, there is a lot more than this." Erlen stretched her arms as she sat on a big rock. 
"Go and play around." Erlen remained there. Gabby splashed water onto Elisa. 
"You little-- you got my clothes all wet!" Elisa ran into the water, chasing the pink haired girl around. 
Sunflower was confused. They're gonna play in the water? She narrowed her eyes to the far end. Ah, there she is again. Staring at me with those eyes of hatred. 
Sunflower tensed up. She could see Lottie staring at her. Maybe i'm getting these delusions since i'm close to my home. 
Sunflower shook it off, she walked into the water. 
She moved around. It's cold, but i'll adjust to the temperature soon. 
"Sunflower!" Jesse hugged her from behind, both of them falling into the water. "Nice one Jesse!" Aqua praised the girl. 
Water went all over Sunflower. "I'm all wet, it feels so tight." Sunflower sighed. "Whoops." Jesse chuckled. 
Gabby kicked water at Sunflower and Jesse. "Gabby! You big cheat." Jesse splashed water at the girl. 
"Jesse, does this water make me look erotic?" Sunflower got up. Jesse looked at her for a few moments. 
"Wait-- why would you ask me a question like that?!" Jesse's face became red. "Huh? It's not normal to ask a question like that?" Sunflower questioned.
"Well.." Jesse got up from the water. "It certainly does but I don't want anyone seeing you like this but me." Jesse cleared her throat. 
Jesse pushed her to the land. "Erlen, here." Jesse pushed her to Erlen. "What do you want me to do with her?" Erlen questioned.
"I don't know! Just do something, your not wet so give her your shirt." Jesse had puppy eyes. 
"What? I'm not giving anyone my clothes." Erlen gave Jesse a weird look. 
"Okay, now i'm curious. Erlen why aren't you going in the water?" Sunflower questioned the girl. 
Erlen had sweat going down her face, "It's not really a.. valid reason." Erlen cleared her throat. 
"I'm curious now too." Jesse's eyes shined. 
"It's not a good reason so back off." Erlen threw a tiny rock at Jesse's face. "I know why." Gabby smiled. 
"What's the reason?" Jesse and Sunflower looked at Gabby with gleaming eyes. 
"She's scared of the water." Gabby pointed out, smiling. 
"Gabby!" Erlen had a light pink face, she was clearly embarrassed. 
"Where did Kate and Louise go?" Sunflower scanned the water. Lavender, Elisa and Aqua were all splashing each other. 
"Probably went to go make out somewhere." Erlen mumbled. "Make out?" Sunflower questioned. 
"Erlen! Srop saying absurd things when Sunflower is around!" 
Kate stretched her arms. "I can't believe we spent all day playing around in water. Also exploring the woods like champs." 
"I'm pretty tired." Sunflower rubbed her eyes. "Tomorrow we'll have a fire since none of us got wood. I could go now but everyone seems pretty tired." Aqua explained as she looked around. 
"Let's lay out the blankets and pillows." Kate, Lavender and Gabby were all making the bed. 
"I'm so tired." Sunflower mumbled. 
"Me too. Today was kind of rough." Aqua stood beside the girl. 
"I still need to study and stuff, but perhaps i'll do it tomorrow." Sunflower watched them make the bed. 
"If you ever need help I could help you with your studies, Jesse too." Aqua smiled. Sunflower nodded. 
"That'll be a big help," Sunflower smiled to the girl. 
"The beds are ready! Lay down right now or you're sleeping outside." Kate laid down by the wall. 
"It's not fair if you can choose where to sleep first." Elisa mumbled and laid beside the girl. 
"Everything is gonna be so warm but crowded." Gabby smiled. 
Sunflower laid down in the middle. 
"Okay, i'm sorry if I get sleep paralysis." Erlen laid down on the bed. 
Sunflower was inbetween Jesse and Louise. Gabby was at the other end beside Aqua. 
Erlen laid down inbetween Jesse and Aqua. 
"Okay, goodnight." Kate stated as she threw the three blankets at everyone. 
Sunflower snuggled up close to Louise. 
As long as I don't see her face, it won't be a bother. Jesse hugged Sunflower and went closer. 
Louise snuggled up close to Sunflower's chest. 
I hope tomorrow is fun, i'm really looking forward to it. 

Purple Violet Flowers: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now