Chapter 47

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It's been a week and a few days ever since we left the mansion, the girls said it was fun to go to my mansion but it was overwhelming.
Skye apologized so much before we left, she apologized for not hanging out with everyone as much.
There was so much that I wanted to do with my friends but work got in the way so I didn't really get to do anything.
All they did was laze around and stay in my room all day.. They were also suspicious of what all happened during my and Maria's meeting, I didn't tell them about it.
Sunflower sighed and leaned forward, shoving her face on the desk.
They were at Café Greenery now, she was officially 'home.' well, that's what she thought. She believed this was her home now.
At least.. For now, she wanted to enjoy the scenery before she was sent off to Italy. She still had almost a year left to spend time with her friends and enjoy her freedom while she could.
"Emancipated..." Sunflower muttered to herself as she played with her hair, how was she supposed to bring that up to Maria?
She sighed one last time before planting her head on the desk, not knowing what to do.
This is all so confusing..
A soft knock was heard on her door, Sunflower moved her body to the side looking at the door. "Come in." She says.
Gabby opened the door with a big smile on her face, she had her phone in her other hand.
"What's up?" Sunflower looked at Gabby with a curious gaze.
"I've got great news." Gabby looked at Sunflower.
"I'm all ears." Sunflower blinked.
"So.. today there is another carnival. It was kind of unexpected, but I was wondering if you wanted to go. It's at the same place as last time." Gabby asked with a joyful smile on her face.
Sunflower was silent for a few seconds, before looking to the side with a nervous look.
"Eh.. I'm not sure.. If I should.. Or y'know, something... like, go or anything." Sunflower cleared her throat, becoming nervous.
"Why not? We all went last time and had the time of our lives." Gabby smiled with her head tilted slightly to the side.
"Well, things were different then.." Sunflower mumbled, looking back at her desk with a faint blush on her cheeks.

"If you're thinking something like that will happen again we could all make sure that it won't happen another time."
"What are you on about?" Sunflower stared at Gabby with disbelief, don't tell me she knows?
"Remember that coaster incident? The one Lavender brought you on? That's what I meant, unless there's something else..?" Gabby had a slight smug look on her face.
"What else would there be?" Sunflower turned her head to the desk, a faint blush on her face as she started muttering to herself.
"So, is it a yes or no?" Gabby asked Sunflower with a smile. She was hesitant. There's no way that could happen, so why should I worry?
I'm pretty sure I already know how Jesse feels, you could tell from the look on her face.
"Sunflower?" Gabby looked at her with a curious look.
"I..I guess.." Sunflower played with her hair, looking at her desk.
"Great! I'll tell the others, hopefully everyone could make it. Elisa will probably get mad for asking at the last minute." Gabby chuckled. "What time are we going?" Sunflower asked Gabby.
"In about two hours, I'll call everyone to see If they want to come." Gabby did a peace sign before walking out.
Sunflower walked to her bed, she laid down before shoving the pillow in her face. How am I supposed to go now? After thinking about Jesse- I don't think I'll last.
I'll be with her all day- beside her, and talking to her.
This is too much!
What am I going to do? I can't just avoid her all day. Should I act like nothing happened? I think that's the best solution right now, it's just to avoid awkwardness of any sort.
I can't just show it off like I want to, so I'll try my best.
Sunflower walked down the stairs, she poked her head from the staircase.
"What's up." Erlen waved, she was sitting at a table.
"Is it just you so far?" Sunflower made her way to the table.
"Elisa wanted to look extra special for today, and Lavender just woke up when I left."
"Seriously? It's almost three pm."
"I don't know, she was up all night being loud and stuff. I don't know what she was doing, though." Erlen shrugged.

