Chapter Eighteen: Disobedience

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Why he has to stay there? With all the places around camp, right there, where I have to go. I have no other choice, though. I take a deep breath and draw closer.

"Have you seen Miss O'Shea?" I ask coldly.

He slowly raises his eyes on me with that usual mock that annoys everybody here in camp. And especially me.

"Morning to you" he says with a greasy smile.

"You're waisting my time, Micah. Have you seen Dutch at least?"


I snort and turn around. It looks like I have to find someone else. Easily done. Not far from Dutch's tent, where Micah put down roots this morning, sitting at the table and reading his book there's Hosea.

"Good morning" I say walking to him.


"Of course, you're kind with him" I hear Micah saying behind me, but I ignore him.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but... do you have a piece of paper? I have to write a letter" I say sitting on the chair in front of him.

"Yes, I think... here" he murmurs looking inside his sack.

"Thank you."

I smooth the piece of paper on the table and take the pen Miss O'Shea gave me.

After what happened in the last few days, I have completely forgot about Albert, who by now will be so worried since he didn't receive an answer to his last letter.

I stare at the white page, looking for the best words I could use.

Dear Albert...

I hear footsteps and turning around I see Arthur walking past me. He approaches Dutch's tent, clearly looking for him, but just like me he has the misfortune to stumble into Micah.

"Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called..." he starts, but Arthur isn't even listening to him, his attention caught by Molly passing nearby.

"Hey Molly, where's Dutch?"

With an angry movement of her hand she walks away. Nobody seems to be in the right mood today. Before I've met Abigail, and she seems pretty worked up too.

"Well... however it goes" ends Micah when he understands nobody is listening to him.

"I'm not sure that line of thought serves you or me very well" says Arthur.

"Well that's because, cowpoke, you are a man of profoundly limited intelligence" replies Micah.

Yeah, look who's talking. I let out a snort and try to focus again on my letter, but I can't help listening to their conversation.

"While you and the old man and Dutch have been running around digging us ever deeper into shit, old Mr. Pearson might have gone and lightened the load a little. Pearson!" Micah calls out.

What the hell is he talking about? Maybe this thing is more interesting than I thought it would be. Raising my eyes form the paper, it gives me the impression that even Hosea now is carefully listening to them.

Mr. Pearson and Dutch arrive at the same moment so that now the cook can explain whatever he has to explain to the boss himself.

"It's peace, Dutch... the O'Driscolls... I mean, I think there's a way."

"What on earth are you talking about?" asks Dutch.

"I met a couple of the O'Driscoll boys on the road into town, things were about to get ugly, but you know how I am in a fight, huh? Like a cornered tiger" says Pearson laughing.

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