Chapter Eight: Leviticus Cornwall

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"Van der Linde!"

Dutch and Arthur raise their heads and exchange a look.

"Get out here!"

It's a man, shouting at the top of his voice from the street.

"Van der Linde! Get out now!"

He's angry, furious I'd say.

Dutch and Arthur, squinting their eyes, stand up to peek from the window of the saloon.

"Van der Linde! You don't know me and you keep robbing me."

I do the same and approach the other front window. The man who's shouting is at horseback, white hair, well dressed. He looks like a business man.

"My name is Leviticus Cornwall and I am not the man to be messed with by the likes of you!"


The same day, a few hours before.

Coffee. I smell coffee, and firewood, and grass and opening my eyes, I blink a couple of times in the twilight. The sun is still low on the horizon. It must be very early.


I sit up rubbing my eyes and smile at Arthur. It looks like he's already awake from a long time.

"Have you slept at all?" I joke.

"Course I have. Coffee?"

"Yep, thanks."

"I'm going to Valentine to see what John's up to."

"Oh, I'm coming too."

He hands me a cup of coffee with a questioning look.

"I need to check something" I add.

"Uh, okay."


We get to Valentine about one hour later. We split up at the entrance and I immediately head to the post office.

Just like a couple of days ago, I find nothing there. Not that I expected differently. While I'm here, I think I'll check if Jack's toy is ready.

"Good morning, you've got something for me?" I ask to the chief builder.

"Welcome back! Yes, I have. Just wait here for a second" he replies walking inside the house... or restaurant, whatever they're going to do with this place.

He comes out after a little with the little wooden horse in his hands.

"Thank you, it's great. The boy will be really pleased. And thank your man for me and give these to him, for the bother" I add putting a few dollars in his hands.

I mount on Isabella and decide to take a quick look around town tying to remember if I have something else to do.

Who knows how many months I have to wait before I'll receive that letter. If I'll ever receive it. I definitely have to start to ask questions to the gang members. Uncle and Javier knew nothing the other day, but maybe the others are more informed.

I pass the gunsmith, the doctor, the Sheriff...

Jeez, I had almost forgot how this place always smells like. Every time I put a foot in this place...

I pull Isabella's reins to make her stop. I have just reached the second saloon of the town and tied right in front of it there is... The Count. Dutch's horse.

What the hell is he doing here? It seems so odd that he leaves camp to come in such a sleazy place.

"Hey! You want to move or what?"

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