Chapter ThirtyThree: Beaver Hollow

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This morning the camp is covered by a light, yellow mist that makes the place even more creepy and hateful than usual. And I'm not the only one who suffers the effect of the weather: everybody seems to be more nervous.

I notice that as I pour myself some coffee and Mr. Pearson walks past me carrying supply boxes and talking anxiously with Arthur about what happened recently. And then when I walk past Abigail and Sadie, who are arguing about something relating John - which is strange because they never argue.

As I take short sips from my cup, I look around and spot Charles in the distance, among the fog, seated on a box and shaping an axe. Next to him there are more weapons waiting for being cleaned and shaped. A usual practice. I've seen him doing it often.

"Good morning" I say drawing closer and sitting next to him.

"Morning" he replies. He doesn't turn his head to look at me and his voice is nothing more than a murmur. I'm starting to know him, day by day a little more, and I know that this behavior means today he's not in the mood for talking. So I stay quiet, sip my coffee and just look at him working.

After some minutes, Arthur approaches, stopping right in front of us. I look up at him and we exchange a quick look.

"Charles... would you ride with me?" he asks.

"Always" replies Charles standing up.

"Where are you going?" I inquire doing the same.

"Up past Butcher Creek" says Arthur.

Charles freezes and they look right in the eye in a way that I really don't like.

"That's Murfree Brood country" states Charles.

"That's why I'm asking you to ride with me" Arthur replies.

"What? What does it mean? Is it a dangerous place?" I ask.

Charles turns around to take some of the weapons beside him and Arthur glances at me before staring at the ground and sighing. There's no need for them to answer, their silence is already telling me anything I need to know.

"I'm coming" I say.

The word, pronounced in a dry and direct way, doesn't come from Arthur, but from Charles. Strange, he never denied me to go anywhere. Why now?

"We've done a lot of dangerous things together, why not this?" I ask.

"Because you don't know the people who live in that place. What are we doing there?" he adds addressing Arthur and walking past me, ignoring my complaining expression.

"We're looking for a place to hole up" replies Arthur following him.

"If it's really that dangerous, why are we moving there?" I ask chasing them.

"Cause there even the law won't follow us too willingly. It's a good place to hide" answers Arthur.

"I did some scouting up there while you boys were away..." starts Charles.

"Oh, so that's how it works? You don't want me to come because it's dangerous, but you went up there all alone?"
I grab his arm making him stop and look at my annoyed face.

"Don't insist. You're not coming" he says firmly.

"I am. You should have told me when you went to that place."

"No, you're not. I didn't know it was this dangerous till I saw it."

"Yes, I am. You can't stop me."

I cross my arms on my chest, smiling when he rolls his eyes.

"What do you think?" I ask to Arthur.

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