Chapter Ten: Love & Hate

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A pat on my shoulder makes me jump and forces me to open my eyes. I rub the spot where Arthur hit me, cursing his absence of gentleness, and with a quick look at the lights of the dawn reflecting on the lake, I get up to welcome the rest of the group.

"Hello Arthur! Miss Faraday!" I hear the distant voice of Dutch greeting.

He is on one of the wagons, right next to him is seated Charles who receives the reins as soon as Dutch decides to jump down to walk towards us.

"Miss Grimshaw, Mr. Pearson, put everyone to work. Make this place a home" he commands to the people leading the rest of the caravan.

I leave him and Arthur alone to discuss their things and start walking after Miss Grimshaw's cart to receive my orders.

"Miss Faraday you'll help Mr. Pearson with the kitchen and then me with Dutch and Arthur's tents. When you'll finish you can take care of yours, that's the rule."

"Sure, Miss Grimshaw."

For the entire morning I unload wagons, place the furniture, assemble tents, and like me almost everybody else is doing the same. For the first time, I'm not hearing any complain, except those of Miss Grimshaw when she sees we're not doing it as it should be done.

At noon we all take a little pause to eat something and then back again to work. Only in the late afternoon I can concentrate completely on my own tent.

I take the white piece of rolled cloth from the wagon and place it on the ground. Next to me, Abigail and John have already assembled theirs and now Abigail is on the inside, finding a good place for her few belongings.

Then, I go ask around for some sticks, wires, nails and a hammer, but when I come back and I see the work that awaits for me, that little strength I still have leaves my body and I let everything fall on the ground.

That little sleep I had last night wasn't enough and all the fatigue of the day is starting to be felt. I sit on the ground next to the unrolled tent and feel all my muscle ache. My arms, my legs, my back. There isn't a single spot that doesn't hurt.

"You okay?"

I lift my head and look at Charles, who has stopped a couple of steps away from me.

"Hey. Yeah, I'm fine, just... too tired for this" I say pointing at the tent.

Without a word he walks closer and crouches next to me, taking the hammer and a couple of nails from the ground.

"No no no, Charles, you don't have to" I say reaching out a hand to grab his arm and stop him.

"I'll do it, just give me a moment."

"Let me help" he murmurs placing one nail on the ground.

I don't want him to do anything for me, I'm more that capable to do it on my own.

I lift on my knees and take another nail waiting for a good moment to take the hammer from his hands.

He notices my movement and with a little curve on his lips he places a hand on my shoulder he gently pushes me back to my place.

"Sit" he murmurs.

I smile at his act of kindness. He can be so sweet sometimes. But again he doesn't have to do anything for me.

I slowly stand up and start placing the first stick on the ground.

"You stubborn, huh?" jokes Charles and again I smile at him when he looks up at me.

I must say, plant a tent with another person is much easier and faster than do it by myself. As we finish, I thank him and head to the wagon to take my things, but I don't have the time to take the sack that he walks past me and takes it for me, bringing it back to my tent.

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