Chapter Three: Two Peaceful Days

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I open my eyes and, for a moment, I lose conscience of where I am. There is a strange silence that makes me believe I'm not in the camp anymore. No voices, no footsteps, no jingle of bottles or cups, just a few birds somewhere in the distance.

I get up and walk outside to find a camp half empty with just a couple of people awake and I wonder what time did they go to bed last night.

First thing, some coffee. This time I find the coffee pot abandoned to itself and I immediately pour myself some.

As I take some slow sips, tasting the dark liquid that feels like life itself, I spot Miss Grimshaw in the distance, busy cleaning a table from the empty bottles be left there.

Maybe I should help. That or... idle around lost in my thoughts. No, I promised to myself I should never get lost in my thoughts. It's too painful, and dangerous. I have to keep always busy.

I leave the cup on the table and reach the woman.

"Morning Miss Grimshaw. May I help you?" I ask politely.

"I thought I'd never hear these words! Start with the plates, we'll need them for lunch."

When I get to the kitchen, someone else is already waiting for me.

"Morning Miss. Would you mind helping me with the stew today? Mrs. Adler is unwell" says Mr. Pearson showing up from behind the supply cart.

"Of course, let me finish here first" I reply pointing at the pile of dirty dishes.

I spend my day helping a little here and a little there. Take the water, move the hay, take care of the horses, chop the wood... It never ends. And then no one seems willing to work: the girls idle the day away: someone reads, someone embroils... Men are worse, they spend the entire day drinking and sleeping. The only one that I've actually seen working is Charles, apart from Miss Grimshaw and Mr. Pearson, of course. Sean, who promised so many things yesterday, is lying under a tree doing I don't know what with a knife.

I can't complain though: more work for me means a better chance to become acquainted with them and to gain their trust. Soon, I hope to be able to ask them questions without making them suspicious.

Besides, I must try and get as much work outside the camp as I can, so to scout the place, meet new people, maybe members of other gangs, other criminals, whoever can give me the information I need.

For lunch I take something from the cart where they keep all the food. While I eat, I realize I haven't seen neither Morgan nor Hosea for the entire morning. I guess their out for some job.

In the afternoon I decide to take care of the horses, and especially my Isabella, who needs a good grooming. She's not the only one though. There is more than one horse which is not exactly clean, like the big brown plow horse who belongs to Bill, the man who gave me the warm welcome when I came here.

I'm just cleaning the mantle of one of them when, out of the corner of my eye, I notice a shape standing still next to me.

I turn around and smile to the little boy. He looks like a sweet child, with those sad eyes and little nose. Son of Abigail, from my understanding, and the man with the scarred face, John. I wonder what kind of life he has been living, if he has ever had a real childhood, like all children deserve.

"Do you like horses?" I ask.


Well, a child of few words.

"Do you know how to ride one?"

He shakes his head.

"Would you like to go riding with me sometimes?"

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