"Did you see Jesse getting ready on your way here?" Sunflower asked Erlen with a curious look on her face.
"She may live underneath us, but no, her door was kinda open so maybe she is already on her way here." Erlen shrugged.
"Ah, I see." Sunflower sat down beside Erlen, watching the door.
"Who are you expecting?" Erlen questioned the girl.
"I don't know..." Sunflower muttered, putting her hand on her cheek.
The bell dinged open. "We're here." Lavender walked in and waved. Elisa walked in before her, she had a white sweater on with black and gray stripes, her hair looked more curly than usual.
The girl truly looked very pretty.
"Cherry Pie! I haven't seen you in such a long time! Come give me a kiss!" Lavender walked to Sunflower and tried to hug her, Elisa pulled Lavender back from the collar of her shirt.
"Awh man.." Lavender mumbled and frowned.
"We told you to stop it." Elisa looks down at Lavender.
"I just can't help myself y'know?" Lavender says with a chuckle.
Sunflower decided if Aqua were to come she'd hang out with the girl, she didn't really hang out with her as much. She felt bad for leaving her out on things.
Sunflower continued to stare at the door.
"Who're you waiting for? I bet Jesse." Lavender smiles cheekily before sitting by Sunflower.
"Er- No, not really." Sunflower cleared her throat with a faint blush on her face.
"Aw- Cherry Pie is blushing." Lavender leaned forward with a smug look on her face.
"That has nothing to do with what's happening now. You always bring up unnecessary things." Sunflower looked at Lavender.
"It's what I do, I can't just stand around and not tease a cutie like you." Lavender smiled, she put both of her hands on her both of her cheeks, she then stared at Sunflower with dreamy eyes.
The mood was ruined for Sunflower once she saw Lavender's sleeve roll down from her wrist, her eyes locked onto her exposed wrist, she could see skinny faint scars.
"Okay, that's enough flirting for today." Kate says as she walks down the stairs.
"I can't hold myself back today." Lavender flashed finger guns at Kate, winking.
Sunflower was deeply confused by Lavender's wrists, but she then decided to ask her a question to ignore those 'scars'.
"On your way here, did you see Aqua coming?" Sunflower questioned Lavender.
"Nope, she lives in the country with her family." Lavender replied back, moving her sleeve back to where it was originally.
"It's pretty rare to see you asking for Aqua." Kate says as she leans on the table across from Erlen and Sunflower.
"I just wanted to hang out with her for at least a little while. I feel bad for not having a proper friendship with her." Sunflower says with a sigh.
"Aqua has always helped her parents with sports practice or some bullshit relating to that, as if she'd ever get the chance to come." Elisa says as she looks at her phone.
"What is bullshit?" Sunflower muttered.
"It's just a curse word, don't pay attention to those." Kate says, while shooting a look at Elisa.
"I kinda agree with Elisa, Aqua is always hanging out with the Soccer Club and helping her parents with sports practice. I don't think she'll have the time to hang out with us." Erlen says.
"Sunflower might be an exception for Aqua, it's Aqua we're talking about." Lavender grins.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot." Erlen let out a small chuckle.
"When are they going to be here?" Kate watched the door, muttering.
"Jesse's probably slacking off because- y'know?" Elisa looks at Sunflower.
The four girls all looked at her.
"Eh- What?" Sunflower became embarrassed by their stares.
"Are you going to kiss her again?" Kate teased with a smug look on her face.
"What are you talking about? Again? You got everything wrong here.." Sunflower muttered the last part with blush fluttering on her cheeks.
"That's what they all say." Lavender shrugged, letting a smile cross her face.
"What are you all talking about?" Gabby's head appeared from the staircase.
"They're assuming I kissed Jesse." Sunflower frowned.
"I thought it was true?" Gabby asked with a confused look as she walked towards them.
"I don't know where you got that information from but I can say that it Isn't true." Sunflower says as she looked in the air with a slightly grumpy face, her eyes were closed to avoid any embarrassment.
"Damn. How stubborn about it can you really be?" Erlen chuckled slightly.
"No- Nothing happened, there Is nothing to say." Sunflower frowned.
The door was soon opened by Louise, Aqua and Jesse.
"We got drinks!" Jesse held the bag in the air, smiling.
"Where did you three come from?" Kate questioned the three girls.
"Well.. I was walking on the sidewalk when I saw Jesse walking out of the convenience store with two bags so I went to greet her. We both saw Aqua and decided to walk with her." Louise explains.
"Very kind of you to get drinks at least." Elisa says as she was still scrolling through her phone.
"Are we going the same way as last time?" Aqua questioned Gabby.
"Yep, we can't just run through the woods like animals." Gabby giggled with a smile on her face.
"Oh- I didn't know what to get so you can just pick." Jesse put the two bags on the table.
"It would be cool to barge through the woods." Sunflower pointed out.

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